Epic CryFan Thread

Game day? Check! Ranked Iowa? Check! Ranked Iowa State? oops! Almost! Nationally televised game? Check! Huge expectations for the year? Check! Home game and JP has upped the clown show? Double check! Iowa is completely decimated with injuries giving you the best chance at winning in years? Check!

Hilarious muffed punt to end the game and crush your “coming out party”, CHECK!!!!
What they fail to understand is that by design, Iowa's defense tries to make a team drive the entire field to score. Likely because of inexperience, we gifted them 14 points. 3 points for the rest of the game on one red zone attempt. Iowa had 5 red zone attempts and left a hell of a lot of points on the field.

It's hilarious how they say that ISU is more talented than Iowa, considering we have at least two first rounders next year alone and at least two others that will get drafted (possibly early rounds) - which is more than ISU had in the last 5 years combined. Next spring, we'll have had 4 first rounders in the last two years - 4 times as many as ISU has had in their entire history.

Claims that although they lost this game, they would win a 7 game series - well, we're 6-1 in the last 7.

Phantom holding calls, refs were against us, we beat ourselves. It's the same narrative every year.

I've been killing some time reading through the drivel that's posted leading up to the game and while I considered registering, it reminds me of a meme (that I won't post) regarding internet arguing and the Special Olympics.
If "the best team" keeps losing then at some point shouldn't that great team actually win something?
Yeah, they even play in the horrendously difficult B12 where there's two teams and no one else. If not for Texas' reemergence from the gutter the last couple years it would be a one team conference.
Sure looks like the majority of the reactions by State fans to this post were in agreement that its sour grapes and the better team is the one who finds a way to win. A couple of my best friends are ISU fans and every football season the friendship is put to the test. Bottom line. The programs are closer than ever before talent wise and trajectory wise. I'll take the Hawks, but the times, the are a-changin'
Not saying ISU will ever dominate, but if Campbell sticks around, it might be a pretty even bag of results.
but if Campbell sticks around,

Campbell ain't sticking around. He will get an offer for a lot of guaranteed money at a better school. Okay, but let's say he is loyal and figures "hey, I'll stick around and be the JoePa of this program (minus the scandal)." He can't. The problem is that every non-elite program is subject to shitty stretches. Ferentz has a 6-7 turd in there somewhere and I think a 4-8 season. Michigan has had some losing seasons. Tennessee has. Florida State has. Texas has. You're just not immune to it. Now that Clown U has had a taste of mediocrity thanks to the 12 game schedule and Big 12 dilution/parity, they just can't stomach the thought of being under .500. So if Campbell has an empty class and has two losing seasons, they'll run his ass out of there just like they did to Rhoads and McCarney.
Yea, I dont disagree. Look at both Fry....yes Fry was starting to get run out....and Ferentz. My only point is if he IS content to be like Fry and Ferentz, i think he is capable. Both Iowa and Iowa State are capable of pulling in 3* Florida, Tx, Ohio, IL, etc kids. My only point is that as long as he is around, it's a pretty even matchup/records. Slight edge to Iowa cuz HAWKS!!

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