ESPN reporting that OSU will avoid heavy sanctions


Well-Known Member
Something about the department not failing to monitor its football program. If I was USC, I'd be ******. They get whacked for Reggie Bush - 1 violation, and that was involving his parents getting free rent. The NCAA has no credibility if they get a wrist slap.
Since when does the NCAA have any credibility?

If this were Iowa (or any similar "non-elite" team), we'd be hammered hard.
Since when does the NCAA have any credibility?

If this were Iowa (or any similar "non-elite" team), we'd be hammered hard.


This is so totally unsurprising it's not even funny. I got a good laugh at all the various fanbases across the Big Ten (Iowa included) as everyone reveled in thought of the death of O$U as we know it as if the NCAA was going to have the guts to come down on them. Fat chance of that happening. They will be back to their old tricks in no time.
Remember that the USC situation also included the b-ball team funneling money to players. They didn't have institutional control over there two most high-profiled sports. Also, USC didn't work well & embarrased the NCAA. OSU worked with the NCAA. Does this make it right, I don't think so but the NCAA does not like to be embarrased.

I personally think they just need to rule on the infractions regardless if a school works with them or not.

I don't think OSU should get off that easy, though. The violations go back so long (pretty much since Tressel was there) & includes a variety of benefits. Now what message does it send teams? It sends the message that it is financially worth the risk to cheat.

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