Expectations/Status of Fanbase question


Well-Known Member
General question for the fanbase here, just based on a conversation I had. Everybody including myself is just on a default of trying to find an uptempo guy. A guy I spoke with said that was a bad idea because he thought the fanbase was looking for a quick fix and running with the current roster would be really difficult and wouldn’t yield results immediately.

I said I thought it was important to implement the system the coach and fans are looking for and people weren’t necessarily looking for a quick fix, they had just lost faith in Lick turning it around on any time frame. Am I off base here? Unless the coach brings a ton of recruits with him I just don’t see there being a lot of success next year in an uptempo system.
I do think people want a quick fix. Sadly, I don't see it coming. I don't imagine we'll be lucky enough to have a guy (like Ferentz) who can turn the program completely around in 3-4 years. Instead, I can imagine going through two or three coaches before we become a solid contender again.
I'm looking for an up tempo coach, not somebody that puts me to sleep and can sell the program (recruit). I don't care what style of basketball he coaches as long it a winning style.
General question for the fanbase here, just based on a conversation I had. Everybody including myself is just on a default of trying to find an uptempo guy. A guy I spoke with said that was a bad idea because he thought the fanbase was looking for a quick fix and running with the current roster would be really difficult and wouldn’t yield results immediately.

I said I thought it was important to implement the system the coach and fans are looking for and people weren’t necessarily looking for a quick fix, they had just lost faith in Lick turning it around on any time frame. Am I off base here? Unless the coach brings a ton of recruits with him I just don’t see there being a lot of success next year in an uptempo system.

Correct. I don't think there is going to be much success regardless of the system that is ran so in my mind we might as well be at least try and be up tempo...I'm sure the players that we have right now at some point in their careers all played uptempo basketball.
I'm not of the opinion that these guys can't run.. We don't have a big guys that can't get up and down the court. Cully, Gatens, May, and Fuller are all athletic enough to run. I'm not too sure about Larson, but I'm sure that RMJ, ZM, and BB can run. The question is, can these same guys DICTATE an uptempo game? Press, rebound with quick outlet. It's all about putting pressure on the opposing team on both offense and defense.
I want to be in the NCAA Tournament in 3 years, thats it. After that I want to go back every other year. Give me that and I am happy
I think experience has shown us that regardless of the coach...the style of play...or any other factor...fans will show up to watch and support winning basketball. A one year drought...maybe two depending on recent history can be tolerated and fans will still show up...but extended droughts regardless of style of play will yield small crowds.

In fact...in some instances I think a down year hasn't hurt at all because during good years tickets start to become hard to come by and not many fans come to Iowa City without a ticket in hand for a basketball game.
I'm not expecting or looking for a "quick fix" although I would welcome it. I just expect Iowa to be a regular in the NCAA tourney, to beat the teams they should be beating and to be competitive with everyone else. Make title runs in the Big 10, and competing yearly. I know Iowa won't win the conference every year, but even in down years they NEED to be competitive. It used to be that way.....not it is a joke. I don't think expectations are "too high" if you are expecting NCAA tournament births and upper half finishes in the conference....
I do think people want a quick fix. Sadly, I don't see it coming. I don't imagine we'll be lucky enough to have a guy (like Ferentz) who can turn the program completely around in 3-4 years. Instead, I can imagine going through two or three coaches before we become a solid contender again.

What is everybody's timeline?

For the record IOWuh, I don't consider 3-4 years to be a quick fix. I consider that to be plenty of time to be putting a good product on the floor.
What is everybody's timeline?

For the record IOWuh, I don't consider 3-4 years to be a quick fix. I consider that to be plenty of time to be putting a good product on the floor.

Next year:

Pre-conference: it would be nice if we could beat Texas (San Antonio) and Dunkeshen...or whatever crappy teams are replacing them on the sched. next year. Can't believe no one brings those losses up when talking about why Lick needed to be fired. Worse than the spankings at the end of the year due to the fact that we didn't know just how awful we would be which leads me to the...

Conference season: Just win more than 4 games and no can say we didn't improve.

Overall: Keep the losses for the season below 20.
I would like to see an up-tempo game, but more important would be a coach who can adapt during a game. Somebody who isn't stuck on man defense all the time, etc. Somebody who can find a weakness and exploit it in the middle of a game.

In-game coaching.
I would like to see an up-tempo game, but more important would be a coach who can adapt during a game. Somebody who isn't stuck on man defense all the time, etc. Somebody who can find a weakness and exploit it in the middle of a game.

In-game coaching.

This is what is more important to me. A coach that is willing to adjust and work within the talent he has instead of continually trying to put a square peg in a round hole.
What is everybody's timeline?

For the record IOWuh, I don't consider 3-4 years to be a quick fix. I consider that to be plenty of time to be putting a good product on the floor.

Realizing that it's a completely different sport...it took Ferentz that long to put a winning team on the field. I'm not saying it should take 3-4 years to have a winning record (or even .500). I'd hope we'd see improvement each year. But to expect us to make a run at the Sweet Sixteen next year is a bit far fetched IMO (though I'd love to be proven wrong).

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