Does Brian F. get promoted to OC after the Rose Bowl???

If I were to guess, I'd say GD is back for the '16 season. I think there is a relationship there with CJB and GD. Kirk will want to keep that in place for his senior qb. I feel that going going forward BF makes perfect sense to take the reins as OC. As one other poster said, everyone has to start somewhere. I think Brian has the desire and make up to good but we won't know until he gets his shot. I for one, hope it's at Iowa.
LOL, thank God you aren't a coach.....

Every young coach has to get his first shot at OC. Scott Frost spent a year at LB coach and co-DC at UNI, then was a WR coach for 3 years at Oregon......Tom Herman spent 3 years as a WR/ST coach before he became a OC.

The simple fact is if Brian were willing to leave Iowa, there isn't a doubt in the world that he would be a OC at some other school this coming up year. If you don't appreciate taking a 3* kid last year and coaching him into a Outland Trophy winner, and then taking two freaking walk on tackles and coaching up the line like he did this year, then there is no help for you.

I have been saying it since Greg Davis got here, that he is a stop gap until Brian takes over. Our choices at OC are GD or BF, and if those are my choices, and it is inevitable that BF eventually becomes the OC, then I say get to getting and make him the OC TODAY.

Outland trophy? Outlands are won in the weightroom, bud. Doyle. /Thread.
I believe that if Davis wants the OC job and title, he'll have it. At least for next year. The offense performed well and there's no reason to make a change with what is coming back.

Having said that, I'm a little concerned with everyone setting BFerentz up as the heir apparent to take over. Don't get me wrong, I believe him to be a good coach and would not be surprised (or disappointed) to see him wind up as the next HC.

But outside of three years as a low level assistant with the New England Patriots, where else has he coached? IMHO, he should leave Iowa for a D-II or low level DI (FCS) coordinator or (preferably) head coaching position. Hey .. his dad spent three years as the head coach at Maine.

Just my $.02 .. ..

Maine is NCAA D1 football team
In addition to the Oline being out muscled, Brian was completely out schemed in the Rose Bowl. He was baffled. He did not adjust - he could not adjust - he did not adjust. I've never seen anything like it.
In addition to the Oline being out muscled, Brian was completely out schemed in the Rose Bowl. He was baffled. He did not adjust - he could not adjust - he did not adjust. I've never seen anything like it.

I am not sure what the breakdown of responsibilities are with Kirk and his coaches, but when you talk schemes I believe that falls on the OC. For Iowa, that would be Greg Davis. The O-line under Brian was dominated but to a large extent this was due to the play calling and scheme of Greg Davis. Iowa players are disciplined in their assignments so you can't lay the blame on Brian for the players being given the wrong assignments. This was a HC/OC responsibility.
Maine is NCAA D1 football team
IMO, KF's football experience before becoming HC at Iowa begins and ends when he was the offensive line coach at Iowa under Fry. Even though that seems to be the case, KF as HC at Iowa, thinks/thought he knew enough to unilaterally make many decisions offensively and defensively.

This is why I don't want Brian to be HC anytime soon at Iowa. He may have the tendency, like his pa, to make decisions in which he has no expertise.
Let Brian get his experience. When he has the experience, I'll welcome him as HC of Iowa with open arms.
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I am not sure what the breakdown of responsibilities are with Kirk and his coaches, but when you talk schemes I believe that falls on the OC. For Iowa, that would be Greg Davis. The O-line under Brian was dominated but to a large extent this was due to the play calling and scheme of Greg Davis. Iowa players are disciplined in their assignments so you can't lay the blame on Brian for the players being given the wrong assignments. This was a HC/OC responsibility.
No. This isn't true. When the opponent's defensive line stunts, when DLine players loop around so our OLine responsibility in blocking changes, that is definitely on the OLine coach. On Brian. Stanford killed our run game and CJ with stunts and loops that left defenders unguarded. What happened to that special running play where the TE went in motion and then helped to block down with the tackle?
The play that first gained big yardage against Illinois?
I would love to see a change at OC, just don't know if BF is ready, team is ready for that. That's just cause I don't know enough on his readiness level.

Our weak point is our O, has been under KF most years. Has gotten worse under GD. Not complaining about this year as it was GD's best, I just think we have a lot more that we can do with our personnel on O.

Definitely wasn't all GD's fault, but the offense did not progress much during the season. What we had in competency about 4-5 game in was where we ended up. Teams like Stanford kept improving, we did not. A lot of that due to CJ's health, but not all.

I just think Iowa Hawkeye Football can do better than GD for OC, and that is where I would push the next button if I were in the decision loop.
No. This isn't true. When the opponent's defensive line stunts, when DLine players loop around so our OLine responsibility in blocking changes, that is definitely on the OLine coach. On Brian. Stanford killed our run game and CJ with stunts and loops that left defenders unguarded. What happened to that special running play where the TE went in motion and then helped to block down with the tackle?
The play that first gained big yardage against Illinois?

Considering the fact that Kirk was the O-line coach under Fry and in the NFLand has always prided himself in his O-line, I would think that he still remains very O-line oriented. That being said, Brian did have responsibilities to make adjustments but for some reason that was not done. Brian was not going to over ride his dad and continue a game strategy that wasn't working unless he was told to. I believe Kirk has ultimate control over the Offense then comes Greg Davis then Brian. I don't know what Kirk and Greg planned for with Stanford. I did hear interviews with Kirk saying that Stanford would be much like MSU so much of the game prep would not change. That was a decision made by Kirk and the Offensive game plan was designed by Greg Davis.

All that being said, I believe that Brian brings a youth and freshness to the game that Greg does not. It can be debated as to whether or not to let him do it at Iowa. I am sure that the coaches are already looking at those possibilities and I would be comfortable in seeing Brian as the new OC. Only time will tell but if it is anything like last January, those decisions will be made sooner rather than later.
If the Michigan State game is any indication of Brian being a top flight OLine coach, I'd say he still has some learning to do. Not every Iowa offensive lineman is going to be a high draft pick in the NFL if they were to graduate today. Brian needs to learn how to compensate for linemen that may be deficient due to injury, ability, 'rookiness', whatever in game day situations.

This is how Brian becomes a top flight OC or head coach: By mastering all the position(s). After he's mastered the OLine position, make him the running backs coordinator. Then the QBs coordinator, etc. When he's mastered all the coaching positions of the offense, he'll be ready to be an OC. Then make him DLine coordinator. LBs coordinator, etc. When he's mastered all the coaching positions of the defense, he'll be ready to be DC. When he's mastered both OC and DC, he'll be ready for a head coaching job. Notice I've left out the mastery of special teams. Maybe he'll need to dabble, there, too.

Being master of every position doesn't mean the head coach contributes to every position or even attains veto power for every position. At least when there is some sort of impasse on the team you, as masterful HC, can provide leadership with lots of clues for the situation.

Besides, I know this thread has turned out to be a backhanded critique of Greg Davis' ability and not so much a herald of Brian Ferentz's ability.

There is no way they would make him "master" each position. Kirk was never a RB coach, LB coach, DC or OC. There is no such thing as a QB coordinator either. You are basically saying that in about 10 years after he masters all of these positions then he can be a head coach. lol. This is way overthinking to me..
I think we basically just ran out of steam at the end of the season. GD called some great games, and, when injuries started to cut into OL depth, BF did a great job with plug-and-play.

IMHO, there is zero reason to make any staff changes until a position coach leaves. The solution is for the staff to keep communicating and to keep getting to that point of "reckless abandon". They got closer this year.

For example, after the first or second Stanford TD, they should have been going after the "big play" answer versus the "We-can-get-it-back-one-series-at-a-time-just-playing-our-game" approach.

Other need: ruthless streak/killer instinct. Put away the opponent when you can/as soon as you can. And when an opponent embarrasses you with a "fake-fumble-into-a-TD-pass", DON'T fake the kick to the nuts they have coming to them.
There is no way they would make him "master" each position. Kirk was never a RB coach, LB coach, DC or OC. There is no such thing as a QB coordinator either. You are basically saying that in about 10 years after he masters all of these positions then he can be a head coach. lol. This is way overthinking to me..
Uh...there is a QB coach, and it is usually the OC.
Not a Slam against Greg but is next season a good time to let Brian take the helm? New Energy for a new Era??? Stepping stone to Head Coach when Dad retires in a few years???

I'd like to know why nobody is bringing up the absolute ineptitude that is Phil Parker's D. Iowa D has given up about 100 points in the last 2 bowl games. That usually gets D coordinators fired but nary a word.
Thread bump.

Right after the B1G championship game last year I was saying GD needed to go. This was after his one and only good year at Iowa. He has been awful, so awful as a matter of fact I have been DREAMING of an unproven, untested coach to be a 1st time OC here in Brian. Not because I know Brian will be great, but rather because I know that he can't possibly be worse than Greg Davis.
Thread bump.

Right after the B1G championship game last year I was saying GD needed to go. This was after his one and only good year at Iowa. He has been awful, so awful as a matter of fact I have been DREAMING of an unproven, untested coach to be a 1st time OC here in Brian. Not because I know Brian will be great, but rather because I know that he can't possibly be worse than Greg Davis.
If Brian gets the OC job after this season, not only will there be plenty of empty seats in Kinnick, I wouldn't be surprised if someone within the U files a lawsuit.
Thread bump.

Right after the B1G championship game last year I was saying GD needed to go. This was after his one and only good year at Iowa. He has been awful, so awful as a matter of fact I have been DREAMING of an unproven, untested coach to be a 1st time OC here in Brian. Not because I know Brian will be great, but rather because I know that he can't possibly be worse than Greg Davis.

Yes, he could. The line is also a major problem. That is his baby.
I am with deanvogs with one respect he is the one guy that can go eff the old man and still keep his job.

You married guys with children know exactly what I am talking about. If you can't get what you want from one parent you go to the other. Would BF go to Mary about the advantages of running two tight ends sets? No. But would he go to mom with some song and dance about how dad won't let him be his own man? I could see that scenario.

If GD "retires " I rather see BF get a shot than him hiring, I don't know, Cam Cameron.
Thread bump.

Right after the B1G championship game last year I was saying GD needed to go. This was after his one and only good year at Iowa. He has been awful, so awful as a matter of fact I have been DREAMING of an unproven, untested coach to be a 1st time OC here in Brian. Not because I know Brian will be great, but rather because I know that he can't possibly be worse than Greg Davis.

I agree overall after this 5 year GD experiment that it couldnt be worse. The recruiting was changed to get a corp of fast receivers but they are not used so they leave and we are left with holes in the roster.

I think a hurry up offense or somewhat hurried up if it is working gives 20 more snaps a game to spread the ball around to a set of receivers and still run the ball.
If Brian gets the OC job after this season, not only will there be plenty of empty seats in Kinnick, I wouldn't be surprised if someone within the U files a lawsuit.

Exactly. The Ferentz clan needs to be removed from Iowa Football. The line and running game have sucked since clueless junior took over.. Yeah let's promote him to OC. This is daddy's plan though.
Exactly. The Ferentz clan needs to be removed from Iowa Football. The line and running game have sucked since clueless junior took over.. Yeah let's promote him to OC. This is daddy's plan though.

That ain't happening........If GD "retires " who do you think KF hires to be the OC? It will be his son or some 60 year old, well traveled coach looking for work. Give me the lesser of two evils. At least BF has a chance of being his own guy.