I started drifting away from watching in 2013. It just wasn't entertaining or fun anymore. I knew nothing was going to change so why have hope? I'll also admit Iowa football was always about 4th on my fandom list to begin with anyway so it was easier to give up. I've stuck with the Cubs through thick and thin and Iowa basketball as well. Last year was fools gold and anyone with common sense could see that. It's also the only really good year Ferentz has had since 2009; think about that, one really good season in the last seven. So of course give him another extension into eternity. It was 2009 redux because Iowa doesn't learn from experience. At least when the basketball program went completely down the crapper positive changes were made.
I won't watch the game today, have no interest in it. And don't give me the not a real fan crap; been to games in person at Kinnick and out of town and bowl games as well in the past. I'm sure I'll be saddened to see the final score (probably somewhere around 49-7). But I won't care that much because Kirk lost me years ago. Excited to see what Fran does with the young basketball team he has this year and will watch most of those games. Football? It's like still using a rotary phone instead of an iphone. And nothing will change any time in the near future. I commend those who can mantain enthusiasm for the program, I just don't have it in me. If they ever show Kirk the door I'll come back.