Does this mean I have to pull for Nebraska?

I think people underestimate how easy it will be to root for Nebraska (eventually). I'm not kidding.

In recent years I've absolutely despised certain teams and their fans (usually after we've lost to them, like Northwestern), but by bowl-time the anti-Big Ten crap has worn on me enough to cheer for them with all my heart.

For people with personal vendettas it might be a little tougher during the OOC schedule, but by the time bowl games start the standings are clear and there's not much to fight about. Then you support the Big Ten completely, in my opinion.
No, you don't HAVE to cheer for anyone. No one cares who you cheer for, and it is actually pretty irrelevent, since your cheering doesn't effect the outcome of anything. Good day.
Hmmm, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I haven't met the Husker fans you speak of.

Hang out with my in-laws for a day. You'll hate the huskers too. They have the unique arrogance of a person that thinks they are the coolest person in the room, but everyone is else is just laughing at them.

Hang out with some of my family members and you'll hate the Hawks. Every team has it's a-hole fans and that's just common sense. Some teams have more than others, i.e. Colorado, KSUcks, etc. *sorry I'm still stuck in the Big XII right now* My family has literally drove me away from the black and gold of Iowa and into the Scarlet and Cream of Nebraska. I got so sick and tired of hearing about Iowa when I was younger that I couldn't take it anymore. As a diehard Husker fan I can say that part of me is looking forward to our games and part of me is not. You think we're gonna take you easy and we think you are gonna take us easy. Bottom line is it'll be one helluva a game and one outstanding conference once the dust settles.
Damn right it does - as long as they aren't playing us :) Seriously I would like to see this rivalry grow into one of mutual respect. Not the kind of hating thing we see with some of our so called rivals. I've heard that CU and MU have been bitter (unfriendly) rivals with Nebby. Can we all agree to play them TOUGH and then have a beer with them afterward? Doesn't mean we won't try to kick their a$$ (or expect them to try to do the same to us) :) I'm looking forward to my first trip to Lincoln!
Try pulling for them in their last year of the Big 12 to appease your inlaws. Then when Nebbie starts playing the Big 10 schedule and finds out it's harder than they thought it would be (ala Penn State) give your inlaws a gentle "I told you so" regarding the Big 10's toughness.

Hang out with some of my family members and you'll hate the Hawks. Every team has it's a-hole fans and that's just common sense. Some teams have more than others, i.e. Colorado, KSUcks, etc. *sorry I'm still stuck in the Big XII right now* My family has literally drove me away from the black and gold of Iowa and into the Scarlet and Cream of Nebraska. I got so sick and tired of hearing about Iowa when I was younger that I couldn't take it anymore. As a diehard Husker fan I can say that part of me is looking forward to our games and part of me is not. You think we're gonna take you easy and we think you are gonna take us easy. Bottom line is it'll be one helluva a game and one outstanding conference once the dust settles.

You grew up in Iowa and you’re a husker fan? All I can say to that is every state has its genetic defects you don’t have to tell everyone on this board yours, but thanks for sharing. Sorry I just couldn't resist I'm just kidding.
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its like this...
i hate nebraska and minnesota so much...
that i cheered, stood up and cheered like an iowa game when ISU played both teams this year. first time i can remember ever actually cheering for ISU.
cause i haaaate ISU.
...I'm sure your in-laws had reason for acting that way...1) they are your in-laws....2) how long ago was this? i'm not a 100% sure but isn't Iowa barely over 50% on their all-time wins? 3) they are your in-laws! thats what they do !

lets be honest here...Iowa has had some really good teams throughout the years and in recent yrs alot more consistant play/more winning

Let's also realize that if you bring up how much better Iowa is then Nebraska...we will get very deffensive...and you will never be on the winning side of the facts in any argument...other then being in a much much better tradition rich conference I stated before...I will continue to root for Iowa when they are not playing Nebraska :D
I'm an Iowa fan. I feel no obligation to cheer for other B10 teams. I've never been a NE fan, and won't be now. Not looking forward to NE fans polluting the sports boards.
I hope that meeting some true Husker fans will change some of your minds.

I started out life as an Iowa fan (raised in Des Moines). I always admired people in the Big 10 as they rooted for conference members in bowl games and such.

I went to school at Nebraska and became the borderline lunatic Husker fan I am today. There, too, I was impressed by the real class that the vast majority of the fans showed. However, since my time at Nebraska was while they were in the Big 12, there was no conference love whatsoever and I missed that about Iowa and the Big 10.

I think you'll find that Nebraska fans will be the most willing group of people to cheer on any Big 10 team. We want to love... we're tired of the shotgun marriage of the Big 12 and are looking forward to being part of a richer tradition where the conference members don't all hate each others' guts.

So I hope we're not just "polluting the boards." I think you'll find, that if you peruse a great Nebraska board like HuskerMax (of which BigRedMax on this board is the board admin), you will see that most Husker fans are a friendly bunch and will talk straight and politely to you.

That being said, I still root for Iowa in all its endeavors... except game day against the Huskers. In that case, I am rooting for the Huskers to win, NOT for Iowa to lose.
I hope that meeting some true Husker fans will change some of your minds.

I started out life as an Iowa fan (raised in Des Moines). I always admired people in the Big 10 as they rooted for conference members in bowl games and such.

I went to school at Nebraska and became the borderline lunatic Husker fan I am today. There, too, I was impressed by the real class that the vast majority of the fans showed. However, since my time at Nebraska was while they were in the Big 12, there was no conference love whatsoever and I missed that about Iowa and the Big 10.

I think you'll find that Nebraska fans will be the most willing group of people to cheer on any Big 10 team. We want to love... we're tired of the shotgun marriage of the Big 12 and are looking forward to being part of a richer tradition where the conference members don't all hate each others' guts.

So I hope we're not just "polluting the boards." I think you'll find, that if you peruse a great Nebraska board like HuskerMax (of which BigRedMax on this board is the board admin), you will see that most Husker fans are a friendly bunch and will talk straight and politely to you.

That being said, I still root for Iowa in all its endeavors... except game day against the Huskers. In that case, I am rooting for the Huskers to win, NOT for Iowa to lose.

Well said my man!! I never understood liking or disliking a program based on other fan's he said/she said stuff, that's something chicks would do. Hate a program because they intercepted a pass at the last second and crushed your BCS bowl dreams and the loss still "stings" years later. I've always pulled for Iowa because of our locality and shared goal of proving football in the midwest can be of high quality. We have a tougher road to travel then schools who's backyards overloaded with top level recruits.

It's hard to imagine how NU/Iowa will not be a rivalry but it'd be premature to rank it among others that go back many years.

And the common, courteous Husker fan does not bash other conferences. It's hard for Tom Osborne's class not to wear off on us all after all these years. And you guys will like Bo Pelini, another classy guy.

I have a hard time finding the class in someone that has to tell me how classy they are.

That being said, I'm about the classiest person I've ever met and everyone thinks so.
Wow. Brilliant stuff.


Husker fan, here's my deal...I don't like you. I never will. Is the game bigger than life? Absolutely not. Would I buy you a beer and shoot the bull with you? You bet.

I don't need you to tell me how classy you are.

I don't need you to clap for my team when they come on the field. It's a football game.

I don't need you to tell me how many national championships your tennis team has won.

I don't need you to tell me how much of a life changing experience it is to go to your stadium. I've been to yours. Mine is better.

I don't need to be reminded of your national championships. However, young adults do. They probably don't remember.

Don't expect me to worship Tom Osborne. He was a great coach. He wasn't a saint. I prefer my Hayden and can't be convinced otherwise. Penn State has their Joe, Michigan has their Bo, Ohio State has their Woody, you have your Tom. We all think of them the same way.

I guess in a nutshell, I don't need back handed compliments and I certainly don't need a peace offering.

I don't like you.

Welcome to the Big 10. I will be your biggest fan come bowl season 2011.

Husker fan, here's my deal...I don't like you. I never will. Is the game bigger than life? Absolutely not. Would I buy you a beer and shoot the bull with you? You bet.

I don't need you to tell me how classy you are.

I don't need you to clap for my team when they come on the field. It's a football game.

I don't need you to tell me how many national championships your tennis team has won.

I don't need you to tell me how much of a life changing experience it is to go to your stadium. I've been to yours. Mine is better.

I don't need to be reminded of your national championships. However, young adults do. They probably don't remember.

Don't expect me to worship Tom Osborne. He was a great coach. He wasn't a saint. I prefer my Hayden and can't be convinced otherwise. Penn State has their Joe, Michigan has their Bo, Ohio State has their Woody, you have your Tom. We all think of them the same way.

I guess in a nutshell, I don't need back handed compliments and I certainly don't need a peace offering.

I don't like you.

Welcome to the Big 10. I will be your biggest fan come bowl season 2011.
Debatable on the stadium comment.

You love your team and I love mine. I went to the Iowa vs. Penn State game 2 years ago as a trade with some Iowa fans I work with. They went to an NU game with me so they could see Memorial and I went with them so I could see Kinnick. They got pumped for the Back in Black song and watching your team walk out. I didn't, I thought it was rather boring. They thought the same about the tunnel walk for NU, but thought the gametime atmosphere was better at Memorial. Your tailgating is better than in Lincoln and there is no doubt about that. I don't get the same feeling from Kinnick that I get from Memorial, but that's obviously because I'm an NU fan, not an Iowa fan.

When gametime comes around I don't care if I have respect for a team or not. I want my team to destroy the other team. I don't want them to take it easy on the other team either. I want their opponent to feel miserable when they look at the scoreboard. I want burning bodies on the field of play and a Husker standing in the endzone with the opponents cheerleaders. When gametime comes around, there is no respect, just the scoreboard.
Weird thing is that I already feel like NU is part of the team. I will hate them from August through Dec, but then bowl season I don't think I will have a problem rooting for them the way I do Wiscy or Minn or even Illinois(if they ever get to a bowl game again)