That's your 'documentation', lol...You are some kinda special. A Blogger from hawkcentral says 'you can count the number of blitzes on one hand through three games.." and you consider that documented proof? Bahahaha.....I want the 'exact' number of times we blitzed in the first 3 games. But a side point would be, why would be blitz in those games if you don't need to? Should they have pass blitzed or run blitzed? Do you know the difference and when to call them? How would have blitzing helped us against NDSU? Who should we have blitzed? From where? On what down and distance? Oh, and lastly, you did notice we ran a corner blitz against PSU didn't you? I doubt you did, because you're an idiot. What happened on that corner blitz? Come on big talk.....It amazes me that the sheep have no shame anymore, nor sense of embarrassment......You embarrass yourself making an 'overstatement' (like a teenage dramaqueen) and then tell me I'm wrong, lol....classic