KOK: OK, here's what we do...
RS: Wait coach, someone's talking in my headset...
KOK: That's me.
RS: Uh, oh... hey coach, those guys in purple don't seem American to me...
KOK: Not now, Ricky... we've only got 39 seconds until the half, and, wait, SPIKE IT!!!
RS: er, OK, coach. Isn't that gonna hurt my stat line for the NFL?
KOK: It's what the boss wants, I'm good with it. NFL execs will be impressed with you having more losses than INT's this year!!
RS: Good plan, coach. Thanks for all you've done to me this year.
KOK: My pleasure, Ricky. Just make sure we get you over to the UofI hospitals to get that anti-INT chip removed from your head...
RS: I love you, coach.
KOK: I love you too, son.