Do you hate any Big 10 teams enough to root against them in Bowls?

Minnesota for me this year, but only because they played ISU, and I generally support ISU when they are not playing Iowa. In any other scenario, I root for all the Big Ten teams.
I always cheer for all Big Ten teams. Although I went to Iowa, one of my brothers went to Illinois, another to Purdue and my wife went to MSU. I'm the most obnoxious fan of us and they still pull for Iowa, so it's hard for me not to pull for their teams when not playing against the Hawks.
nope....I cheer for all big ten teams. It was hard to cheer for OSU when I did my seven years in Columbus but I cheered for them anyway.

(I did go for ISU over the gophers, that is my only exception.)
It all depends on the situtation. Since the Big 10 needs an image boost, I pulled for all Big 10 teams outside of Minnesota. Before when the Big 10 was looking a little more solid, I was often against Ohio State and Wisconsin as well.
By rule I almost never root for a Big 10 team in bowl games. The only exception being if they are playing another team from the Midwest or a team we recruit against often. The way I figure it bowl games and wins in general make other schools look good to recruits, increasing the odds a kid chooses another school (especially in th Big 10) over Iowa, so I rarely root for other Big 10 schools. I just want to see Iowa succeed.

I could really care less about talking heads saying the Big 10 is down and blah blah blah. As long as Iowa is winning the rest of the Big 10 can lose ala last year.
I always root for every team during the bowl games and go back to my normal disdain the next day. Although I will admit to getting a kick out of seeing Illanoy get punked in the Rose Bowl a couple of years ago, especially since we beat them.
I regularly root against other Big Ten teams during the season, but once they make it to a bowl game, I almost always root for them.
I regularly root against other Big Ten teams during the season, but once they make it to a bowl game, I almost always root for them.

That is kind of how I am.

I mean, I don't like our rivals, but I don't hate them. Rivalries are supposed to be fun, not bitter. When it serves the best interest of your team, it is infathomable you would not root for another team.
I root for all but Illinois

I hope they lose every damn game they ever play in every sport!
As immature as this may sound, I cheer for all B10 teams unless Iowa loses their bowl game. If we lose, nothing else matters. Wow, that was pretty shallow of me.
I'd root for anyone except Penn State. Although this year I did want them to win just to help save face for our conference.