Everyone's Coaching Predictions

1.Gregory- I enjoyed watching his team play tonight. It would be exciting to see a team in black and gold play at that pace. At least he's not afraid to score more than 55 points.
4.Drew/Dixon (wishful thinking and probably not in the mix)
1. Forbes, Jones & Shay
2. Forbes, Armstrong & Murray
3. Anyone with JC connections & the ability to recruit
4. Larry Bird
1. Pearl - (pipe dream)
2. Drew
3. Forbes
4. Keno
5. Gregory
6. Armstrong - (if we have to go this far... might as well given him a shot)
I've been reading these boards for a while now, and there's so many people saying who they think will be Iowa's men's basketball coach next year. What I would like to try to do is have everyone put in order the following info, and if you'd like a small remark after your prediction. Please limit bashing on others predictions as it jams up the thread.

1) Who do you think will be Iowa's coach next year
2) Who do you wish (realistic chance) would be Iowa's coach next year
3) Possible darkhorse for the head coaching job

I'll start

1) I think Steve Forbes will be our next coach
2) I'd like Scott Drew
3) Jamie Dixon is my darkhorse

To be honest, I'd like Forbes or Drew, but Drew just a little more. Dixon's my darkhorse because it sounds like he's not completely happy there, but my guess is he'll stay.

Jon-Sorry if you think this thread's a bunch of repeat info. delete if you deem necessary.

need to bump your OP because people are responding without reading this post.
1. I honestly can't get a feel for who "will" be our next coach.
2. I would like to see Forbes as our next coach.
3. Barbee would be my dark horse.
1. I honestly can't get a feel for who "will" be our next coach.
2. I would like to see Forbes as our next coach.
3. Barbee would be my dark horse.
I thought it was already announced that he (Barbee) was taking the Auburn job
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1. I honestly can't get a feel for who "will" be our next coach.
2. I would like to see Forbes as our next coach.
3. Barbee would be my dark horse.

Yes I will now change my number 3 since I didn't see the Barbee to Auburn announcement .

Each day the "search" drags on the more convinced the water cooler people I work with are that this A.D's. Pick will be a boring one. A coach that won't last
1. Todd Bozeman......read about him: Blogging with Boze

He's been in a little trouble, but is back in coaching and has only lost 6 games in the past 3 yrs!!! Youngest coach to take a team to the Sweet 16. Great motivator, would get fans fired up and fill CHA!!

2. Joe Dooley........Kansas assistant. One of the top 5 recruiters in the country!!!!! Another coach that would motivate and get fans back in the gym!!
Each day the "search" drags on the more convinced the water cooler people I work with are that this A.D's. Pick will be a boring one. A coach that won't last

That could be true, but it could also mean the coach Barta really is going after is still playing in either the NIT or NCAA tournament and can't talk yet also. In fact the longer it drags out the better for Iowa IMO.
That could be true, but it could also mean the coach Barta really is going after is still playing in either the NIT or NCAA tournament and can't talk yet also. In fact the longer it drags out the better for Iowa IMO.

Agreed. I didn't expect us to make the hire until at least the final four is set. If we get an announcement in the next day or so it has to be Dixon.
11 + 12 + 10 = 33
11 + 12 + 10 > 6
I think he's looking at the conference record. Still, that points out something important. 6 losses in conference. 27 losses OOC. First round NCAA exits. He DOMINATES Mid-East Athletic Conference! Everyone else kicks his ***

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