(Enter Complaint Here) thread


Well-Known Member
Matt Gatens shouldn't shoot, play, etc. while hurt. The Student section is never good enough. Not enough people come to games. Brommer sucks and needs to loose the arm sleeve. Archie needs to play more. Marble only had 9 minutes! If Fran doesn't work out, Barta and Sally Mason need to be fired.

Seriously guys can we actually just talk about the games for once? Why does EVERY discussion to do with Iowa basketball have to do with complaining about some facet of it?? We are in a new era and the good times are just now beginning. Now is the time to end the constant talk of the negatives and finally focus on the positives. Thank you.
Matt Gatens shouldn't shoot, play, etc. while hurt. The Student section is never good enough. Not enough people come to games. Brommer sucks and needs to loose the arm sleeve. Archie needs to play more. Marble only had 9 minutes! If Fran doesn't work out, Barta and Sally Mason need to be fired.

Seriously guys can we actually just talk about the games for once? Why does EVERY discussion to do with Iowa basketball have to do with complaining about some facet of it?? We are in a new era and the good times are just now beginning. Now is the time to end the constant talk of the negatives and finally focus on the positives. Thank you.

Are you trying to be ironic?

I don't get it.
I'm just tired of people complaining about Iowa basketball. As a fan who has stuck with the team through good and bad, I'm really annoyed by the fact that even when things are going pretty good (as compared to recent years) everyone still has some negative remark to chip in. There has been too much negativity centered around this program for too long now, and the best way to get away from that and get THE FULL FAN BASE back on board, is too be much more POSITIVE and especially SUPPORTIVE of the guys out there working their @$$ off everyday to improve the program FOR THE FANS.
Well, I was at the game tonight. We played hard for 40 minutes against a very physical, well-coached team. It was a tremendous win for Iowa.

This man can flat-out coach. I wish the Iowa fans would get behind this team. We should be filling that arena.
Even though Iowa did not score much, this was probably their most complete game yet this year from start to finish. Excellent D, good movement on offense. Only thing to be critical about would be freethrow shooting.
I'm pretty confused by the OP so I'll probably sound stupid...but I thought that was a strong win last night and will definitely help the team both in confidence and experience against playing a well-organized side like we will face in the B10.
I'm just tired of people complaining about Iowa basketball. As a fan who has stuck with the team through good and bad, I'm really annoyed by the fact that even when things are going pretty good (as compared to recent years) everyone still has some negative remark to chip in. There has been too much negativity centered around this program for too long now, and the best way to get away from that and get THE FULL FAN BASE back on board, is too be much more POSITIVE and especially SUPPORTIVE of the guys out there working their @$$ off everyday to improve the program FOR THE FANS.

If you're "tired" of the complaining... you should not only delete your HN account but throw your computer on the ground because this stuff is everywhere- shockingly even beyond Iowa basketball! :eek:

Sorry to be a smartarse... but...
If you're "tired" of the complaining... you should not only delete your HN account but throw your computer on the ground because this stuff is everywhere- shockingly even beyond Iowa basketball! :eek:

Sorry to be a smartarse... but...

You are being a smarta**. Gotta agree with the OP.

I've been disappointed in some of the negativity as this season unfolds. Some people here need a reality check. Fran is literally pulling a nearly dead program out of the cemetery: lack of talent, boring style of play that didn't work in the Big 10, high expectations but low fan support, discord on the team, players defecting.

We have a brand new staff, a new approach on both ends of the floor, a bunch of new, lightly-regarded players joining a handful of players remaining from losing teams and trying to coalesce into a cohesive, winning unit.

I have felt progress the next three seasons will likely come in small steps: incrementally better play, competing in every game, emotion, more fan excitement, stronger players staying, better recruits at least taking a look at this program and some choosing to come to Iowa City.

I have been pleasantly surprised. The program is coming along. I still expect the conference to be brutal; in each loss I will be disappointed we didn't get the W. But I will be more looking to see that the team competes, plays hard from beginning to end and shows progress, doesn't hang its head and comes back to play hard the next game.

I do like what I'm seeing so far. Fran deserves all the support he can get.
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I totally understand the OP's frustration. It seems very weird to see a successful program like UNI come in to CHA, and see it not even half full.

Do the folks in IC not get what is going on in the basketball program? This team reminds me of the first team coached by Lute Olson at the beginning of his tenure at Iowa.

1974-75 roster
Terry Drake
Dan Frost
Mike Gatens
Fred Haberecht
John Hairston
Bruce King
Archie Mays
Larry Moore
Larry Parker
Leon Thomas
Scott Thompson

Did I also see that CHA was allowing the students in for free as well? You would think with over 30,000 students, they could have done a little better than that.

As far as complaining about how Iowa preforms, there will be severe ups and downs. Last night was an up. In '75, we had the famous Bobby Knight "McDonalds" game, where the local McDonalds in Bloomington gave away free hamburgers if they scored more than 100 pts, and held their opponents to less than 50. Score IU 102-49. Lute never let his teams forget that night all through his tenure at Iowa, and I suspect there may be some "ouch" games in this brutal B10 season. However, I have seen enough to jump on the bandwagon like the OP. I invite everyone else on board!
Thanks to those who agreed with me, now is the time for fans to start giving program the positive support it truly deserves. GO HAWKS!
Even though Iowa did not score much, this was probably their most complete game yet this year from start to finish. Excellent D, good movement on offense. Only thing to be critical about would be freethrow shooting.

Agreed. Free throw shooting has to improve. Aside from that the Hawks looked pretty good.
I was at the game last night too, there was actually a decent sized crowd. It got pretty noisy at some points and fans got into the game. Things may not turn around as fast as most people would like, but I think the game last night was a huge step in the right direction. Let's fill those seats! Iowa State on Friday!
Fine, I withdraw my complaint about Brommer's arm sock although it wasn't necessarily a complaint about him just arm socks in general. Oh, one more. Lose the black socks for crying out loud. Black shoes AND black socks??? Ok, now I am done.
Not only are too many fans negative about a "work in progress" but some sports writers such as S. Keeler are far too negative in my opinion. While he made a few positive comments most of them were deep in the article and then he ended with a huge negative. I'll not read him again until his headline is positive today's was "Keeler: McCaffery was right: "It certainly was not a thing of beauty". I'm fine with McCaffery saying that because the rest of his conference was positive. Keeler chose to use one of very few, if not the only, negative comment to headline his article. If he tries to blame it on the headline writer, he needs to realize that his whole article fit what the headline said.
It is not only fans but also some writers who do not appreciate the progress this team is making. His article today "Keeler:McCaffery was right: It certainly was not a thing of beauty" accurately quoted McCaffery but changed his press conference from positive to negative. Keeler did make some positive comments but you had to read past all his negative thoughts before you got to a brief comment about Cole's tremendous effort and the positive improvement of the defense.
I will not read his articles until the headline becomes positive.
Re: Sorry for repeated message

when I edited the first comment, I thought I lost it so I posted another with a similar message.
Please feel free to ignore either or both - the pays the same for me.
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You can choose "Edit" on your posts. When you do there's a button allowing you to "Delete" the post. You'll have to check a button underneath confirming that you want to delete the message. Your choice whether to state a reason for deleting.

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