Does this irritate anyone else...

All of us should move on including you Stevie Boy...........seriously your first tournament win in years and you want to talk about your old employer?? Get over it
Re: Not completely true, Hawkeyeweb.

The facilities issue became worse over time. They weren't that lacking when TD first came to Iowa. They were pretty good. By the time he left, we probably were lower end of middle, I am assuming, but we needed the attention. Alford's BTT titles were leveraged for more money for him and his coaches and facilities to be re-done in CHA. They should really have used that to do what they are doing now. But then SA became a hated figure and they couldn't get people to put money into it for him.

Most of what he said was true. That is unfortunate.

Exactly - this donor money does not just come out of the blue. "Hey can we get you to chip in a half mil to support the basketball team?" "You mean the team with the coach that is a pompous jerk who supported that rapist?.............. No thanks..........."
All of us should move on including you Stevie Boy...........seriously your first tournament win in years and you want to talk about your old employer?? Get over it

My guess is the interviewer probably asked the question.
I'd think someone with some class would have dodged the question and changed the subject. oh wait, we are talking about SA, my bad
The thing about Alford is that he likes to say that he still had 5 years on his contract and that he would have stayed at Iowa IF Iowa had made a committment to bb. He also likes to say that NM made that committment and blah, blah, blah.

Yes he is correct that Iowa had not put money into the program. What he is NOT telling people is that he was under pressure his last year and that if he did not achieve a particular goal he was going to be fired. He makes it sound like his job was secure and that he made a career move to go to UNM. The only career move he made was avoiding getting fired and standing on a streetcorner with a sign that read, "Will coach for food."

UNM bailed Iowa and HIM out by giving him the job and HE knows it only won't admit it so he is still an arrogant little Pric*. He is still a dishonest a$$hole.
The thing about Alford is that he likes to say that he still had 5 years on his contract and that he would have stayed at Iowa IF Iowa had made a committment to bb. He also likes to say that NM made that committment and blah, blah, blah.

Yes he is correct that Iowa had not put money into the program. What he is NOT telling people is that he was under pressure his last year and that if he did not achieve a particular goal he was going to be fired. He makes it sound like his job was secure and that he made a career move to go to UNM. The only career move he made was avoiding getting fired and standing on a streetcorner with a sign that read, "Will coach for food."

UNM bailed Iowa and HIM out by giving him the job and HE knows it only won't admit it so he is still an arrogant little Pric*. He is still a dishonest a$$hole.


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