Double standard ALERT! New rules!


Well-Known Member
1) It is acceptable for any recruit to decommit from any school (except Iowa) PROVIDED their destination is the University of Iowa.
2) It is NOT acceptable for recruits to decommit from the University of Iowa. If they do, they are no longer permitted to play basketball of any kind.

That is all.
You forgot to mention that if they left Iowa, they were horrible anyway, so it's probably a good thing.

Maybe it's a "fan thing" and not just an "IOWA fan thing"...I'm pretty sure we feel MUCH differently about Adam Haluska than Clone fans do...

But you're right, they do automatically suck...not sure how that happens, but it's a proven fact!:D
This thread pretty much sums it up!

Mesahn Besabe is a future lottery pick and Cody Larson is the next Pierre Pierce! FTW!
This thread pretty much sums it up!

Mesahn Besabe is a future lottery pick and Cody Larson is the next Pierre Pierce! FTW!

Andre Woolridge, Gerry Wright , Matt Bullard, Luke Recker, Sam Okey and Adam Haluska were all better than Nick Dewitz, Brian Gardner and Paul Lusk. There my friends you have undeniable scientific proof.
Andre Woolridge, Gerry Wright , Matt Bullard, Luke Recker, Sam Okey and Adam Haluska were all better than Nick Dewitz, Brian Gardner and Paul Lusk. There my friends you have undeniable scientific proof.

By the way, I was trying to be funny. I am sure Larson will be a heck of a good college player.
I think this is a EVERY School thing...not just an IOWA thing. I do find some fans double standards quite funny though...