Fast forward: Where will Stanzi rank all time for an Iowa qb?

won't ever give it up?! that's kind of putting a dark cloud on the future, wouldn't ya say? lol

Nah lol. He was just so good that we could have a Brad Banks here every year, and they just wouldn't measure up. That's not a bad consolation at all.
Using Bowl wins as any type of standard in a debate like this is a joke. Of course a QB of today will likely have more bowl wins. How many more bowls are open to an Iowa QB now than 30 years ago? 50 years ago?

True, there are more bowls to play in but your point doesn't make a ton of sense. If The Americanzi was 7-5 every year and playing bowl games in San Antonio, then your point is well taken. Given the fact he has an 82% winning percentage and comparing 'like' bowls (BCS to BCS) then we can compare different eras a bit easier. However the game has changed so much from when Duncan played it is almost impossible to compare the two. Couple the fact most fans who post weren't around to witness those great players.

No doubt about it, a win is a win. If the Hawks can win another BCS type bowl, Big Ten Championship, make it to the NCG, or any combination of the three, we would all take it and giggle like children. When that happens, Stanzi will have to be in the discussion of first or second of all time. I would almost say number one because let's face it, not too many of us had ever heard of Mentor, Ohio. So for an unheralded kid to bust his tail and lead the Hawks to the success he's had...uber impressive.

If Stanzi leads us to the national championship game, then I have to put him #1 just ahead of Long. Short of that, Long is #1 and Stanzi #2. However, A big ten championship and a rose bowl berth would make it very close call and a heated debate. Lets hope we have this debate in January! Go Hawks!!

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