ESPN's Gruden's QB Camp - Newton

Here is the reason why Cam wont succeed in the NFL. Its a league where every team has people who work around the clock, all year long, trying to figure out how to beat you. Its a league where great athletes WORK HARD to be the best.
Its a team game but lazy individuals that dont want to work hard, dont last long.
Lets look at Cam's resume, as an individual.
Stolen lap tops.
Cheating on college course work
selling himself to the highest bidder.
Lies about selling himself to the highest bidder.

All of this looks like a guy that takes short cuts. A guy that doesnt have a sense of personal responsibility.
These guys dont last in the NFL. ESPECIALLY at QB.
Gruden knew exactly what to ask him, to expose him. "call a play for me?" "Give me a complicated play that you would call in the Auburn huddle"
Now, Gruden knew damn well what type of play calls Auburn used, with the big # cards. He knows Cam is an epic fail, waiting to happen.

True, but at least he doesn't kill dogs...that we know of.

But in all seriousness, probably not a lot of college kids have stolen laptops and lied about it. However, you're crazy if you think every single quarterback in the league did all of their homework and wrote every paper themselves. OR didn't get some cash to play at some point in their college careers. It happens. Deal with it. I'm not saying that ALL or MOST of the QBs playing now did these things, but that is the way things work at some major college programs. Private accounts through boosters, money handshakes, advanced answers to tests, etc, etc.
Wow I completely didn't realize that? I had no idea that nfl players make millions! OMG why didn't I just try to be an NFL star?

Obviously he is going to make more than I will in my life, it still won't make your heart feel any better when he breaks it like he will when he is a BUST!! Congrats on being a do*che.

The only ****** is you for hoping someone else fails at their job. And dont say you dont hope he does, cause if you didnt hope you wouldnt go around bragging that he will.
I'm pretty sure I know more about what I hope than you do bud! If I hoped he would fail I would just say it! It really wouldn't be that difficult. I hope that you keep bragging about other people's salaries everyday too!
I'll say it: I hope Cam Newton fails. I can't wait to see that cocky grin get wiped off of his face by a Clay Matthews or Ray Lewis. He's never once come off as a sincere person. He's out to get his, and he's demonstrated that he's only been willing to take shortcuts to get it.
I'll say it: I hope Cam Newton fails. I can't wait to see that cocky grin get wiped off of his face by a Clay Matthews or Ray Lewis. He's never once come off as a sincere person. He's out to get his, and he's demonstrated that he's only been willing to take shortcuts to get it.

Because of this type of attitude and that so many are rooting for him to fail.....I am rooting for him to succeed. It's hilarious how we pick and choose who to root for.
Because of this type of attitude and that so many are rooting for him to fail.....I am rooting for him to succeed. It's hilarious how we pick and choose who to root for.

It just really chaps me, the way he basically stuck a finger up to entire country with the whole pay-for-play scheme. Just looking at him, he certainly seemed to think he was untouchable. He just came off as a pretty slimy individual, and I don't root for people like that to succeed.
For me it is NOT really an issue of the sliminess. For me it is just a matter of communication ability, conveyed intelligence, and leadership skills. Cam seems like the kind of kid who can lead other kids from an academically weak program. But I see no way he is going to be able to take over an NFL team as a leader. Sorry, but your QB needs to have the ability to read the different players on the team and respond to each appropriately. Cam comes off more like the primadonna receiver that you suffer as long as you can until he finally becomes too cancerous, so you let him become someone else's problem. Along the way he makes some plays and is good for soundbites, but is just completely disruptive to team unity.
For me it is NOT really an issue of the sliminess. For me it is just a matter of communication ability, conveyed intelligence, and leadership skills. Cam seems like the kind of kid who can lead other kids from an academically weak program. But I see no way he is going to be able to take over an NFL team as a leader. Sorry, but your QB needs to have the ability to read the different players on the team and respond to each appropriately. Cam comes off more like the primadonna receiver that you suffer as long as you can until he finally becomes too cancerous, so you let him become someone else's problem. Along the way he makes some plays and is good for soundbites, but is just completely disruptive to team unity.

Not sure what evidence you have to back up your claims. Cam showed up a juco two years ago, won the team over and led them to a national title. He showed up at Auburn a year ago, won the team over and led them to a national title. He's proven to be a very good leader, whether his skills translate to the NFL is a fair question, but I don't see how you can question his leadership skills.
It just really chaps me, the way he basically stuck a finger up to entire country with the whole pay-for-play scheme. Just looking at him, he certainly seemed to think he was untouchable. He just came off as a pretty slimy individual, and I don't root for people like that to succeed.

Agreed. Newton is everything that is wrong with college football. If you add in his 'self-called' QB sneak in the national championship game, that in itself should be enough reason to never draft this kid. I just wish he would've fumbled on this play. Wants to be a star athlete, but is focusing on the star a little bit more than the athlete.
It's amazing how you guys never root against anyone! I'd like to sit next to you for a hawk game and listen to you give congrats to those who beat us, you're great sports! Wish I was as good a person as you.

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