Eno Benjamin to Powerhouse Arizona State

As for the people that think his commitment to ASU is proof that he would have flipped. I think that's kind of a hindsight prediction. ASU was the last secret visit he went on, but we also pulled his scholarship. Its impossible to go to a school that doesn't want you. If both schools were competing, there is a chance we still get him. Pulling the scholarship guarantees him going somewhere else. I tend to think that we could have held off against ASU due to our history of abusing running backs and the type of runner that he is (nothing special, but solid in every aspect). ASU has been a completely irrelevant program.

In the grand scheme he probably wouldn't have fit at Iowa, but I am still frustrated that we cant get higher rated recruits (who don't have a lineage through the university) to buy into this program.
Who cares though? He's there and we've got guys that actually want to be at Iowa. How about a thread about how AWESOME Epenesa is! Can't wait to see that young man grow at Iowa!
Just playing devils advocate..or maybe this is exactly the reason for the policy. Eno committed to the school he visited, after verbal committing to Iowa. I had heard he also pulled the ever awesome hat switcharoo, throwing the Iowa hat off prior to picking ASU. Which is odd, as i dont believe playing Iowa was even an option for him.

I have no idea if he fibbed about the visit or not. thats all up for speculation, and not relevant. I do know he picked the school he visited after the verbal, the visit that caused all the hub bub. "Three stripe life" was all the rage and a pretty big deal to Eno prior to Iowa pulling the offer, I imagine there was a reason....

We'll never know if he would have stayed with the verbal(if given the opportunity, which he wasnt), but I would argue that given all the data since, that there's a good argument the Iowa staff made the right call.

Wish him the best, but this story was over months ago.

Kind of a d-bag move on his part. Kinda glad he's not coming to Iowa actually.
Who cares though? He's there and we've got guys that actually want to be at Iowa. How about a thread about how AWESOME Epenesa is! Can't wait to see that young man grow at Iowa!

Start one up. I'll comment. Dude looks like a monster