Don't sleep on Beathard


Well-Known Member
The mothership over at ESPN evaluated the Big Ten Quarterback position and no surprise all 3 OSU qbs garner the top position. Good thing for the big ten, only one can play the position at a time (assuming Urban Meyer doesn't revolutionize the game). Listed as their sleeper QB in the Big Ten is none other than our very own CJ Beathard. They reference his potential and high ceiling could cause trouble BIG defenses. I hope our OTs are able to get him protection and he can open up this offense.

Not earthshattering news as it is a summer preseason outlook piece, but good to see some recognition for our gunslinger. Now you read and like it!
If the OT's suck, then Iowa might be abandoning the early, and CJ will be running for his life most of the season, but if he can get rid of the ball quick enough it may be a record setting season for both TD's and picks. Should be interesting.
Bleedn, I thought you were being serious till you got to the part about opening up the offense. Good one!
they had to throw Iowa a bone....They have no other mention for any other positions so far. Not even under "contenders with an issue" or whatever they called it.
I see they mentioned Jake being the likely starter over at Michigan with two years of starting experience. This could be very interesting to watch CJ and Jake in comparison of how they do.
I've been sleeping on the Iowa offense for years.


One autumn day, to escape his wife's nagging, Van Winkle wanders up the mountains with his dog, Wolf. Hearing his name called out, Rip sees a man wearing antiquated Dutch clothing; he is carrying a keg up the mountain and requires help. Together, they proceed to a hollow in which Rip discovers the source of thunderous noises: a group of ornately dressed, silent, bearded men who are playing nine-pins. Rip does not ask who they are or how they know his name. Instead, he begins to drink some of their moonshine and soon falls asleep.

He awakes to discover shocking changes. His musket is rotting and rusty, his beard is a foot long, and his dog is nowhere to be found. Van Winkle returns to his village where he recognizes no one. He discovers that his wife has died and that his close friends have fallen in a war or moved away. He gets into trouble when he proclaims himself a loyal subject of King George III, not aware that the American Revolution has taken place. King George's portrait in the inn has been replaced with one of George Washington. Rip Van Winkle is also disturbed to find another man called Rip Van Winkle. It is his son, now grown up.

Dutch people playing nine pins (kegelen). Painted 1650-1660 by Jan Steen.

Rip Van Winkle learns the men he met in the mountains are rumored to be the ghosts of Hendrick (Henry) Hudson's crew, which had vanished long ago. Rip learns he has been away from the village for at least twenty years. However, an old resident recognizes him and Rip's grown daughter takes him in. He resumes his usual idleness, and his strange tale is solemnly taken to heart by the Dutch settlers. Other henpecked men wish they could have shared in Rip's good luck and had the luxury of sleeping through the hardships of the American Revolution.
I've been sleeping on the Iowa offense for years.


One autumn day, to escape his wife's nagging, Van Winkle wanders up the mountains with his dog, Wolf. Hearing his name called out, Rip sees a man wearing antiquated Dutch clothing; he is carrying a keg up the mountain and requires help. Together, they proceed to a hollow in which Rip discovers the source of thunderous noises: a group of ornately dressed, silent, bearded men who are playing nine-pins. Rip does not ask who they are or how they know his name. Instead, he begins to drink some of their moonshine and soon falls asleep.

He awakes to discover shocking changes. His musket is rotting and rusty, his beard is a foot long, and his dog is nowhere to be found. Van Winkle returns to his village where he recognizes no one. He discovers that his wife has died and that his close friends have fallen in a war or moved away. He gets into trouble when he proclaims himself a loyal subject of King George III, not aware that the American Revolution has taken place. King George's portrait in the inn has been replaced with one of George Washington. Rip Van Winkle is also disturbed to find another man called Rip Van Winkle. It is his son, now grown up.

Dutch people playing nine pins (kegelen). Painted 1650-1660 by Jan Steen.

Rip Van Winkle learns the men he met in the mountains are rumored to be the ghosts of Hendrick (Henry) Hudson's crew, which had vanished long ago. Rip learns he has been away from the village for at least twenty years. However, an old resident recognizes him and Rip's grown daughter takes him in. He resumes his usual idleness, and his strange tale is solemnly taken to heart by the Dutch settlers. Other henpecked men wish they could have shared in Rip's good luck and had the luxury of sleeping through the hardships of the American Revolution.

nice :cool:
I'm just excited to see CJ get his chance to be the main cog on the wheel. From watching Jake the last couple of seasons checking down to the short and safe calls its going to be awesome to watch CJ taking chances and throwing BBs down the field. Let's just hope CJ starts the season on a good note and hopefully that will give him and the team some confidence to put together a good season.
C.J. has the tools/skill/talent to lead the Hawkeyes to a good year.
He's going to need some help from the OL and the WR, plus the Off coordinator.
I worry about those folks, most of all.

It's funny how, now that Jake is in Ann Arbor, some fans who hated on him, are now all of the sudden
coveting his 'prowess' as a QB. I hope Jake and Michigan suck, this year. Thanks very much

go hawks
I am hoping that this year will show just how important the QB position is. When Stanzi took over for JC, Iowa's ceiling for success became much higher.....I'm hoping the same is true with CJ taking over for Jake.
I'm just excited to see CJ get his chance to be the main cog on the wheel. From watching Jake the last couple of seasons checking down to the short and safe calls its going to be awesome to watch CJ taking chances and throwing BBs down the field. Let's just hope CJ starts the season on a good note and hopefully that will give him and the team some confidence to put together a good season.

If CJ throws the same safe check-down passes that JR threw, then it will be time for a coaching change. I do not believe last years passing offense will produce 10 wins in 2015. And I will put the blame at kfootball's feet as he alone has the power to force the offense to throw downfield.
The two question marks on O will be play calling and how the Oline does. If they can't run the ball any better this year and they continue with the check down horizontal 3 yard passing game they just won't be giving themselves a chance....
It's funny how, now that Jake is in Ann Arbor, some fans who hated on him, are now all of the sudden
coveting his 'prowess' as a QB.
go hawks

If this is the case, they need to watch the Nebraska game from last season one more time. It's a good reminder of what Iowa is not going to miss about JR.
C.J. has the tools/skill/talent to lead the Hawkeyes to a good year.
He's going to need some help from the OL and the WR, plus the Off coordinator.
I worry about those folks, most of all.

It's funny how, now that Jake is in Ann Arbor, some fans who hated on him, are now all of the sudden
coveting his 'prowess' as a QB. I hope Jake and Michigan suck, this year. Thanks very much

go hawks

I hope Michigan sucks but I dont care if Rudock has a good year. I hope he does. More power to him. But just because he has a good year there doesnt mean he would have had a good year at Iowa. We know how he played at Iowa and we know what we would have gotten this year. His success or failure at Michigan will not change my perception of the QB position at Iowa. Blame Ferentz, blame Davis, but either way had Rudock stayed we would have seen more of the same (serviceable, but not gamechanger) at Iowa no matter how good or bad he is at Meatchicken.
If CJ throws the same safe check-down passes that JR threw, then it will be time for a coaching change. I do not believe last years passing offense will produce 10 wins in 2015. And I will put the blame at kfootball's feet as he alone has the power to force the offense to throw downfield.

I suspect CJ is going to do what he wants to...throw the ball downfield a lot....what is Kirk going to do...bench him?
As always our qb goes as KF allows him to. If Kirk beats CJ down to the point that he'll get benched for throwing an interception and CJ is playing scared we're doomed. If Kirk works his magic with the offensive line and the running backs step up so we have the running game that we used to have then CJ could have a special year and with this schedule our season could be schedule. The next two years with CJ having really good years could totally change the way skill position players look at our program. All that said, I'd really like to see a 40 point beat down of ISU. I'd much prefer hearing the cyfans with their rolodex of excuses explaining how they lost rather than their delusion of talking about how they dominated the game after their win.
As always our qb goes as KF allows him to. If Kirk beats CJ down to the point that he'll get benched for throwing an interception and CJ is playing scared we're doomed. If Kirk works his magic with the offensive line and the running backs step up so we have the running game that we used to have then CJ could have a special year and with this schedule our season could be schedule. The next two years with CJ having really good years could totally change the way skill position players look at our program. All that said, I'd really like to see a 40 point beat down of ISU. I'd much prefer hearing the cyfans with their rolodex of excuses explaining how they lost rather than their delusion of talking about how they dominated the game after their win.

If CJB has over-the-top success early, the running game, i.e, open lanes, less-congested-in-the-box, will take care of itself.

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