Fall weddings and football (w/ Iowa fan pic)

Last year my daughter got married on the same day as PSU game, you know, the black and gold striped one. My brother- in- law and I made the service and a couple of house of reception then left for the game. I tried like help to get her to pick another date but she refused and since we have season tix, even my wife was ok with me leaving to go to the game. I have the best wife in the world.

WOW....I've always said that I would miss my brother's wedding if he had the wedding on a Hawkeye Football Saturday but I was just joking. I have missed my best friends' wedding for the Gold Out Game against OSU in 2006 but I doubt I would skip out on a family member's wedding. I haven't missed a home game since the 2002 season (62 straight), but I don't believe I would skip out on my daughter's wedding reception.

This does crack me up though. You definitely are a die hard Hawkeye fan.

By the way, I am getting married next July and I made it abundantly clear, That I WILL NOT GET MARRIED DURING FOOTBALL SEASON!!
I got married on the 10th, but one of the stipulations was that it had to be well after the game should have ended, which we agreed on 4:30. Had plenty of time to watch that horrible game and at least I can say that my Saturday ended much better than it was prior to the wedding compared to others.

And honestly, if you place football above marrying someone, then you really need to re-check your priorities in life or at least find a woman that it doesn't matter if it's on gameday or not and will miss a game for her.[/QUOTE]

if the woman is worth marrying, she will respect the fact that something means that much to you and not force you to miss it

Which is why I was still able to watch the game prior to the wedding. ;)
I have my wedding coming up on October 21st. My fiance wanted a fall wedding. I said the only way that would happen is if we did the wedding on a Friday night and had a tailgate brunch the next morning to watch the Iowa game. She agreed. I got a good woman!

Dude, hang on to her. Winner indeed.
One of my good friends got married during the Iowa/ISU game in 2006 up in the Twin Cities. I wasn't happy about the date but in the weeks before the wedding we found out the game was going to be carried on TV up there so that we could at least watch it. Got to see the whole game and left for the ceremony as soon as the game ended. When I got back to Iowa I found out that for some reason the feed was lost on it locally so most people missed most if not all of the 1st quarter until the glitch was fixed but we didn't have that issue at all.

So, I went from being peeved thinking I wasn't going to be able to see the game to being able to see it and then lucking out that had I not been in the Twin Cities I would have actually missed some of it. Guess I can say I actually benefited from having a wedding on game day.

Of course my brother then got married in Florida last year on opening day but thankfully he planned it at sunset and even more thankfully the BTN exists so that finding the game wasn't an issue at all.
I have my wedding coming up on October 21st. My fiance wanted a fall wedding. I said the only way that would happen is if we did the wedding on a Friday night and had a tailgate brunch the next morning to watch the Iowa game. She agreed. I got a good woman!

You have chosen..... wisely. (Apologies to Indiana Jones)
we got hitched at the end of November ... Iowa Football season was always over by then

except now that they extended the season, our anniversary is the same day as Iowa/Nebraska
One of the big problems with trying to schedule around college football, especially in October and November is that games are often not given an official time slot until less than two weeks before the game. For example, I'm going to a wedding on October 8, the day Iowa plays Penn State. The wedding is at 4:30, so if kickoff is at 11 or 7, we'll be fine; however, if it's a 2:30 kick, we'll miss a good chunk of the game. We're all kind of in limbo until the game time gets announced on Monday. The thing is, I know why they picked their date, and I actually mostly agree with their reasoning. I'm not exactly upset with them, just nervous about missing the game.
Also, looking closely at that picture, especially the way the lighting is in it, I would be willing to bet that it was taken inside. I'm thinking it is an '06 Alamo Bowl picture.

Follow-up: Here's an article about this on BHGP:

Angry Iowa Fan Is Angry

A poster points out that the fan behind the Iowa fan is wearing a coat that might be burnt orange. Also, the yellow pom-poms that the fan is holding were set out on the seats in the Iowa section for that game. Also, the colored bracelets that the guy is wearing are definitely post-Livestrong (so post 2004). This was very, very likely taken at the '06 Alamo Bowl.
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We made sure our wedding was the week before football last year, August 28(?). We didnt want to have people, like me, more interested in the game than the wedding. My son's birthday is September 12th, always around Iowa vs Iowa State though.
Married the week before ISU game 2002. Watched that game on a 13 inch tv in a b&b with my bride on our honeymoon. She is still awesome.
For the millionth time, there is absolutely no problem with people that schedule weddings on fall Saturdays.

The entirety of the problem lies with the morons that actually agree to give up football and attend these things.

If people stopped going, there would cease to be a problem.

Otherwise, shut the F up and have fun at your wedding. I have absolutely no sympathy for you.
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My cousin(he went to undergrad at Drake but masters at Iowa) son is getting married the weekend of the Michigan game in MSP. Said I would go. Fortunately the wedding is on Sunday but there is some family deal on Saturday night. Wont be at home but will be able to watch in bar.

Jewish no weddings on Saturday fortunately. Last bar mitzvah I went to I spent most of the reception in a hotel at the bar watching the game. You have to keep your priorities straight.

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