Don't fight Iowa hate with hate


Well-Known Member
So many topics on here are about the playoff rankings and what person X is saying about Iowa. I get it that many of you are upset about our lack of being respected. Mad that people aren't giving us our due. Some are mad that people are "hating on us". That is fine if you don't like it. Just don't fight hate with more hate. It NEVER gets you anywhere! You just can't fight hate with hate and get anywhere in life. If you want to bring up facts to prove people wrong in their rationale for not respect Iowa, please do it in a respectful manor. Calling people morons and babbling about how you can't stand their stupidity gets you no where. It just breeds more hate! This is Iowa, let's be better than this. Go Hawks!
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Iowa has played 8 games we have plenty more games to play. Listen it's nice to be part of the discussion but nothing anyone is saying will have any impact on how Iowa finishes. IMO Iowa controls it's destiny, seriously it's in their hands. I listen to the dribble but it's nothing I'm getting worked up over.
Iowa has played 8 games we have plenty more games to play. Listen it's nice to be part of the discussion but nothing anyone is saying will have any impact on how Iowa finishes. IMO Iowa controls it's destiny, seriously it's in their hands. I listen to the dribble but it's nothing I'm getting worked up over.

Yep, we control our destiny. We have five games left, one of which will probably be against a top 5 opponent in tOSU or MSU, if we make it that far. If we win all those games, big if, we will have earned a spot. Self-fulfilling prophecy, folks are doing it by over-doing this media talk.
Why get so bent out of shape by the words of a bunch of reporters/whatever they are whenthe results only come from game outcomes.

The hawks win this week and they are still in line for the playoffs.

I can see them winning their last 4 games (statistical anomoly) but probably losing in the Big 10 CG. Now reason they shouldnt win their last 4 games except fo some bad bounces etc
Kumbaya, muh Lord ...

... Kumbaya
1. Iowa doesn't control it's own destiny. At least three teams in front have to lose before Iowa controls it's own destiny, not including MSU and tOSU. They need help.ND needs to lose once more, the Big 12 scools each need to lose once, and Alabama needs to lose to LSU or Ole Miss needs to win out and beat Florida in the sec championship game. Then Iowa can control it's own destiny.

2. It matters because the talking heads (a subset of them, anyway) decide who can play for a championship, who gets on T.V., how much money your program gets from T.V., and all those money-making things feed facilities, coach salaries, and other recruiting resources.

3. It matters because what recruit would choose a school, where the school was having the best season in its history, and had the third best resume in the country that season, and STILL can't make the playoffs as the undefeated champ of the best conference in the country? It's like being an ISU football fan, you are setting yourself up for major disappointment. The talking heads have already made that decision.

The strange thing to me is that Hayden's teams never got this garbage. Partly because he was not humble when he was winning.

The truth about success is that it rarely pays to be humble. To be perceived as great, you have to get others to talk about you as being great. To do that, they have to know what you've done, what you plan to do, and you have to then do what You told then you planned on doing.

It doesn't have to be bragging. But Kirk has to say "we have a pretty good football team here. I believe that we can execute better than our opponents on the schedule and compete in the conference championship game.

All we have to do now is keep improving, keep preparing, and go do it on the field. Time will tell if we can do those things, but right now I think we've earned everything we've gotten and have our minds set on more, obviously.

We'll take it one game at a time, and I don't think you want to get caught up in who's better than who according to the experts, but uh, I don't think these guys deserve to hear some of the things that they're hearing right now and it just adds fuel to the fire for us, certainly."

That's as close as I can get to Kirk saying - we're better than you think we are in coachspeak. You have to risk it, if you want them to talk about you in a positive light. You are talking, mostly, about convincing a bunch of has-been or wannabe alpha-male athletes who get paid to have strong opinions and to say I told you so that your opinion has merit.

Stats won't do that - they are leaders and see the world as a competitive environment. Stats are used to back up their arguments to lower people, not sway they're opinions. They care about attitude and how something looks. It trips their instinct alarms.Iowa looks good. But they don't have the attitude of success.
1. Iowa doesn't control it's own destiny. At least three teams in front have to lose before Iowa controls it's own destiny, not including MSU and tOSU. They need help.ND needs to lose once more, the Big 12 scools each need to lose once, and Alabama needs to lose to LSU or Ole Miss needs to win out and beat Florida in the sec championship game. Then Iowa can control it's own destiny.

2. It matters because the talking heads (a subset of them, anyway) decide who can play for a championship, who gets on T.V., how much money your program gets from T.V., and all those money-making things feed facilities, coach salaries, and other recruiting resources.

3. It matters because what recruit would choose a school, where the school was having the best season in its history, and had the third best resume in the country that season, and STILL can't make the playoffs as the undefeated champ of the best conference in the country? It's like being an ISU football fan, you are setting yourself up for major disappointment. The talking heads have already made that decision.

The strange thing to me is that Hayden's teams never got this garbage. Partly because he was not humble when he was winning.

The truth about success is that it rarely pays to be humble. To be perceived as great, you have to get others to talk about you as being great. To do that, they have to know what you've done, what you plan to do, and you have to then do what You told then you planned on doing.

It doesn't have to be bragging. But Kirk has to say "we have a pretty good football team here. I believe that we can execute better than our opponents on the schedule and compete in the conference championship game.

All we have to do now is keep improving, keep preparing, and go do it on the field. Time will tell if we can do those things, but right now I think we've earned everything we've gotten and have our minds set on more, obviously.

We'll take it one game at a time, and I don't think you want to get caught up in who's better than who according to the experts, but uh, I don't think these guys deserve to hear some of the things that they're hearing right now and it just adds fuel to the fire for us, certainly."

That's as close as I can get to Kirk saying - we're better than you think we are in coachspeak. You have to risk it, if you want them to talk about you in a positive light. You are talking, mostly, about convincing a bunch of has-been or wannabe alpha-male athletes who get paid to have strong opinions and to say I told you so that your opinion has merit.

Stats won't do that - they are leaders and see the world as a competitive environment. Stats are used to back up their arguments to lower people, not sway they're opinions. They care about attitude and how something looks. It trips their instinct alarms.Iowa looks good. But they don't have the attitude of success.


Kirk knows the only thing that really matters is winning, and that starts with beating IU. When, and if, the time comes, he'll talk about his team. I get what you're saying about perception, but we are a long way from the end of the year, really, and in a few weeks, if everything goes well, I think KF will start to talk about the team.

I actually disagree that you have to be a charismatic seller to truly be successful leader. Some of the most successful people in business, entertainment, and sport are actually people who work relentlessly and have a kind of OCD. That doesn't always translate into being charismatic. Maybe being charismatic helps, but it isn't the main thing. Just ask the friggin Patriots.

If Iowa gets to 10 or 11 and OH, I think the spotlight gets pretty hot on the Iowa program, and there will be plenty of time to talk about how great we are. Saying we're awesome and then losing to the likes of Indiana is poor form. I think this can be a special year, but the first poll doesn't mean all that much, and Iowa is still a little way from even going to the BoneG championship game.

Briles from Baylor threw a fit when they were locked out of the playoffs, and then lost to the Spartans. I don't think that looked so hot.
PS--the talking heads don't individually decide how much money teams get. I think each Big Ten team is set to get about $40M per year in TV money in the coming years. I think we're doing pretty well, actually. Just win baby. The Big Ten had 2 final four teams in BBALL and a National Champion in football. Whomever goes undefeated from the Big Ten will likely be a playoff team. R E L A X.
PS--the talking heads don't individually decide how much money teams get. I think each Big Ten team is set to get about $40M per year in TV money in the coming years. I think we're doing pretty well, actually. Just win baby. The Big Ten had 2 final four teams in BBALL and a National Champion in football. Whomever goes undefeated from the Big Ten will likely be a playoff team. R E L A X.

No, the talking heads don't individually decide - collectively they decide, in the same way that the media decides who will win the presidency.

Quiet success rarely happens in business -- if you aren't selling you are not succeeding. Tireless work is needed in everything, but if you work tirelessly and nobody hears about it, you probably aren't going to succeeded. That's all I'm saying.

Also, if the perception of you is bad and you sell yourself as good and that is proven later to be false, the perception of you is still bad. If the perception of you is bad and you sell yourself as good and you prove that you are good (you don't lose) then there is a better chance that perception of you will become good. You have to back up your claims with performance. Competence is the first step to popularity.

To put it differently, how do you get a raise? You either ask for one and lay out your case, and get it, our you try the open market and get a job with a higher salary. In both cases, you have to go and get it. People will rarely give you a raise on quiet merit alone.
1. Iowa doesn't control it's own destiny. At least three teams in front have to lose before Iowa controls it's own destiny, not including MSU and tOSU. They need help.ND needs to lose once more, the Big 12 scools each need to lose once, and Alabama needs to lose to LSU or Ole Miss needs to win out and beat Florida in the sec championship game. Then Iowa can control it's own destiny.

I agree with the rest of your post but this first paragraph is just wrong. We DO control our own destiny because we will play the winner of OSU/MSU in the B1GCG. So if we win, we give them the loss you mention. That win in the B1GCG will jump us over the other teams because that will be a win over a top 10 or even top 5 opponent.
So many topics on here are about the playoff rankings and what person X is saying about Iowa. I get it that many of you are upset about our lack of being respected. Mad that people aren't giving us our due. Some are mad that people are "hating on us". That is fine if you don't like it. Just don't fight hate with more hate. It NEVER gets you anywhere! You just can't fight hate with hate and get anywhere in life. If you want to bring up facts to prove people wrong in their rationale for not respect Iowa, please do it in a respectful manor. Calling people morons and babbling about how you can't stand their stupidity gets you no where. It just breeds more hate! This is Iowa, let's be better than this. Go Hawks!

I hate it when people tell me how to fight hate. You are a moron and I can't stand your stupidity.
Whatever the media is talking about whether it's sports, politics or anything else really, the opposite is usually true.

As for the so called experts this week, if I put my athlete hat back on for a moment, I'm so fired up as a hawk player for saturday, I would have difficulty sleeping.

Normally it'd be concerning with Iowa going into lowly Indiana undefeated. But the putdowns on Iowa this week would light a fire in my gut to punch Indiana right square in the mouth. I wouldn't be mad. I'd want to show them what it's like to be destroyed.

Not sure if KF has the stomach for this, but he should want Indiana to feel like crawling into a hole when the game is over.
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1. Iowa doesn't control it's own destiny. At least three teams in front have to lose before Iowa controls it's own destiny, not including MSU and tOSU. They need help.ND needs to lose once more, the Big 12 scools each need to lose once, and Alabama needs to lose to LSU or Ole Miss needs to win out and beat Florida in the sec championship game. Then Iowa can control it's own destiny.

We do control our own destiny;
1. A 1 loss ND will never get in over an undefeated Big Ten Champion, especially 1 that will have beaten 4 ranked teams.
2. LSU is undefeated so you're saying they will take LSU or FLorida AND a 1 loss Alabama if Alabama wins, two teams from the SEC with 1 loss, over an undefeated Big Ten Champ. NO, NOT going to happen. Only 1 SEC team will make it if there is an undefeated Big Ten champ.
3. No PAC 12 team will make it over an undefeated Big Ten Champ.
4. If Iowa goes undefeated, it will most likely be an undefeated Big Ten champ, SEC champ, Big 12 champ and ACC champ in the playoff.
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