Well-Known Member
Here is my analysis:
-Colorado gets invite and accepts bid for Pac 10 ---- done
-Nebraska accepts Big Ten invite – probably tomorrow
-UT, OK, OKstate, TTU, and maybe A&M go to Pac 10 – probably next week or week after if Texas places demands like tv network and stupid stuff like that
-Big Ten invites Rutgers, depending on Mountain West’s speed to snatch up Big XII leftovers (if they leave well enough alone with Missouri, they’ll get Rutgers first to ‘balance’ divisions in Big Ten and secure NY/NJ in a loose sense of the word)
-SEC may make a move into the ACC for Georgia Tech, Maryland, BC or Virginia Tech
-Big East becomes worried and tries to get solidified answer for ND to join, ND refuses citing independence
-Mountain West takes Kansas, Kansas State, Boise, and possibly Baylor in an attempt to get automatic BCS bid
-Big Ten makes one “last†offer to ND, saying join now or no more invites for you
-ND drags feet, hoping to appease alumni by showing reluctance, while backroom dealing is underway
-SEC grabs for Missouri, Big Ten reacts quick to beat them to St Louis and KC markets
-ND really feels pressure
-SEC takes a team like Maryland or Clemson to get some rivalries and expand their footprint to recruit from more NE states, hoping presence there will spark SEC Network and already have big footprint in DC, Baltimore, and other East Coast cities
-Big East and ACC worried it will become irrelevant or implode, form alliance together making one scary basketball conference, but football remains second tier
-new ACC/Big East conference adds Navy, E Carolina, and maybe one or two more to replace ranks
-ND worries it will be left out, joins Big Ten
-formation of 5 major “superconferences†by end of 2010 season – Mountain
West, Pac 10, Big Ten, SEC, and ACC/Big East
-teams big enough for Div I but not in superconferences will either have to join Div I-AA schools like Montana and Appalacian State or form smaller league irrellivant in major college sports with WAC, MAC, C-USA, etc
-Super conferences will have 2 auto bids, 1 for each division, and 10 teams in either major bowls or playoff system depending on how the cards look when all is settled down
-if BCS survives with its horrible system, it will need major overhaul to make 10 team post season work instead of half the teams in the FBS
-I forsee playoffs eventually sponsored by major players and end of bowls as we know it by 2015 or 2016, but the world will end by 2012 anyway right? J
-Colorado gets invite and accepts bid for Pac 10 ---- done
-Nebraska accepts Big Ten invite – probably tomorrow
-UT, OK, OKstate, TTU, and maybe A&M go to Pac 10 – probably next week or week after if Texas places demands like tv network and stupid stuff like that
-Big Ten invites Rutgers, depending on Mountain West’s speed to snatch up Big XII leftovers (if they leave well enough alone with Missouri, they’ll get Rutgers first to ‘balance’ divisions in Big Ten and secure NY/NJ in a loose sense of the word)
-SEC may make a move into the ACC for Georgia Tech, Maryland, BC or Virginia Tech
-Big East becomes worried and tries to get solidified answer for ND to join, ND refuses citing independence
-Mountain West takes Kansas, Kansas State, Boise, and possibly Baylor in an attempt to get automatic BCS bid
-Big Ten makes one “last†offer to ND, saying join now or no more invites for you
-ND drags feet, hoping to appease alumni by showing reluctance, while backroom dealing is underway
-SEC grabs for Missouri, Big Ten reacts quick to beat them to St Louis and KC markets
-ND really feels pressure
-SEC takes a team like Maryland or Clemson to get some rivalries and expand their footprint to recruit from more NE states, hoping presence there will spark SEC Network and already have big footprint in DC, Baltimore, and other East Coast cities
-Big East and ACC worried it will become irrelevant or implode, form alliance together making one scary basketball conference, but football remains second tier
-new ACC/Big East conference adds Navy, E Carolina, and maybe one or two more to replace ranks
-ND worries it will be left out, joins Big Ten
-formation of 5 major “superconferences†by end of 2010 season – Mountain
West, Pac 10, Big Ten, SEC, and ACC/Big East
-teams big enough for Div I but not in superconferences will either have to join Div I-AA schools like Montana and Appalacian State or form smaller league irrellivant in major college sports with WAC, MAC, C-USA, etc
-Super conferences will have 2 auto bids, 1 for each division, and 10 teams in either major bowls or playoff system depending on how the cards look when all is settled down
-if BCS survives with its horrible system, it will need major overhaul to make 10 team post season work instead of half the teams in the FBS
-I forsee playoffs eventually sponsored by major players and end of bowls as we know it by 2015 or 2016, but the world will end by 2012 anyway right? J