Just playing devils advocate..or maybe this is exactly the reason for the policy. Eno committed to the school he visited, after verbal committing to Iowa. I had heard he also pulled the ever awesome hat switcharoo, throwing the Iowa hat off prior to picking ASU. Which is odd, as i dont believe playing Iowa was even an option for him.
I have no idea if he fibbed about the visit or not. thats all up for speculation, and not relevant. I do know he picked the school he visited after the verbal, the visit that caused all the hub bub. "Three stripe life" was all the rage and a pretty big deal to Eno prior to Iowa pulling the offer, I imagine there was a reason....
We'll never know if he would have stayed with the verbal(if given the opportunity, which he wasnt), but I would argue that given all the data since, that there's a good argument the Iowa staff made the right call.
Wish him the best, but this story was over months ago.