Fanstastic Vandenberg throw to CJF at Kids Day


Well-Known Member
I caught this amazing throw to Fiedorowicz at the open practice the other day. I thought I would share. Over on the extreme left of the screen as the video starts you will see CJF having come out of his stance already with Kirksey's hand wrapped around him and Pratter will be just off the screen to the left. Vberg sees him and pulls off a perfect pump-fake to draw Pratter down just a step. It works and you can see Prater's feet pointed back towards the O-line as Prater takes a step. This pulls him off just enough for Vberg to put the ball just outside of CJF and ONLY where the TE can reach it.

Just as amazing as the throw is the catch, having to leap as he turns and use ALL of his height to get the ball. I have to think that had he not been held earlier in the play he would have been more under the ball and could have scored. See for yourselves:

[ame=]Vandenberg Throw to CJ Fiedorowicz - YouTube[/ame]
That clip just got me more excited for the season to start than anything else today. I am ready for some football. Thanks for sharing.
It was a fantastic throw AND a fantastic grab. If Vberg had not pump faked Prater would have been over the top of CJF. Vberg literally pulled Prater off and then put it where ONLY a 6-7 TE could get the ball. That isn't easy - in fact that is what you expect out of an experienced veteran of the game.
Why is prater biting on a pump fake? That's concerning.

Prater is the biggest "gambler" cb we've had in years. He will make big plays, he will also get beat. Luckily because of his quickness and reaction speed he is able to react and correct most of the time.
Actually it wasn't that great a catch and it was a fantastic throw. CJ crossed his hands, which took him off balance and ended up making him go down.

He should have caught the out in front of him and strolled into the endzone. You can tell he realized this when he pounded the ground after the play.
well I thought it was a good throw. He threw it where only his guy could get it, tight coverage.
Except that the Safety bit on the pump fake as well. Though, in their defense, it was a pretty good pump fake. In fact, I've never seen better from a college QB.

Stanzi had a pretty good one, too. But Vandy's, at least on that play, was more impressive. He's much quicker to reload and fire where he REALLY wants to go with the ball. Ricky was a little more deliberate.

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