Don't be fooled by Ferentz

I for one agree with the OP on this.... I think he has had this planned for a while now. Kirk is a "good guy" but his family comes first as it would for any of us. He is setting up Brian's career as he himself is getting ready to retire. It's not conspiracy theory at all... It just makes sense when you look at it from a father's perspective.
I believe that this new OC hire will be what cements his legacy as Iowa's coach. I don't expect any wild departures from what we're used to seeing, but he has a chance to hit the re-set button, with something that resembles a consistent pulse on offense to go along with the fairly consistent defensive efforts we've come to expect. I really hope he gets it right, as I want him to wind up his career at Iowa going out at the top of his game. I don't want to say that I'm being fooled, but I am cautiously optimistic. On the other hand, if he blows it, life goes on, but not as sweetly for us Iowa fans.
FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be bombed by the Japanese before it happened.
There was a shooter in the grassy knoll in Dallas in '63.
The moon landing was faked.
Bush and Cheney coordinated the 9/11 attacks.
Obama was born in Kenya and is secretly a Muslim.
The Russians gave the election to Trump.
Kirk Ferentz had Greg Davis retire so he could move Brian up the chessboard to eventually allow him to be head coach.

Yep. Fits right in.

Well, at least one of these seems to be in question. Image is from the Harvard Law Review.

From a personal standpoint I could not be happier Davis retired. With that said, it's likely not to matter much as KF is still in charge and he has become more conservative on a yearly basis. If his son is promoted to OC, I'm very very cautiously optimistic he'll let BF open things up. I won't hold my breath though.

His decision to play a badly injured Beathard for a half a game, because the coaches felt they owed it to him, shows me his judgement is less then worthy of a person in his position. So excuse me if I don't feel confident in his hiring ability at this point in his coaching career.
Father and son can neither one recruit. That's where it begins. Nothing will change as long as KF is here. This was planned all along, and is the next step so daddy can get sonny boy the HC job. Pathetic. Which Ferentz will be hired on next? Shouldn't he be creating a position for one of them? Kicking game coordinator maybe?

Isn't Brian Ferentz considered to be a pretty good recruiter?
I believe that this new OC hire will be what cements his legacy as Iowa's coach. I don't expect any wild departures from what we're used to seeing, but he has a chance to hit the re-set button, with something that resembles a consistent pulse on offense to go along with the fairly consistent defensive efforts we've come to expect. I really hope he gets it right, as I want him to wind up his career at Iowa going out at the top of his game. I don't want to say that I'm being fooled, but I am cautiously optimistic. On the other hand, if he blows it, life goes on, but not as sweetly for us Iowa fans.

Barring major scandal or the bottom falling out of the program I think KF's legacy is already cemented. Iowa fans will debate amongst themselves what his true legacy should be, but it will not factor in much in the grand scheme of things.