Does USC keep Oregon out of the BCS Championship


Well-Known Member
Didnt think of this until now, but lets say USC ends up in the top 15 of the AP poll. Does the absence of USC in the coaches poll keep an undefeated Oregon team out of the Championship?
Didnt think of this until now, but lets say USC ends up in the top 15 of the AP poll. Does the absence of USC in the coaches poll keep an undefeated Oregon team out of the Championship?
Please 'splain your logic. How does that matter?
Who is going to beat Oregon? I don't see anybody doing it. They'll be undefeated and you won't be able to keep them out, no matter what happens to USC.
Didnt think of this until now, but lets say USC ends up in the top 15 of the AP poll. Does the absence of USC in the coaches poll keep an undefeated Oregon team out of the Championship?

Not in the sense you're talking about, but I could see USC beating Oregon. I know USC's defense is below average to say the least this year, but after watching the Oregon-UCLA game last night, I think USC could tear apart the Oregon D. With how much Oregon blitzes and over pursues, if Barkely gets time he could have a huge game. Plus with no bowl game this year, the Oregon game will be USC's super bowl.
Please 'splain your logic. How does that matter?

what does a tire iron have to do with a waffle?...that question makes more sense than yours....

Are we talking computer rankings and SOS??

Not in the sense you're talking about, but I could see USC beating Oregon. I know USC's defense is below average to say the least this year, but after watching the Oregon-UCLA game last night, I think USC could tear apart the Oregon D. With how much Oregon blitzes and over pursues, if Barkely gets time he could have a huge game. Plus with no bowl game this year, the Oregon game will be USC's super bowl.

USC cannot and will not be ranked in the Coaches poll and thus the BCS. The Coaches Poll makes up 33.3333% of the BCS....Get it?
No, they won't beat them and it doesn't matter because it won't be a close game. Oregon right now is the best team in the Nation and I don't know that it's close. Alabama is very good, but I think Oregon is on another level. Of course, I have said this about them before and then they did something that made me look like an idot but with the beating they laid on Stanford, who is a pretty good team, I have to think they are the real deal this year.
riiiight....but what does USC's poll ranking or non-ranking have to do with Oregon's? If USC beats them Oregon is in the Rose Bowl. If not, they are in the NC game...I guess I am confused on the validity of the USC variable.
I guess this is what i was looking for...Trying to make my question look a little less idiotic.

Ineligible For Postseason Play

On July 30, 2010, the BCS announced that teams which are ineligible for postseason play will be removed from computer ratings for the purposes of determining the BCS Standings.

Each of the six computer rankings providers have notified the BCS group that ineligible teams will still be included in the individual computer rankings during the regular season to ensure the integrity of the data and in fairness to opponents. But, for the purpose of determining the BCS Standings, ineligible teams will be removed from each computer ranking and all others below it moved up one position.

"Basically, we will take each computer ranking, remove the ineligible teams, and move all the teams below the open position up one spot. It's fair, it's consistent, it's simple, and it's transparent," said Bill Hancock, Executive Director of the BCS.

For example, if the ineligible team is ranked No. 10 in a computer ranking, the No. 11 team would move up one slot, as would all teams ranked below it, preserving the integrity of the rankings. The process would be followed for all six computer rankings. The rest of the formula would stay the same-the highest and lowest ranking for each team will be discarded and the remaining numbers averaged to create the team's computer ranking.

The average of the six computer rankings is one-third of the components of the BCS Standings. The three components are averaged to create the Standings, which include only teams that are eligible to participate in post-season play.

The USA Today Coaches Poll and the Harris Interactive College Football Poll said earlier this summer that their polls will not include teams that are prohibited by the NCAA from participating in post-season play.

The first BCS Rankings for 2010 will be released October 17, then weekly through December 5.
No, your point still makes absolutely no sense. USC's not be ranked won't affect Oregon.

It could if the computers use coaches poll rankings somehow. I highly doubt this, but since some of the formulas are secret, we don't know for sure.

To H8ers orginal question, 99.999...% sure the answer is no.
I think i get it now...but it shouldnt matter because a) USC won't be included in the polls that matter, and b) they aren't ranked ahead of Oregon. If they were ranked ahead, I can see where if USC loses to Oregon, the ducks dont move up like they should, but that is all moot as again, the Harris and Coaches aren't ranking USC regardless of their record.
Oregon runs a fast-paced offense that requires perfect timing and execution.

As soon as someone one steps up with a defense that can disrupt their timing and keep it up for 60 minutes, they'll lose. uSC may beat them next week.

And if they finish the regular season unbeaten, they'll lose in the bowl game because the long layoff will kill their timing and precision.
Oregon runs a fast-paced offense that requires perfect timing and execution.

As soon as someone one steps up with a defense that can disrupt their timing and keep it up for 60 minutes, they'll lose. uSC may beat them next week.

And if they finish the regular season unbeaten, they'll lose in the bowl game because the long layoff will kill their timing and precision.

With that secondary? I doubt it. It could happen, but I don't see it happening.
No, they won't beat them and it doesn't matter because it won't be a close game. Oregon right now is the best team in the Nation and I don't know that it's close. Alabama is very good, but I think Oregon is on another level. Of course, I have said this about them before and then they did something that made me look like an idot but with the beating they laid on Stanford, who is a pretty good team, I have to think they are the real deal this year.

I disagree on that one. I think Boise State is the #1 team. Of course, I'm slightly prejudiced, but I think we could easily beat the Duck...Dead Ducks...Dead Ducks...come and get us.:rolleyes:
I disagree on that one. I think Boise State is the #1 team. Of course, I'm slightly prejudiced, but I think we could easily beat the Duck...Dead Ducks...Dead Ducks...come and get us.:rolleyes:

Boise State's not the number 1 team, but they can compete and beat anyone on any given saturday...they're a BCS team stuck in a non-BCS conference. What never seems to get brought up when talking about your team is, they always beat these "power conference" teams when they've been given a month or more to prepare...the pundits always say "they couldn't do that with an SEC schedule" or a "Big12 or Big10 schedule"...but they never give a reason why. The reason why is that they always get that extra time and never play them on a short, one week turn around...and don't get me wrong, I respect the hell out of them because they always come out on top when given that time, but I think it does factor in, because we haven't seen otherwise.

And if you're a female cheerleader, we're going to need some photographic proof of your cheerleaderiness! Maybe a pic in uniform with a shout-out sign to Hawkeye Nation!?!? And if you're a male cheerleader, we'll gladly just take your word for it...:D

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