Does everybody here no what "fairweather fan" means?


I hear those on this site that attack anyone who criticizes the team, coaches or players as fairweather fans, especially after a good comeback victory.

Correct me if I'm wrong but a fairweather fan means you aren't a fan when the team is doing poorly. What does that have to do with criticism. In our best years i'm critical of some players and decision, in the worst years i'm complementary of some players and coaches. Mad, angry, happy sad, i'm always a fan.

For instance, it's pretty clear to me that Adrian Clayborn is not a top level defensive lineman the 2nd half the year. I still cheer for him and want him to do well but after watching unheralded minnesota OL and missouri OL handle him 1 on 1 and consistantely play after play knock him off the ball I realize he isn't a difference maker and is a liability. If he is as dominate as some want to make him out to be then those same people must admit we either have bad coaches who are coaching him look poor or he has poor linemates who are making him look bad. I don't think either of those are the case. But hey i'm just trying to stay optomistic and give the coaches and klug, ballard, binns the benefit of the doubt.
Clayborn was also likely playing hurt for the second half of the year. He wasn't ever the same after the chop block he suffered against Wisconsin.
Does everybody here know the difference between "No" and "Know?"

Probably some of the same people who don't know what a "Fairweather" fan is.
Laughable coming from someone using "u" instead of you.

I used a natural web abbreviation rather than the wrong usage... Which is Well within social media guidelines. But I guess u wouldn't know that since a cover two and a cover three are not that much different from the Iowa base defense huh.
ahh, go back to grammar school first. the use of no vs. know in the title confuses me). As for a "fair weather fan", doesn't that somehow imply the weather is a factor on that fans attendance to an event. I never knew it also implied whether we appreciated the play or stat performance of an athlete on any given day.
I used a natural web abbreviation rather than the wrong usage... Which is Well within social media guidelines. But I guess u wouldn't know that since a cover two and a cover three are not that much different from the Iowa base defense huh.

No kidding? Is P,ease the natural web abbreviation for please and Blaine spelled Blane? Do we also capitalize well mid-sentence? We all make grammar mistakes. You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.
No kidding? Is P,ease the natural web abbreviation for please and Blaine spelled Blane? Do we also capitalize well mid-sentence? We all make grammar mistakes. You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

Feel better? I'm sure everyone recognizes you as amazing.
No kidding? Is P,ease the natural web abbreviation for please and Blaine spelled Blane? Do we also capitalize well mid-sentence? We all make grammar mistakes. You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses.

And who cares about gabbert his name isn't basic English. Sorry I typed wrong on my IPad fag.
And who cares about gabbert his name isn't basic English. Sorry I typed wrong on my IPad fag.

Resorting to derogatory language regarding gays/lesbians. Classy!

You're the one attacking the OP for poor grammar when you have consistently used it yourself. Blaine was one of several examples. Please is in the English dictionary by the way.
Resorting to derogatory language regarding gays/lesbians. Classy!

You're the one attacking the OP for poor grammar when you have consistently used it yourself. Blaine was one of several examples. Please is in the English dictionary by the way.

Lol the fact you think this means you're so not worth the time. Have the last word so you feel better, I'm done ;)
Lol the fact you think this means you're so not worth the time. Have the last word so you feel better, I'm done ;)

I'd like to give you the opportunity to clarify. What did you mean by using the term fag and how can I possibly not take that as a derogatory slant towards gays?
I'd like to give you the opportunity to clarify. What did you mean by using the term fag and how can I possibly not take that as a derogatory slant towards gays?

[ame=]YouTube - South Park:Can you point to the fag for me[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - South park harley fags[/ame]

If you've seen this episode, then you have your alternate possibility.
Sorry, but I don't read an entire thread when the subject doesn't know the difference between "know" and "no."

I'll give you my definition of fairweather fan:
"A fan who ONLY talks about the Hawkeyes when they are winning."

Now, let's talk about this year.
Fans who are criticizing the coaches/players during this season are NOT fairweather fans. They are REAL fans. Fans who live/die by this team will speak their mind. I don't care if you are a REAL fan or a fAIRWEATHER fan. Everyone knows this was a disappointing season, even after the bowl victory.

Don't get me wrong....the bowl game was absolutely amazing. From watching at the bar, I thought it was more exciting than watching the Orange Bowl blowout. I loved it.

But fairweather fans wouldn't have watched this game tonight. So anybody reading this post, is NOT a fairweather fan. Obviously they care about this team.
Slight clarification on that: I won't presume to name names here, as I couldn't possibly be sure that particular people are guilty of this. But I would venture a guess that there are a few "fans" that will talk about the Hawks here, just b*tch and moan when things aren't going well, and talk about how they're going to drop their season tickets and what not.

Now I understand if someone gets laid off, or the economy takes another dip, I'm fine with someone not paying to see an average product if they have to prioritize their money like that. But if your income/expenses are pretty much the same, and you drop your tickets because they just didn't perform to your expectations, THAT'S a fairweather fan, even if they watch on TV and talk on message boards like this.
Slight clarification on that: I won't presume to name names here, as I couldn't possibly be sure that particular people are guilty of this. But I would venture a guess that there are a few "fans" that will talk about the Hawks here, just b*tch and moan when things aren't going well, and talk about how they're going to drop their season tickets and what not.

Now I understand if someone gets laid off, or the economy takes another dip, I'm fine with someone not paying to see an average product if they have to prioritize their money like that. But if your income/expenses are pretty much the same, and you drop your tickets because they just didn't perform to your expectations, THAT'S a fairweather fan, even if they watch on TV and talk on message boards like this.

Oh you're funny TM! :D
I bet he gets his tickets this year even for an average product!
Sorry, but I don't read an entire thread when the subject doesn't know the difference between "know" and "no."

I'll give you my definition of fairweather fan:
"A fan who ONLY talks about the Hawkeyes when they are winning."

Now, let's talk about this year.
Fans who are criticizing the coaches/players during this season are NOT fairweather fans. They are REAL fans. Fans who live/die by this team will speak their mind. I don't care if you are a REAL fan or a fAIRWEATHER fan. Everyone knows this was a disappointing season, even after the bowl victory.

Don't get me wrong....the bowl game was absolutely amazing. From watching at the bar, I thought it was more exciting than watching the Orange Bowl blowout. I loved it.

But fairweather fans wouldn't have watched this game tonight. So anybody reading this post, is NOT a fairweather fan. Obviously they care about this team.

Absolutely nailed it Tailgate!
Sorry, but I don't read an entire thread when the subject doesn't know the difference between "know" and "no."

But fairweather fans wouldn't have watched this game tonight. So anybody reading this post, is NOT a fairweather fan. Obviously they care about this team.

One thing I don't agree with you on:

I didn't watch the game because it was on late and I had to get up early this morning to work. Plus....I'll be at the BB game tonight and won't get home until after midnight (and get up early tomorrow for work). I recorded te game to watch later. Does that mean I'm a fairweather fan?

I've followed the Hawks all my life, graduated from Iowa (as did my son) and I have season FB and BB tickets. I think that means I am NOT a fairweather fan even though I did not watch the game last night.

BTW....I fully agree with the rest of your post.
One thing I don't agree with you on:

I didn't watch the game because it was on late and I had to get up early this morning to work. Plus....I'll be at the BB game tonight and won't get home until after midnight (and get up early tomorrow for work). I recorded te game to watch later. Does that mean I'm a fairweather fan?

I've followed the Hawks all my life, graduated from Iowa (as did my son) and I have season FB and BB tickets. I think that means I am NOT a fairweather fan even though I did not watch the game last night.

BTW....I fully agree with the rest of your post.

I think it just means you are old.:D

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