Dominoes starting to fall. Say it ain't so.

Its not looking good. Covid has soared to record highs over the last couple of weeks. We had 144,000 infections 1,500 deaths and it looks like its climbing. The 144,000 is the highest we have had for one day of infections in the U.S. since this began. Iowa and the mid west has been hit particularly hard and now the costs are getting hit again.

For the first time since the late eighties we have a chance at a final four run with an incredibly solid team and it looks like there might not be a season. So unfortunate.

But more unfortunate for the people who have suffered and have lost lives during this pandemic.
Will this insanity EVER end. Let the kids play. Sans fans if necessary
Ivy League sports ain't a money maker and those schools are flush with endowment cash. The other leagues are reliant on the NCAA tournament TV and shared revenues. Leagues like Horizon, MAC, Sun Belt, etc. are gonna be pushing hard to play.
Jim Bain.
I was ready to hit Jim Beam after watching that game...and I was only 16.

I'll tell you what I did do. We had a neighborhood driveway hoop that was 8 feet 9 inches high. I dunked all over it for an hour before I felt like I had relieved some frustration.

Lute's outburst after the game could easily warrant a lengthy suspension today, if not cost his job. As it was Bain sued for defamation of character, but that may partially have been because of the T shirts that came out. I think he was successful in stopping the production of "Hang Jim Bain" shirts so if those are still out there they are collectors items for sure.
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I was ready to hit Jim Beam after watching that game...and I was only 16.

I'll tell you what I did do. We had a neighborhood driveway hoop that was 8 feet 9 inches high. I dunked all over it for an hour before I felt like I had relieved some frustration.

Lute's outburst after the game could easily warrant a lengthy suspension today, if not cost his job. As it was Bain sued for defamation of character, but that may partially have been because of the T shirts that came out. I think he was successful in stopping the production of "Hang Jim Bain" shirts so if those are still out there they are collectors items for sure.

The Jim Bain case is a case they taught in contracts when I went to Iowa. Maybe they still do. Bain was counter-sued under a theory that Iowa fans are a third party beneficiary of the contract between the Big Ten and Jim Bain to provide officiating services. The fans lost.

Bain sued a t-shirt shop in IC (not affiliated with Game Day Ron) for misappropriation of his likeness and won, I believe, and the defendants lost their appeal asserting negligence and the third party beneficiary theory.

That was just before my era. I started as a fan during the 86-87 season. I am sure I could look it up but can one of you explain the entire situation? Why did Lute have an outburst and what game was it?
What worries me is isolating athletes is a task on campus, but what happens to the number of cases when these athletes get to go home for a few days during the holidays and then return to campus.
I'm dumbfounded by how idiotic people must be. We know how it spreads and how you catch it. Yet people are still putting themselves in situations to catch it. All the unnecessary going out and about and not wearing masks washing hands etc going on. I mean at this point if you catch it it's your fault. It's that simple. Either that or are masks totally utterly not helping? I know a lot still aren't wearing them but are they the only ones not catching it now? I doubt it...
That was just before my era. I started as a fan during the 86-87 season. I am sure I could look it up but can one of you explain the entire situation? Why did Lute have an outburst and what game was it?
Iowa was leading the B1G in mid February but lost several games down the stretch. I think one was to Minnesota in triple OT and another was to Illinois in OT where we blew a big lead late in regulation. The frustration was building and the Bain game at Purdue on the final day of the regular season pushed Lute passed the boiling point.

Iowa tried to win at the buzzer in a tie game and Bain whistled a foul on Kevin Boyle on the rebound attempt. The player sent to the free throw line, the immortal Dan Palombizio, wasn't within ten feet of Boyle. Palomino made the first free throw with no time left and it was another heartbreaking loss.

Lute, famous for his stoicism, went all Bobby Knight on steroids in the post game presser. He shouted that officials who steal games from players should be in jail. And he probably added some choice comments not suitable for print.

That game left a legacy. Legend has it that Bain didn't want his game going into OT because he had a plane to catch to ref a game in Kansas City that evening. The NCAA that off season passed a rule prohibiting officials from working multiple games per 24 hour period.
It's a hoax...its a media creation. There are 71000 people in the hospital today that don't think it's a hoax. Guess what...they also figured out why random young people get so sick. There is an immune response that attacks your body and helps the virus. also occurs more in men...than another reason to be cautious.

Just wear the god damn mask and wait for the vaccine. sucks...but if we would have had a cohesive policy plan and direction from the beginning, things would have been alot different. We could have shut down for 6 the beginning and we could have had a fully functioning economy by now.

Shutting down isn’t stopping a virus like this and the economy wouldn’t be functioning fully! I don’t know what makes you think this but IMO your wrong. Until there is vaccine it’s going to keep spreading and impacting life as we know it.

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