Enough Is Enough....It's Time For Keno!


Well-Known Member
It appears we've made our pitch to some of the "big" names and we've swung and missed.

Now, we're trying to put a shine on either another mid-major coach or an assistant coach and that type of hire will truly divide the fan base even further than it is now.

Now, it's time to hire the best candidate possible to turn this program around.....Keno Davis. He has spent 2 years cutting his teeth in a major conference and it's obvious he understands the talent needed and has shown the ability to be an outstanding recruiter.

Another positive, he brings a complete coaching staff with him immediately and one of those is a former Hawkeye player.

Gary Barta.....make the call and offer $2 Million per year, tell him you'll name the practice facility after his father and we can finally unite this fan base and bring exciting basketball back to Iowa!

Let's do it!!!
It appears we've made our pitch to some of the "big" names and we've swung and missed.

Now, we're trying to put a shine on either another mid-major coach or an assistant coach and that type of hire will truly divide the fan base even further than it is now.

Now, it's time to hire the best candidate possible to turn this program around.....Keno Davis. He has spent 2 years cutting his teeth in a major conference and it's obvious he understands the talent needed and has shown the ability to be an outstanding recruiter.

Another positive, he brings a complete coaching staff with him immediately and one of those is a former Hawkeye player.

Gary Barta.....make the call and offer $2 Million per year, tell him you'll name the practice facility after his father and we can finally unite this fan base and bring exciting basketball back to Iowa!

Let's do it!!!
We? As in HN? I don't think "we" qualify as missing. In fact, last time I checked HN does not hire the new coach. Maybe Jon has something he'd like to tell us all. And BTW, we DON'T need another "HIRE KENO" thread.
Well, considering I'm a Hawkeye fan, I guess I consider that "we"....sorry to offend.

If you don't want another Keno thread, then just don't open it. It's really pretty simple and I'm pretty sure I could teach my 7 year old that one.

Also, if Jon states that we can only have one Keno thread, then I'll stop posting, but the last time I checked, cibula11 doesn't make the rules about what can or can't be posted. If that's different, please let me know.

It's like your posts cibula, I really wish you only posted one time, but you keep going and going and going. I guess neither of us can have it our way.
This coaching change seems so much different to me than the one 3 years ago. Not sure if it is because I am more passionate about who are next coach should be or if it is this underlying dread that Barta has to get this one right....
2Boys, I am in this camp also. Talking with friends it just seems if we can't get the big name (e.g. Pearl) then lets go get someone that fits and with Iowa ties and an appreciation for the UofI. Many may say well his Dad couldn't get us to the "next" level and I think many of us would just like to get back to his Dad's level, we haven't seen it since he was forced out. Barta really needs to get a big hire or a good fit.
You guys know where I stand. It's very frustrating to read rumors of Barta potentially settling for the likes of Gregg Marshall, Jim Boylen, or Stew Morrill when Keno apparently wasn't even given a sniff.

The Tom Davis coaching tree produced two of the very best coaches in college basketball today in Gary Williams (Maryland), Bruce Pearl (Tennessee). There is no doubt in my mind that Keno Davis will be the next success in that line. And, outside of Forbes, he's the only experienced coach being mentioned with any meaningful ties to the state of Iowa.
You guys know where I stand. It's very frustrating to read rumors of Barta potentially settling for the likes of Gregg Marshall, Jim Boylen, or Stew Morrill when Keno apparently wasn't even given a sniff.

The Tom Davis coaching tree produced two of the very best coaches in college basketball today in Gary Williams (Maryland), Bruce Pearl (Tennessee). There is no doubt in my mind that Keno Davis will be the next success in that line. And, outside of Forbes, he's the only experienced coach being mentioned with any meaningful ties to the state of Iowa.

I completely agree and I have trouble understanding why people think Coach Davis at Iowa isn't good enough. My goodness. It hurts to think that even Keno doesn't want it. If I were Barta I would beg. Literally beg. And I would be first in line to get my season tickets.
I'm in for Keno. Get this done before the end of the week. I fear he is going to feel snubbed and not even consider the job any longer..........
I completely agree and I have trouble understanding why people think Coach Davis at Iowa isn't good enough. My goodness. It hurts to think that even Keno doesn't want it. If I were Barta I would beg. Literally beg. And I would be first in line to get my season tickets.

In a word, it sucks.

Gary Barta's mentor was Bob Bowlsby.

Bowlsby was the one who refused to renew Mr. Davis's contract, creating this mess to begin with (IMO).

Connect the dots.
In a word, it sucks.

Gary Barta's mentor was Bob Bowlsby.

Bowlsby was the one who refused to renew Mr. Davis's contract, creating this mess to begin with (IMO).

Connect the dots.

It does suck. He's perfect. I have a really bad feeling Gary doesn't understand. I often wonder what Bobby Hansen thinks of Keno, and I am in denial that Keno himself wouldn't come even if asked.
Well, nothing against Barta personally, but when you hire a mid-major AD, I think you see what you get. He just doesn't understand the history of Iowa basketball, why we had the success we did and what that era meant to most of us. Instead, he's floundering around like he's hiring a coach for Wyoming which won't work in the Big 10.

Keno is an absolute natural for Iowa. He has a young, energetic staff that isn't afraid to recruit and that's exactly what Iowa needs.
If Barta is having coaches turn him down even for an interview we could be in trouble. The only way Barta can save this from being a disaster is to hire someone that has ties and that actually wants to be in IC. I would love Keno but have a feeling he doesn't want to leave providence after such a short stay, I know he only did a year at Drake but I can't blame him for making the move.
It appears we've made our pitch to some of the "big" names and we've swung and missed.

Now, we're trying to put a shine on either another mid-major coach or an assistant coach and that type of hire will truly divide the fan base even further than it is now.

Now, it's time to hire the best candidate possible to turn this program around.....Keno Davis. He has spent 2 years cutting his teeth in a major conference and it's obvious he understands the talent needed and has shown the ability to be an outstanding recruiter.

Another positive, he brings a complete coaching staff with him immediately and one of those is a former Hawkeye player.

Gary Barta.....make the call and offer $2 Million per year, tell him you'll name the practice facility after his father and we can finally unite this fan base and bring exciting basketball back to Iowa!

Let's do it!!!

Per your title, I absolutely agree. Enough of this mindless speculation and rumor-mongering! Let's get on with some online gaming ... for fun or "real money"!

Keno Online - play online keno games
Keno is an absolute natural for Iowa. He has a young, energetic staff that isn't afraid to recruit and that's exactly what Iowa needs.

Absolutely correct! The "Bruce Pearl to Iowa" crowd clouds the very person who is so perfect for this job. But, as others have said.......he may not even want it. That makes me very sad.
It appears we've made our pitch to some of the "big" names and we've swung and missed.

Now, we're trying to put a shine on either another mid-major coach or an assistant coach and that type of hire will truly divide the fan base even further than it is now.

Now, it's time to hire the best candidate possible to turn this program around.....Keno Davis. He has spent 2 years cutting his teeth in a major conference and it's obvious he understands the talent needed and has shown the ability to be an outstanding recruiter.

Another positive, he brings a complete coaching staff with him immediately and one of those is a former Hawkeye player.

Gary Barta.....make the call and offer $2 Million per year, tell him you'll name the practice facility after his father and we can finally unite this fan base and bring exciting basketball back to Iowa!

Let's do it!!!

"We"? Do you have a turd in your pocket or know something the rest of us don't? Because as far as I can tell based on the "facts" on this board and in the news no pitch has been made to any coach.

As far as "trying to put a shine on another mid-major coach" isn't that exactly what you're trying to do with Keno? Granted Providence isn't a in a mid-major, but come on it's Providence. The guy had one great year with the players daddy left him and took the money and ran. And really who could blame him. In my mind two years at Providence doesn't qualify for a Big 10 Head Coaching job.

Iowa needs an established coach/assistant from a big time program for two reasons. One, they need to make some waves and become relevant again. By swooping in an taking someone they send the message that they'll do whatever it takes to win. If they hire Keno they send the message that they're willing to settle for anyone. Two, whoever they hire will become the face of Iowa basketball. This person needs to be energetic, likable, and a monster recruiter. While there is no doubt that Keno is likable, he is none of the rest.

I'm sorry but Keno is not the guy.

Just say NO... to Keno

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