ESPN: Paterno announces retiring after this season


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Penn State Nittany Lions' Joe Paterno to retire at end of season - ESPN

"I am absolutely devastated by the developments in this case. I grieve for the children and their families, and I pray for their comfort and relief," Paterno said in a statement released just after initial reports of his pending retirement.

"I have come to work every day for the last 61 years with one clear goal in mind: To serve the best interests of this university and the young men who have been entrusted to my care. I have the same goal today.

"That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

"This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more. My goals now are to keep my commitments to my players and staff and finish the season with dignity and determination. And then I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to help this university."
Here at Hawkeye Nation we don't believe in checking for duplicate threads or replying in-line to already created threads, we just post a brand new thread because my post is more important than other posts.

Translation: I'm an idiot, my apologies, please delete this thread.
Here at Hawkeye Nation we don't believe in checking for duplicate threads or replying in-line to already created threads, we just post a brand new thread because my post is more important than other posts.

Translation: I'm an idiot, my apologies, please delete this thread.

No your not an idiot and your explanation is pretty funny actually.
Ok here is where I am at.... We suspend players for trading memorabilia for tattoos, and force their coach to leave, we suspend players for taking compensations from alumni, we take away heisman trophies for getting mommy a house paid for by the university, but we allow a coaching staff to continue business as usual after allegations of 7 boys being sexually molested by their coach, and the programs inability to handle this situation in the proper, ethical way???This is a whole other level of corruption that affected many peoples lives a whole lot worse than any compensation amount by alumni. Take this whole coaching staff out now! This is a really sad day for the BIG 10, and just plain sick as far as Penn State goes! In my mind Paterno failed miserably on his watch! U think this man would of remained a coach for 7 more years if the witnessed account would of been with Paterno's grandson???? Hell no!
I think this is the way it should be handled ... he gets held to the fire for another month ... if he is willing to answer questions about it through the rest of the school year, better him than some assistant ... you know PSU is going to clean house anyway, why do it in bits and pieces?
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This is Joe's easy way out, and shows he remains in control, or thinks he does. In effect he is giving a big middle finger to the Board of Trustees and all of his critics who have been calling for him to be fired. The board shouldn't let him get away with it. He needs to be told his retirement is effective now, and his staff is being retained only long enough to get the team through the end of the season and any possible bowl appearance.
"That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

Um, is he aware that he can't pull a jedi mind trick on the Board of Trustees?
"That's why I have decided to announce my retirement effective at the end of this season. At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status. They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can.

Um, is he aware that he can't pull a jedi mind trick on the Board of Trustees?

That's a very nice gesture on Joe's part (SARCASM ALERT). If I'm a member of the board, that solidifies my decision to vote for his immediate termination.
I encourage everybody to look up and listen to Todd Blackledge's comments from Mike and Mike this am, good stuff. I think there's not a single way paterno can handle his retirement when, how, etc. well at this point because he didn't handle the abuse situation well. There's no right answer at this point, were beyond that, because the egregiousness of what happened, the depravity of sandusky, and the lack of empathy from the entire penn state leadership makes this just impossible to do anything well afterwards.

To be quite frank they should forfeit this weeks game, and bring in a new interim staff for the rest of the season or just shut it down completely. Its the single most egregious occurrence in the history of college football at the program that was supposed to be the model for how to do things the right way.

When a school places winning records, their name and reputation, and recruiting over the safety of the children of their state, you don't move on from that. Eventually time will erode the memory of it, but state college will never be the same, the football program their will never be the same, the legacy of the most respected coach in college sports of the last century will never be the same, and more importantly the children of pennsylvania, specifically the at least 9 children found in this matter to have been abused and the tons more to come when all is said and done will never be the same. It's not good enough that he quits now, its not good enough the he does so at the end of the season, none of it will ever be good enough, because when this boy in question needed him, Joe Paterno and Penn State weren't good enough.
No way should Paterno be allowed to coach the rest of the season. He does not deserve everyone rallying around him as some kind of glorious final season. Then be allowed to retire like some kind of legendary icon. He lost that right when he failed to notify proper authorities.
At the end of the season, eh Joe? That was probably going to happen anyways. You are basically saying I feel no need to change my plans even though it's come to light that I've aided and abetted a child rapist. RAPE for FFS
i thought he actually said what he should have. i give him credit for that (if he even wrote it). BUT...he absolutely failed in judgement by not turning in his coach friend....nice words 10 years after the fact still equals failure....

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