emails to Mason & Barta about tailgating... Animal House quote...


Well-Known Member
I have to share this quick story, I was reading the an article from Hawk Central about all the emails sent to Mason and Barta complaining about the tailgating policy, etc. I started laughing out loud when I read one of the emails in particular as it is right out of Animal House, here's the part.........

"So I leave this with you Mr. Barta, who are the knuckleheads? Maybe you should more eloquently clarify your stance on what exactly makes up a 'knucklehead'. Because according to you, I'm a knucklehead, my friends are knucklehead's, a 60 year old woman crossing the street is a knucklehead and the fans that make the university what it is are 'knuckleheads'. You can't hold a whole people responsible for the behavior of a few irresponsible individuals. For if you do, then shouldn't we blame the whole college system? And if the whole college system is guilty, then isn't this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Mr. Barta! Isn't this an indictment of our entire American society? So ask yourself Mr. Barta, who ar the knuckleheads?"
This was in this morning's Daily Iowan

Fans criticize tailgating regulations in e-mails to UI officials - The Daily Iowan

What I found to be a head-shaker was the following:

The set of more than 50 e-mails sent to President Sally Mason and other officials — along with a letter that Charles Green, the assistant vice president for the UI police sent to disgruntled fans — was obtained in response to an open-records request. All of the senders' names were redacted.

"Given that more than 70,000 Hawkeye fans attend football games, this is a relatively small amount of feedback," UI spokesman Tom Moore said.

Well Mr. Moore....not everyone of them are of drinking age, so scratch them. Not everyone of them tailgates on UI property, so scratch them. Not everyone emails their displeasure, so scratch them. And not everybody was subjected to police action, so scratch them.

Goes to show....statistics can lie, and liars use statistics.
This was in this morning's Daily Iowan

Fans criticize tailgating regulations in e-mails to UI officials - The Daily Iowan

What I found to be a head-shaker was the following:

The set of more than 50 e-mails sent to President Sally Mason and other officials — along with a letter that Charles Green, the assistant vice president for the UI police sent to disgruntled fans — was obtained in response to an open-records request. All of the senders' names were redacted.

"Given that more than 70,000 Hawkeye fans attend football games, this is a relatively small amount of feedback," UI spokesman Tom Moore said.

Well Mr. Moore....not everyone of them are of drinking age, so scratch them. Not everyone of them tailgates on UI property, so scratch them. Not everyone emails their displeasure, so scratch them. And not everybody was subjected to police action, so scratch them.

Goes to show....statistics can lie, and liars use statistics.

The Press-Citizen had an article on this story as well, they cited a figure of the emails taking up 118 double sided pages. The part of the story that I found interesting is that apparently President Mason did not respond to a single email sent to her from displeased fans and donors and she would not speak to the Press-Citizen on the matter.

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