ESPNs Rittenberg and Bennett proposals for B1G alignment

This is where this thought process is flawed, less meaningful? Possibly. Less profitable? No. Here is the correct thought process on this matter:


Agree. But from someone who remembers the Big 10 when there were actually 10 teams in the conference, "meaningful" is an emotional term, not a financial one. The conference is no longer about rivalries and the like, it's about the dollars in the door. If a rivalry happens to fit into the economic model, then it will survive, otherwise, they'll make one up for you and call it a day. Good god, Purdue has been deigned Iowa's "protected rival" - that alone demonstrates the conference officials don't care about real rivalries. Things change, and if you don't change, you'll get run over. I get what they're doing, or at least what they're trying to do - I'm not a big fan of it, but I get it. Off my soapbox. Carry on.
both of them already had Wisky in the west

No kidding, Rittenberg ha Purdue in the West with Michigan and MSU in the East, I switched MSU and Purdue. Bennett has Michigan St. in the West and Michigan in the East, I flipped them. Thus why I said I think Michigan and OSU will be kept in separate divisions and said who cares, Wisky and Illannoy are both in Iowa's division.