Epic CryFan Thread

Twins talking crap about Iowa’s secondary. I’m pretty sure half of Iowa’s secondary was on the sideline in street clothes. That guy needs some serious help though you almost want to feel bad for him.... almost
Some funny stuff there.

LOL the posters who suggest they should have won by two touchdowns. IIRC “fat” Nate overthrew one wide open receiver that would have been a TD and an Iowa TE was unable to make a fingertip catch for what would have been another.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda. If Rob Howe had a penny for every time a Clown posted that he’d be running this site from a mansion overlooking the ocean in Silicon Valley.
Little Sister’s problems start even before the opening kickoff. They come out all jacked up, jumping, a whoopin and a hollerin along the sideline. It’s unfocused activity that saps energy.

Hokks on the other hand come out trotting and holding hands as they get to their bench. They’re focused on what’s about to transpire over the next 60 minutes.

They’re disciplined. The approach is evident in their play.

Emotion can carry you only so far. Then skill, practice, training and confidence take over.

Sorry, Clowns. Better luck next year.
Quite a few "reasonable" posters there just a few delusional ones, felt very much like this board at times.
Little Sister’s problems start even before the opening kickoff. They come out all jacked up, jumping, a whoopin and a hollerin along the sideline. It’s unfocused activity that saps energy.

Hokks on the other hand come out trotting and holding hands as they get to their bench. They’re focused on what’s about to transpire over the next 60 minutes.

They’re disciplined. The approach is evident in their play.

Emotion can carry you only so far. Then skill, practice, training and confidence take over.

Sorry, Clowns. Better luck next year.

This is true and what Hayden Fry actually described to the press etc when talking about the swarm and the demeanor of his team. KF is good at trying to remain a calm exterior on the sidelines and not have his players super jacked up at the start of games.
Thanks for the link @Fryowa I take back every bad thing I've ever said about you!

What amazes me is I trolled the shit out of that place about 6 or 8 years ago I think. The exact same ISU posters who obsessed about Iowa are posting the exact same things that they posted 6-8 years ago. I mean it is like they are stuck in a time warp, and they seem perfectly happy that they have obsessed over Iowa all that time.
Thanks for the link @Fryowa I take back every bad thing I've ever said about you!

What amazes me is I trolled the shit out of that place about 6 or 8 years ago I think. The exact same ISU posters who obsessed about Iowa are posting the exact same things that they posted 6-8 years ago. I mean it is like they are stuck in a time warp, and they seem perfectly happy that they have obsessed over Iowa all that time.

As Linus would say...THAT S IT!

Troll that is. Confession is healing. Bless you son.
The hilarity continues to ensue. This one was just started today.

Tell the truth now. You started that didn't you, you sly dawg.;) Honestly, there are a few posters who cannot get over it. But the majority have realized that they weren't the better team. Plainly put, Iowa was more disciplined, poised, and focused.

ISU is a very good team. I mean, they beat Drake and UNI didn't they?! (barely):D
When you have excuses 5 years in a row and claim to always be the "better team", it's time for you to seek professional help. I mean wow, they through out just about every excuse you could think of year in and year out.
......we would beat them 9 out of 10 times, but it's their Superbowl, so they can have it and be mediocre all year. Let's get to the Big 12 title game."

Oh man that's great stuff right there. How old do you think that poster is?

I was laughing at this as well, its OUR Super Bowl????

I also laughed at the clown fan begging for the thread to be closed.

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