Every HS athlete should watch ESPN 30/30 Marcus Dupree


Well-Known Member
That way they can see what it is like to be a highly talented/recruited athlete and your company that you keep matters A LOT. Marcus Dupree had all the talent in the world and he had Ken Fairley in his head as an "advisor" that helped ruined him.

I'm not saying a kid can't think for himself, but that guy ruined him, by being in his ear and giving him advice.

If you haven't seen it, watch it.
Ditto for the episode about SMU cheating/death penalty.
Not that I am naive enough to believe that 'stud' recruits really give a crap about what happens to their school and it's alums when/if they cheat. :mad:
Yes, Marcus Dupree was an excellent one. Kids are so impressionable and the family should have stepped in, but that is the problem, there was nobody to step in. Dupree should have been one of the greatest RB's in NFL history, but the influence of Mr. Fairley simply ruined him, the kid never had solid ground because of it.
Agree Dupree looked to be one the greatest athletes to ever touch a football and was primed to have a immaculate NFL career! Its a shame he had all that talent and put so much to waste.

The SMU/ death penalty was also an excellent documentary. I'm sure there is still a lot of that exact stuff happening in all levels of sports that we are blind to.

I haven't seen many more 30/30 episodes, when I have a chance I try to watch. Very good documentaries.

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