Do we have a game time for Maryland next Saturday?


Well-Known Member
Would love a 2:30pm kick. Hate these 11am games. The forecast so far calls for a sunny day, the high during the day in the mid 50's Chilly early morning tailgaiting.
She was a hell of a lot better than her broadcast "colleague" today who said--and I quote--"Iowa is either going to run or they are going to run left". That is one perceptive dude, I tell ya.

LOL. Yeah, I heard that one too. Talk about putting the C team out there.
Even my wife said, "Why do people rag on her so much? She isn't bad, she's just a facilitator. The other guys are supposed to be the 'experts', right?"

If there was only a way to bleep out when she says “yards” I just hate how she says that in her pirate voice.
If there was only a way to bleep out when she says “yards” I just hate how she says that in her pirate voice.

I just don't have any dislike or animus for her. She's a broadcaster, nothing more. She has zero effect on the outcome of the game.

I think folks forget guys like Bill Curry in the early-2000s saying things like, "That Bob Sanders is a beast. You should see him with his shirt off!" It was uber-creepy. I half expected him to say, "I've seen so-and-so in the shower, and it was impressive!"

At least Beth Mowins doesn't try to be "one of the guys" and talk about slamming back rondos with this guy or that gal. She may not be as knowledgeable as a Musburger or Fowler, but she also doesn't name-drop and try to make herself a part of "the scene", as if she's some "insider". For all her faults, she has never made herself "bigger than the game".
Even my wife said, "Why do people rag on her so much? She isn't bad, she's just a facilitator. The other guys are supposed to be the 'experts', right?"

She lacks game knowledge and she sounds like a bad impression of Bob Uecker. I'd imagine she gets paired with tools because no one with self respect probably wants to work with her.
Its kind of funny, because its homecoming, the game time for this game has been set at 11am for months now, even before the season even started.

But because of the nature of way things are today, with the tv networks jerking fans around, everybody justs asumes the game time for any game won't be announced until 6 days before the game. I guess this is just way it is going to be from now on.
They are fast and athletic. They beat Texas early in the year. Iowa's defense may have some answers for them. This game and Purdue
are the two biggest problems other than Penn State.

don't forget NW, I expect them to beat ND in a few weeks time.

...I'm also terrified Nebbys 3-9 record could include Iowa.
She lacks game knowledge and she sounds like a bad impression of Bob Uecker. I'd imagine she gets paired with tools because no one with self respect probably wants to work with her.
You nailed it. Do you mind if use the term "female Bob Ueker"? Damn, that is spot on.

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