"Faking" a punt - my thoughts


Well-Known Member
Lining ones team up as to suggest the punter intends to strike the ball with his foot and then proceeding to have said punter take off at full gallop? Seems underhanded to me - anyone else?

I'll take it a step further - it strikes me as uncouth, unmanly, and I daresay it's just not cricket, old boy!
Bruce Lee once said in the movie Enter the Dragon, "Never take your eye off your opponent, even when you bow."

Maybe that should be posted in the Iowa weight room and everywhere else, including Ferentz's scratch pad.
Lining ones team up as to suggest the punter intends to strike the ball with his foot and then proceeding to have said punter take off at full gallop? Seems underhanded to me - anyone else?

I'll take it a step further - it strikes me as uncouth, unmanly, and I daresay it's just not cricket, old boy!
By Jove, its as queer as a nine bob note, it is. Right you are, then!
If you listen to the player interviews, they all said they knew the fake was coming. I don't know about you, but I saw 10 blackshirts running the opposite way. They had no ******* clue!
Pretending to hand the ball to the RB, only to hide it behind your leg in order to throw an open pass.....is just as cowardly!
If you listen to the player interviews, they all said they knew the fake was coming. I don't know about you, but I saw 10 blackshirts running the opposite way. They had no ******* clue!

No effin way they knew that fake was coming the punter could have ate a ham sandwich before he took off to run and he would have still gained 20 or so yards.
Whilst employing the use of the false punt may display a sort of cleverness common amongst the lower classes, the coaches who do so will never be able to refer to themselves as true sporting gentlemen.
Pretty soon, teams will come out in punt formation on 1st, 2nd and 3rd downs. Looks like an easy 30 yard gain...even when Iowa staff and players say they were ready.
I don't know why I come here to relive the once again painful results. I don't think the fake punt cost us the game, but the comments about it afterwards from the staff are about enough for me to start driving to Evanston 7 weekend every fall.
It just hit me, the special teams players are like Dory in Finding Nemo...no short term memory. They hear "watch the fake" and then they...welll..they forget.

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