Eric Johnson leaving the staff


Well-Known Member
marcmorehouse ‏@marcmorehouse 1m

Recruiting coordinator/DL assistant Eric Johnson departs Iowa to pursue opportunity outside of football, per Iowa.
Eric has always enjoyed a good reputation in recruiting circles, and in some of our favorite out of state prep schools, like down in St. Louis.

So, is this exactly as it reads...or is it the last vestige of a former staff being moved on?

Chris White has been good on the recruiting trail. Did he expose Eric? Or is this nothing but time for a change for Eric?
Eric has always enjoyed a good reputation in recruiting circles, and in some of our favorite out of state prep schools, like down in St. Louis.

So, is this exactly as it reads...or is it the last vestige of a former staff being moved on?

Chris White has been good on the recruiting trail. Did he expose Eric? Or is this nothing but time for a change for Eric?

Gotta think it's just a change for EJ. He's had a lot of success, specially in STL.
Gotta think it's just a change for EJ. He's had a lot of success, specially in STL.

Yep...Clayborn is tweeting out that EJ is one the biggest reasons why he comitted to Iowa and was the person responsible talking him out of transferring after his 2nd year.
Well here's what Morgan said about him the other day."COACH MORGAN: Before I talk about the guys, just a couple of general statements. First of all, it's really great to be here today. There's two of us who work with the defensive line, Eric Johnson. I'm just really proud to work with him. He does a tremendous job.
Eric played in this defense at Vanderbilt under Norm Parker. He was a GA. He did the playbooks. He knows this defense in and out. And he's been just a great guy. He's a great teacher, very humble guy, and I really enjoy working with him and value our time. I think we're a great team. "

Sounds like a heck of a guy and a great coach. Best of luck to him.
Yep...Clayborn is tweeting out that EJ is one the biggest reasons why he comitted to Iowa and was the person responsible talking him out of transferring after his 2nd year.

holy ****! was going to transfer? that would have sucked balls.
Best of luck to him wherever he lands. Now all we need is a recruiting coordinator that is 100% dedicated to recruiting, with no on-field coaching duties.
Didn't see that one coming. Timing is curious with the spring game coming up and I'm sure there will be some recruits attending some that are already committed and others that aren't. Woulda thought something like this could have waited a week or two... Not that it may make a huge difference but the timing is curious.
It appears as if EJ will be opening a Culver's in Hendersonville, TN

Eric Johnson ‏@HawkeyeCoachEJ 5m

We will b moving to #Nashville TN & opening up a @culvers in #Hendersonville TN. Restaurant opens Nov 1st. #Hawkeye games will b on TVs!
It appears as if EJ will be opening a Culver's in Hendersonville, TN

Eric Johnson ‏@HawkeyeCoachEJ 5m

We will b moving to #Nashville TN & opening up a @culvers in #Hendersonville TN. Restaurant opens Nov 1st. #Hawkeye games will b on TVs!

going into the food/restaurant industry ain't easy either. but at least he'll be able to sleep in his own bed at night.

Yeah, I'm guessing he gets way more family time running a restaurant than he does when he's constantly on the road. He's had a very good run as a recruiter; I think he's earned this.
going into the food/restaurant industry ain't easy either. but at least he'll be able to sleep in his own bed at night.

no, but when you are totally leaving the profession, i'm guessing my hashtag is fairly accurate. i'm not saying what he is turning to is easy, by any means. 100 days + out of the year away from home? probably not.
no, but when you are totally leaving the profession, i'm guessing my hashtag is fairly accurate. i'm not saying what he is turning to is easy, by any means. 100 days + out of the year away from home? probably not.

Yeah, probably. Guy only made $182,500 in 2012 and if I had to be on the road that much, I'd want a helluva lot more money than that, but Kurt and Mary gotta eat, too, so them's the breaks.
As far as replacements, wonder if Gerg Davis knows any one. That hire has certainly worked out well.

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