ESPN B1G Mail Blog; on Phil Parker


Well-Known Member
I saw this and just thought it was an interesting thought.

Big Ten Friday mailblog - Big Ten Blog - ESPN

Aaron from New Braunfels, Texas, writes: Hi Adam, I love the work you guys are doing here: I am a big Hawkeye fan, and am a little nervous over Phil Parker being named the new D coordinator. Here is why I am worried. Norm Parker was not only a outstanding coach, but a master motivator. I noticed that when he had to leave the sidelines the D appeared to lose alot of its fire- escpecially in the 4th quarter when it counted the most. All the while Phil was on the sidelines filling in. Exactly what was Phil's role in Norm's abscence, and how concerned (if any) should I be? I want to give the guy a fair shake, but it is hard to ignore the forementioned observation.

Adam Rittenberg: Aaron, that's an interesting take about the defense losing its edge when Norm's health problems forced him off of the sideline. Not sure the two are connected, but it's worth noting. Phil Parker worked in collaboration with the other defensive assistants during Norm's absence in 2010. They all took on additional duties at that time. Phil also was known as the "yeller" on Iowa's staff during the early part of his tenure with the Hawkeyes, and he doesn't seem to lack fire or the ability to motivate players. Iowa fans should pay more attention to Parker's play calls and personnel groupings than his passion for the game, which doesn't appear to be a problem. Will Phil Parker truly put his imprint on the defense or just continue what Norm did? That's what I'm interested to find out this fall.
What I thought was interesting was his comment on Norm being in the box and Phil being on the field during those 4th quarter break downs.
I've said for years Norm & O'Keefe should have been in the box. It's easier to make quicker play calls because you know right away how many yards you need, and can get an overview of the defense.

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