ESPN finally tacitly admits the truth...

And my opinion honestly has nothing to do with the lack of respect Iowa gets in the article and has been getting from ESPN lately. I just can't believe how sad he is that Jesus Tebow hasn't already ended the season for him...
that without the typical blue blood teams supplying heroes and a narrative for them, their jobs are just. so. hard.

This is the most trite piece of crap I've ever seen passed of as a sports editorial. Basic thesis: No one knows who will win the championship! There's too much parity in college football this year! Competitiveness! Ah!

Oh my god all that work ESPN put in to the Colt McCoy/Sam Bradford friends/rivals/lovers? angle early in the season is now down the crapper! This is ESPN's M.O., if there is no human interest story to go along with the sports story they are not interested...i seriously hate all of their stupid human interest crap...jeremy schap and all that garbage makes me puke...
and im calling it here they will have a jeremy schap piece about that Cody guy from Alabama this week...I knew it right after the game ended on CBS and the announcer said, "From Povery, to JC, to over 400 lbs, and now to hero" or some garbage like that I could hear the ESPN human interest story people firing up their cell phones and lap tops...
That article was complete crap........ah - this no respect still is p!$$!n me off and it's only monday!
I bet the players are feeling the same way......
This article was not disrespectful to Iowa at all.

In fact, Mark Schlabaugh wrote an exremely complimentary article about Iowa just yesterday

I swear, some of you guys are so eager to find a reason not to enjoy this season, you are manufacturing dragons just so you can slay them.

He wasn't disrespectful......but stating that this season doesn't have the "sizzle" we expected - THAT IS COMPLETE CRAP!

There are more teams jockeying for all the marbles this late into a season than I can ever remember!!!

The SIZZLE is here......
He wasn't disrespectful......but stating that this season doesn't have the "sizzle" we expected - THAT IS COMPLETE CRAP!

There are more teams jockeying for all the marbles this late into a season than I can ever remember!!!

The SIZZLE is here......

Thats what i was trying to say...his sizzle isn't my sizzle...SIZZLA!!!!!
The sizzle is the snizzle dizzle, fo shizzle.

ESPN wants 2 clear cut teams so they can boost their ratings over the next few weeks. They can ride a single story line to the NC game. This year is so exciting because so many teams have an opportunity to make it to the NC game. In the past years, at this time of the season, it's been down to just a few.

College football analysts, networks, and even the NCAA want 2 big, high profile schools to go to the NC game. $$$$$ drives everything.
It's because no one in the general public can grasp anything that doesn't look like a video game. People would rather see Tebow throw 6 TDs against UL Monroe than watch a brawl like Iowa/MSU. We watched the game and saw two tough defenses make play after play, but the Madden XX crowd didn't care 'cause the score didn't break triple digits.

Cowherd has said on his show that he doesn't care about Iowa, Boise State or anyone else because he wants to see 'good teams' play, and his definition of good is Florida, Texas and USC.

Some people are too lazy to be fans.
He wasn't disrespectful......but stating that this season doesn't have the "sizzle" we expected - THAT IS COMPLETE CRAP!

There are more teams jockeying for all the marbles this late into a season than I can ever remember!!!

The SIZZLE is here......

I think the question to look at here is how popular is the BCS race shaping up outside of fanbase of Iowa? Obviously there is lots of excitment (and drama) for us being the Hawk fans we are, but is that the same setiment being shared across the nation?

ESPN must not think so. I honestly don't know becasue I'm severly biased towards Iowa.

I remember rooting for Boise State to go undefeated becasue they were "new blood" and a bit of an underdog. I would think there are others out there that feel the same towards Iowa. Obviously MSU fans are less than enthused by an 8-0 Iowa, but I doubt that is the norm.
Tuba is really getting at something here, because there is absolutely no way that anyone here can look at this objectively.

If you have an emotional investment in something, then it is impossible to look at it objectively. That is one of the reasons why I am often amused by claims of bias by this pundit and that. We are probably more biased than any of them.

The way I see it, many pundits respect Iowa a great deal, but they are not excited about them. Then again, Iowa is not an exciting team. It is hard to write copy on solid fundimentals.
I respectfully disagree, because for every dull moment or letdown during the season, you could easily list as many great moments. I know that most of us Hawk fans despise Notre Dame, but they have the largest national following and their games have been nothing short of thrilling. The endings of Bama and Iowa were great no matter if you are a fan of the teams or not. And the Florida-Arkansas game was great.

What's so wrong with parity? For every person that loves a dominant team, there are just as many if not more people who love it when the season goes like this. Everyone feels like they have a shot. There are about a dozen teams who feel they are still alive for the NC game, and they are right to feel that way. I still would like a playoff because only two of the twelve get the shot at it; especially if we end up with 4 undefeated's that will be told that weren't dominant enough.
This article was not disrespectful to Iowa at all.

In fact, Mark Schlabaugh wrote an exremely complimentary article about Iowa just yesterday

I swear, some of you guys are so eager to find a reason not to enjoy this season, you are manufacturing dragons just so you can slay them.

Ok, I said right away this thread is not about ESPN's or Schlabaugh's disrespect for Iowa. It's about how transparently they root for the blue chip teams so their jobs are easier. An Illinois fan should be just as upset as I am about how Tebow letdown=ESPN letdown. This (for the third time) has nothing to do with Iowa specifically.

The media has gotten too lazy to cover up it's own bias.
The sizzle is the snizzle dizzle, fo shizzle.

ESPN wants 2 clear cut teams so they can boost their ratings over the next few weeks. They can ride a single story line to the NC game. This year is so exciting because so many teams have an opportunity to make it to the NC game. In the past years, at this time of the season, it's been down to just a few.

College football analysts, networks, and even the NCAA want 2 big, high profile schools to go to the NC game. $$$$$ drives everything.

It's not just that, they need two teams. With as much money as they're paying to broadcast and promote the BCS, the last thing ESPN wants or needs is a controversy like we had at the end of 2004.
Short memories at ESPN and Cowturd. Does anyone remember Utah going down to SEC country last year and physically embarrasing Alabama in New Orleans? Watch the tape as Utah just destroyed that "vaunted" defense. SEC love is out of control
Ok, I said right away this thread is not about ESPN's or Schlabaugh's disrespect for Iowa. It's about how transparently they root for the blue chip teams so their jobs are easier. An Illinois fan should be just as upset as I am about how Tebow letdown=ESPN letdown. This (for the third time) has nothing to do with Iowa specifically.

The media has gotten too lazy to cover up it's own bias.

Not really. If you know any reporters, ask them what their bias is.

Their bias is to a good story. Any reporter will tell you that. And they have never been good a keeping that a secret.

And from a national perspective, Iowa is not a good story. Our bias prevents us from seeing that clearly, but trust me, the country is not in love with these Hawkeyes.

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