Fan's temper worries me


After he got the tech, during he timeout did you see him pick up a chair and slam it back down on the floor as he was ripping into the players? I'm worried that he will lose his players, or recruits.

I guess I don't understand what the point of that was at that time of the game. Down by 30ish why rip into the players. It's seems at that point you should be teaching, since the game is over.

Wonder what the players thoughts are about him.

Just my thoughts
After he got the tech, during he timeout did you see him pick up a chair and slam it back down on the floor as he was ripping into the players? I'm worried that he will lose his players, or recruits.

I guess I don't understand what the point of that was at that time of the game. Down by 30ish why rip into the players. It's seems at that point you should be teaching, since the game is over.

Wonder what the players thoughts are about him.

Just my thoughts

They probably thought, wow, wer're playing like crap and now coach is angry.
He's trying to instill an attitude that losing is not acceptable. He's still in the process of changing the culture, and as he continues to bring in his players, guys he feel have the competitive spirit needed, I think we'll see less tantrums.
Because if you are a good coach you don't give a damn what the score is if you aren't getting what you think you should out of your players. I was listening to Dolph and Bobby when it happened. They said he was basically telling them to get tough and if you are getting hammered on offense(which we were) hammer them back when you are on defense. If the refs are going to let you play you have to adjust.
I hope he doesn't take it too far, but it's better than the "head-in hands" sideline behavior that Lick had. I think players and recruits would find that more offputting than being yelled at.
I am not sure the technicals are masterly planned or he thinks it out and does it to send a message. I think he just is not used to getting totally embarressed and loses it in those situations.

Which all in all is probably a good thing. I don't think Tom Izzo would be master motivator or calm teaching guy if his team was getting pounded by 20+.

I kinda like it! :p
No one knows the content of his rants towards his players. If guys start leaving the team, then you'll know.....otherwise, I actually appreciate his fire. The refs and players needed a pick me up.....what I don't like is that he only gets T's when we're losing badly.
He is going down fighting which I like. Beats burying his head in the sand or scribbling on a notepad all game long......
I've had 2 coaches like Fran. One of them screamed so hard at halftime that his fake teeth fell out and hit a kid in the head. I should have laughed, but was scared too.

The second coach slammed his clipboard so hard against a locker that it broke and hit a teammate in the head. I should have laughed, but was scared too.

Both of those coaches left an impression on me that has lasted a lifetime. They were both tough and hard to play for at times, but they both made me want to get better as an athlete and play harder.
The clip of him throwing his chair is now making its way around the Twitterverse. It is rather embarrassing when I watch it again. Not a good thing to be known for that is for sure.
I'm sure it's more frustrating for Fran than us fans to see Iowa play so poorly when we have shown flashes of being a good team. One thing this team and the football team has in common is no consistency.
No one knows the content of his rants towards his players. If guys start leaving the team, then you'll know.....otherwise, I actually appreciate his fire. The refs and players needed a pick me up.....what I don't like is that he only gets T's when we're losing badly.

The UNI game was a one point game.
I think temper is bad if you are yelling at your kids for physical mistakes. It's not their fault they are not as talented as the other team's player.

I don't mind some yelling for mental/hustle issues. I think it was fairly obvious some players were not "competing' very well, ie, not bringing maximum energy or not being mentally focused.

I got the feeling he thought his kids had partially quit.
I wanted to throw a chair watching 4 guys on defense collapse into the paint, stand straight up and down, and then float back to defend the 3.
No one knows the content of his rants towards his players. If guys start leaving the team, then you'll know.....otherwise, I actually appreciate his fire. The refs and players needed a pick me up.....what I don't like is that he only gets T's when we're losing badly.

I doubt he is saying anything the shocks the players. They all seem to like the guy and I assume most realize he is chewing butt because he likes them and wants them to get better. It's not like he is putting his hands on the players and assaulting them.

I think he gets T's when Iowa is losing badly because he is frustrated. I would rather him get a T when it does not affect the flow of the game. I just see this as him venting, nothing really calculated just a frustrated man.

I don't think Iowa lacks fire. There are plenty of players who play with an attitude; Gatens, Basabe, White, McCabe. Iowa just is not that talented and lack of talent should not be confused with effort. You can dive all over the place, slap the floor, and all that junk but when you are flat out worse than your opponent all of that means nothing other than it might look good.

MSU was on top of their game and just have WAY more talent than Iowa does. You would hope MSU is not clicking on all cylinders and Iowa keeps it closer than it was but Iowa just does not have the talent to consistently hang with the top 6 teams in the Big 10 over the course of a 40 minute game.
I hope he doesn't take it too far, but it's better than the "head-in hands" sideline behavior that Lick had. I think players and recruits would find that more offputting than being yelled at.

Lick was the worst. I liked Tom Davis, but the way he would nod his head and clap when we were down 20 would drive me nuts. I like that Fran shows some real emotion

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