Do you think


Well-Known Member
there will be some players whining about playing time as the season progresses? With the amount of quality players at Frans disposal, finding minutes for all will be nearly impossible (IMO).
there will be some players whining about playing time as the season progresses? With the amount of quality players at Frans disposal, finding minutes for all will be nearly impossible (IMO).

It didn't happen last year and when guys like McCabe and Basabe aren't complaining that will set an example for the underclassmen. Last year's team chemistry was fantastic and it's pretty much the same group.
While I agree with what you said, Frans' bench is much deeper this year. Some players, Meyer for example, probably will not see much floor time. If he left after this year it wouldn't be a huge loss, but still a loss of a player. Maybe, for example, Sapp loses time and leaves, this would be a bigger loss.
While I agree with what you said, Frans' bench is much deeper this year. Some players, Meyer for example, probably will not see much floor time. If he left after this year it wouldn't be a huge loss, but still a loss of a player. Maybe, for example, Sapp loses time and leaves, this would be a bigger loss.

Sapp is a guy that comes to mind. Marble's move to the point and Gessell back healthy could put a damper on his minutes.

I anticipate Ogelsby and Jok fighting for minutes as well with who ever is shooing the ball better being awarded the PT. This could change if Jok struggles on D.
Fran will handle this tough job this year just as he did last. The players are certainly to be complimented on their maturity and ability to handle fewer minutes in exchange for having fresh legs when they do get on the floor and of course, for a 25 win season. Watch the Iowa bench for a while at an Iowa will see a totally engaged cheerleading squad for whomever is on the floor. Will we have an defections? Could be. When you recruit a lot of good basketball players, some will become impatient, or simply see the writing on the wall, and transfer. Not always a bad thing for them or the team.
No, I don't expect a problem with this at all. The players know well ahead of time that PT is gonna be at a premium. It's not like Fran is springing this on them suddenly.
They seem to have great chemistry, and that will be tested this year. Sapp will play quite a bit tho, as I see Gesell at the shooting guard plenty.
When I scan the roster, "prima donna" doesn't jump out once. Anybody with a pulse wants to play, but I don't see any of these guys putting themselves before the team.
I dont think it will be Sapp but there is always is somebody who had it in their head they were going to play more. Ive never been on a team that at least one person didnt understand why they werent playing.
I would not be surprised if Clemmons' minutes went down from last year, but I don't see him leaving because of it. Marble graduating will leave a lot of open minutes for next year, and he'll have a great chance to get a lot of those, but it's way too early to be speculating about this.
I would not be surprised if Clemmons' minutes went down from last year, but I don't see him leaving because of it. Marble graduating will leave a lot of open minutes for next year, and he'll have a great chance to get a lot of those, but it's way too early to be speculating about this.

My thoughts exactly. I think Clemmons will see more minutes than a sophomore backing up a starting senior generally would because of Fran's desired style of play. And I don't know of too many players who would walk away from a very real opportunity to lock up a starting guard spot on a Big Ten roster for two years. Now if Oges comes back from the dead, Jok explodes, and Gessel bounds ahead in the PG race perspectives may change, but all of that is hypothetical until we see where the chips fall next season.
McCaffery, NIT finalist Hawkeyes thinking big -

"A lot is going to fall on him and he welcomes that," McCaffery said of Marble, who averaged 15.0 points, 4.0 rebounds, and 3.0 assists per game last season. "He's our general. He's our guy. He's going to be our starting point guard at the beginning of games but he'll play both back court spots."

Thanks, i'll be interested to see if that follows through during the season.
While I agree with what you said, Frans' bench is much deeper this year. Some players, Meyer for example, probably will not see much floor time. If he left after this year it wouldn't be a huge loss, but still a loss of a player. Maybe, for example, Sapp loses time and leaves, this would be a bigger loss.

Meyer, classwise, is only a freshman. I think he understands the obstacles in front of him limiting his playing time and is willing to wait his turn. I also think that he will be a positive contributor for us down the road.
11 guys is too many. Lots of variables here to decide minutes? Does white play just the 4? Both woody and Gabe play together? Both secenarios limit McCabe and Basabe minutes. Marble just playing the point? Gesel playing both guard spots? Then Clemons minutes go down.

I think Jok will take a lot of minutes from Ogelsby.

Personal opinion is come Big Ten season Ogelsby will be the odd man out. Also, think McCabe's minutes go down. Then again both could shoot lights out from 3 and need more minutes
11 guys is too many. Lots of variables here to decide minutes? Does white play just the 4? Both woody and Gabe play together? Both secenarios limit McCabe and Basabe minutes. Marble just playing the point? Gesel playing both guard spots? Then Clemons minutes go down.

I think Jok will take a lot of minutes from Ogelsby.

Personal opinion is come Big Ten season Ogelsby will be the odd man out. Also, think McCabe's minutes go down. Then again both could shoot lights out from 3 and need more minutes

11 is probably too many guys to have in your rotation every night but I think Fran will have a real clear 7 man rotation of Marble, Gesell, Jok, Uthoff, White, Basabe and Woodbury with the other four guys getting minutes depending on matchups and who is playing well at that time. But it's all just a guess at this point.
I am sure that Fran has made it clear to his players (and potential recruits) that his goal is to win a National Championship. He also most likely made it clear that he was going to do that with talent and a very deep rotation. It looks like this is how he has had the success at his previous schools. Seems to be he is keeping the same game plan.

I am not saying they will do it, but it you want to do it at Iowa you will need to have a deep bench, and that will always cause limited PT. You are not going to get a roster full of blue chips at Iowa…just not going to happen. If Iowa does ever have a chance to win the whole thing they will do it by the way Fran is building the program.

This is the reason I am excited about Iowa basketball. Not for what they have done so far, but what I see the potential for the way Fran is building things. Think million man army they would win a war with just a constant wave of bodies!

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