Eric Simmons (recruit)

Exciting :-(

I am excited. Watch his tape, he has talent. He came from Madrid, a small school and got over looked, he's the third best C from a JUCO as a freshman who had never played center.

He's got a nasty streak and a chip on his shoulder. Get over the fact that he's not a 4* recruit that you had followed all year in recruiting.
I live pretty close to Madrid and watched this guy play. Not the quickest feet in the world, but tons of attitude. He puts defenders on their backs and looks for someone else to hit. I think he might earn a spot on the field fairly quick.
I like to see guys with that type of weight already. Did anyone else see the monsters that Alabama had on their O line. That would be my dream line to have those big guys up front all game long.
I'm hoping they put him at defensive tackle. We are deeper in the offensive line than the D-Line and if you are pulling in juco players, we need help in the DL.

Unless I'm missing something, we are seriously thin at DT and DE. We are a couple injuries away from playing some very light and inexperienced guys. Doesn't bode well for stopping the run in the Big Ten.
Exciting :-(
I am excited. Watch his tape, he has talent. He came from Madrid, a small school and got over looked, he's the third best C from a JUCO as a freshman who had never played center. He's got a nasty streak and a chip on his shoulder. Get over the fact that he's not a 4* recruit that you had followed all year in recruiting.

Well put. Plus, he's a kid that wants to be there and knows how to work hard. I think it's great to have him.
I'm hoping they put him at defensive tackle. We are deeper in the offensive line than the D-Line and if you are pulling in juco players, we need help in the DL.

Unless I'm missing something, we are seriously thin at DT and DE. We are a couple injuries away from playing some very light and inexperienced guys. Doesn't bode well for stopping the run in the Big Ten.

i thought that was what we were doing this year......
Way easier for Iowa to pull in Oline instead of D when you consider the uncertainty on that side of the ball. KF isn't stressing. He knows he is safe putting out a weak team for a couple more years. I mean we are only coming out of year one of his 3 year downturn. He will bring in the freshmen and try to develop some guys from other spots and when they are RS sophomores they will turn the corner. Watch out for 2014.
His signature should be "5,820 posts of complete irrelevant nonsense --- Yours Truly, CAARHawk"

I bet he is one miserable SOB in real life.
Funny. So you have been to a party with me? Strange how I don't remember that. Must not have left much of an impression on me.
Funny. So you have been to a party with me? Strange how I don't remember that. Must not have left much of an impression on me.

There is a handfull of you cats at every party. You are a treat......that we avoid like the plague!
I was fortunate enough to coach Eric in the Shrine Bowl this summer and I truly believe he will be a difference maker as a Hawkeye. He is a great young man and an excellent student as well.

It was truly an honor to be able to coach he and Austin Blythe (as well as Marshall Koehn and Travis Perry) and feel like it will be fun watching Simmons and Blythe play side by side the next several years.
I would have zero desire to be at any party you're associated with. You attempt to turn every thread into a Ferentz bashing session and it's ridiculous. This thread is supposed to be about a local Iowa kid who worked his tail off and ended up earning a scholarship to play at his dream school. He's the kind of kid Ferentz has proven he can turn into a salty football player. Even if you aren't a fan of Ferentz I think it's crap you try to turn a thread about a new recruit into one of your little anti-Ferentz tantrums.

Had Iowa let this kid stay in Junior college for another year I bet a lot of other D1 schools would have been after him. I think they gave him the offer at the right time.
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