DJK's Facebook Fanpage Status (LOL)

I couldn't disagree more. We don't want 5* primadona's! We want guys that are willing to come in and work hard. Yes we need talent, but we want guys that buy into the Kirk Ferentz way (the Iowa Way). And if you don't want to obey Kirk's rules, then there is the door. We DEFINITELY DO NOT want to go back to 2006 and 2007 again when there was SEVERE CANCER on our football team. You either play football the Iowa Way or go somewhere else. I love how Kirk wants a down-to-earth level kid. Kirk doesn't want 5* arrogant kids. That has never, ever fit the Kirk Ferentz way or the Iowa way. We have finished in the top 8 of the country 4 times in the last 8 years playing/teaching football the Kirk Ferentz way. Only a handful of teams in the entire country can say the same thing. I believe the Kirk Ferentz way is working and he is not going to change his ways. Kirk has always been a down-to-earth guy and he is going to preach that to all of his players.

The problem in 2006 and 2007 was insufficient offensive lines and QBs who mistook the turf for a receiver. Defeat breeds division. Yeah, there were some primadonnas, but their talent levels weren't the problem. Kirk wants 4 and 5 star level recruits who are willing to do the work it takes to get to the The Show. You recruit in those waters and you're going to nab a few sharks.
I think KF comes off looking very badly with the way he has handled this situation, DJK isn't out breaking the laws like some athletes KF has no problem letting talk to the media. So DJK may be a little colorful or flashy just because he doesn't conform to the way KF wants his athletes to dress or talk doesn't make KF right.

I think it will be an absolute shame when DJK breaks the records that he won't be able to say something or be asked questions by the media and just reflect back on his accomplishments while here at the University.

Wouldn't it be better to have DJK as a positive recruiter for us after his time here at Iowa?? Do you really think DJK will be saying a lot of great things about KF once he leaves here, after being gagged by the good captain since he has worn the uniform we all love???

I don't feel anything that DJK has said has been a distraction...

These are all questions KF should be asking himself.... IMHO

Please, give me an F'ing break!

Sorry but if DJK or any other player doesn't like the way KF does things here he can do one of two things: Be a team player and put the team before himself and do what his coach wants OR do what the player wants and deal with the consequences.

Look I like DJK and think he is a great player but it isn't his team. KF has rules that players may not like but they have to deal with it because he’s the coach.

As for KF needing to deal with 5 star attitudes to take the next step is idiotic. KF and his teams are where they are because of players hard work, buying into the program and working their butts off to do what it takes to win on the field. I have no problem with that and if a 2 star or 5 star guy doesn't want to come here because of it so be.

Again I am not saying that this is what DJK is doing but players that put themselves before the program or don't follow the rules laid out by the coach and staff is a recipe for disaster, the NFL is one thing but in college those kind of players can spread a disease that can affect the entire roster.

You also don't have to look very far back to see when it happened here and the results on the field during those years say a lot.
The problem in 2006 and 2007 was insufficient offensive lines and QBs who mistook the turf for a receiver. Defeat breeds division. Yeah, there were some primadonnas, but their talent levels weren't the problem. Kirk wants 4 and 5 star level recruits who are willing to do the work it takes to get to the The Show. You recruit in those waters and you're going to nab a few sharks.

There was a HUGE DIVISION on those 2 teams. You had City Boys Inc vs. the hard working kids. That is CANCER in the program. Kirk took some chances on certain kids and it back fired in his face. The CANCER is gone, because Kirk is doing things the Iowa Way! Kirk doesn't care about the number of "Stars" behind their names. He wants kids that fit our system. That is a quote from guys like Kirk Herbstreit and Tom Lemming and our own Jon Miller.
Please, give me an F'ing break!

Sorry but if DJK or any other player doesn't like the way KF does things here he can do one of two things: Be a team player and put the team before himself and do what his coach wants OR do what the player wants and deal with the consequences.

Look I like DJK and think he is a great player but it isn't his team. KF has rules that players may not like but they have to deal with it because he’s the coach.

As for KF needing to deal with 5 star attitudes to take the next step is idiotic. KF and his teams are where they are because of players hard work, buying into the program and working their butts off to do what it takes to win on the field. I have no problem with that and if a 2 star or 5 star guy doesn't want to come here because of it so be.

Again I am not saying that this is what DJK is doing but players that put themselves before the program or don't follow the rules laid out by the coach and staff is a recipe for disaster, the NFL is one thing but in college those kind of players can spread a disease that can affect the entire roster.

You also don't have to look very far back to see when it happened here and the results on the field during those years say a lot.

EXCELLENT POST. I agree 110%!!! The consequences are severe if you don't want to follow Kirk Ferentz's rules and guidelines. Kirk ran into some bad apples in 2006-2007 and he I don't believe for 1 second that he is going down that route again.

I like DJK. He is an amazing talent, but he also pushes Kirk Ferentz's rules/guidelines.
The fact that some people feel the need to come on a message board and suggest that they know intimate details about the relationship between a college football coach and his player is laughable and pathetic. You know nothing. And to take the side of a player who has a recorded history of not always being a team player over Coach Ferentz reeks of stupidity.

Kirk Ferentz has 21 years of capital built up with the Iowa Hawkeyes and its fans. I'm going to trust that if KF doesn't want DJK talking to the media, then there's a damn good reason for it. Period. KF has always shown that if you play by his rules, you get privleges. If you don't, then you don't. It's not hard to understand.
I think that part of the issue is that by the time the 2005 recruiting class hit campus, Ferentz had given his guys a pretty long leash. The problem was that such a long leash ended up leading to a "culture war" on the team between the upperclassmen and the underclassmen. And, unfortunately, EACH SIDE was in the wrong, because each side suffered from their own version of entitlement issues.

As we all probably recall, once the squad hit some adversity in the '06 season ... which first was manifest in the form of injuries but later culminated in losses ... the team simply hit a breaking point. Finger pointing ensued in the locker room ... and the team imploded from there. It was until Ferentz pulled in the reigns and really cracked down discipline-wise in bowl prep that the the team pulled their head out of their collective butts.

Of course, the above paints a not-so-pretty picture of the players. However, the Iowa coaching staff was definitely NOT above reproach. The coaching staff were the ones who let things slide in the first place. Admittedly, you can understand why they probably felt that they had a "winning formula." However, they were also at a juncture where they were incorporating a different level of recruit on the team. They didn't account for the fact that the old guys weren't adequately stepping up as leaders and mentoring the young guys. They didn't account for the fact that the young guys felt that they were superior talent-wise and that they didn't need mentors to show them how things were done. The coaches weren't stepping up themselves and upping the level of competition in order to allow the young guys to PROVE that they could see the field early. The coaches were still relying a bit too heavily upon the premise that if you put in the time ... you'll receive your chance. That didn't enforce a high enough level of competition. It also didn't inspire guys to necessarily push themselves as much as they should.

Anyhow, as we see how this relates to Iowa football now ... I think that the whole Ferentz vs DJK issue simply illustrates that Ferentz has learned from past experience that it is important that he maintain ultimate control over the team.

I think that what we're seeing between Ferentz and DJK is also a repeated pattern that you see with great frequency between teachers and students. Many really good students will do as the teacher instructs, work hard, and push themselves to achieve their best. However, many other really good students are simply rebellious. Such students are ego-driven and they often don't work as hard as they should. It's often incredibly difficult for the teacher to truly gauge whether or not the talented student is performing as well as they're capable of doing.

This latter dynamic between teacher and student seems to describe Ferentz and DJK to a tee. As Ferentz has indicated, to him, it's not about dog-houses ... but rather it's about educating and developing these young student athletes. And to DJK, it's more about him being able to express himself and "be who his is." In many respects, BOTH guys are right and BOTH are wrong. What is important is that they finally have found a compromise that they BOTH can deal with.

While I don't anticipate that Ferentz and DJK have a great relationship ... what is FAR MORE IMPORTANT is that they have a mutual respect for one another. And, in their own ways, I really do think that each guys respects and appreciates the other.
I think KF comes off looking very badly with the way he has handled this situation, DJK isn't out breaking the laws like some athletes KF has no problem letting talk to the media. So DJK may be a little colorful or flashy just because he doesn't conform to the way KF wants his athletes to dress or talk doesn't make KF right.

I think it will be an absolute shame when DJK breaks the records that he won't be able to say something or be asked questions by the media and just reflect back on his accomplishments while here at the University.

Wouldn't it be better to have DJK as a positive recruiter for us after his time here at Iowa?? Do you really think DJK will be saying a lot of great things about KF once he leaves here, after being gagged by the good captain since he has worn the uniform we all love???

I don't feel anything that DJK has said has been a distraction...

These are all questions KF should be asking himself.... IMHO

Isn't it a privledge and honor to wear the black and gold and stroll on the field on Saturdays in the fall at Kinnick? DJK is a fantastic athlete who could potentially make big $$$ at the next level, but at this level, KF is GOD and his expectations need to be met for playing time! It's about being an adult and learning how to follow rules and have some responsibility and respect. Why aren't we hearing about other Iowa athletes who have a problem with making comments in the media and on social networking sites? DKJ needs to work more on the field and less in the media if he wants to do this for a living in the NFL. He's good.....but is he that good? The fact that it is an issue that KF has to deal with makes it a distraction - even if it is not outside the locker room.
Please, give me an F'ing break!

Sorry but if DJK or any other player doesn't like the way KF does things here he can do one of two things: Be a team player and put the team before himself and do what his coach wants OR do what the player wants and deal with the consequences.

Look I like DJK and think he is a great player but it isn't his team. KF has rules that players may not like but they have to deal with it because he’s the coach.

As for KF needing to deal with 5 star attitudes to take the next step is idiotic. KF and his teams are where they are because of players hard work, buying into the program and working their butts off to do what it takes to win on the field. I have no problem with that and if a 2 star or 5 star guy doesn't want to come here because of it so be.

Again I am not saying that this is what DJK is doing but players that put themselves before the program or don't follow the rules laid out by the coach and staff is a recipe for disaster, the NFL is one thing but in college those kind of players can spread a disease that can affect the entire roster.

You also don't have to look very far back to see when it happened here and the results on the field during those years say a lot.


KF is all about being first class in the way you represent the program. DJK has done many things that aren't huge deals in the grand scheme of things, but are clearly out of bounds in terms of representing the University in the appropriate way...For example,

1.) Referencing Tyler 'M*^%^_*-F&%$*( Sash on Facebook is inappropriate.

2.) Referencing things of an overtly sexual nature on Facebook, etc.

3.) Showing up inappropriately dressed (sunglasses) for media interviews.

The expectations are clearly layed out. DJK, in the course of being cute, has not met them on occasion. So, KF is forced to pull rank. Small acts of defiance often need to be addressed just like larger ones. That's the case with DJK.

All that to say that at the end of the day I DO think they have a good relationship...Coach M is WAY off base on this deal...
Look, it's obvious what's going on here. Ferentz doesn't want to deal with a bunch of soundbites and bulletin board crap. DJK's propensity to go off the reservation and speak his mind doesn't jive with Ferentz's aversion to distractions, so he's muzzled. And it's pretty clear that DJK has accepted his muzzling, however grudgingly.

Talk on the field, kid.
I gotta chime in here. I'm an old school Hawkeye -- graduated in 1985. I live in California now and I'm lucky to get to one game every other year or so. I was at the Arizona game a couple weeks ago and as brutal and emotional as it was to watch that game, I've never been more proud to be a Hawkeye. That game had to be heartbreaking for the Hawks to lose, but after the game and shaking hands with the Arizona players and coaches, the team came together in a swarm and left the field together. No one left before they were all together. I've never seen any team at any level do that and it drove home that this team represents more than a collection of individuals. I like DJK too -- great talent -- but these guys represent the University and the State and Ferentz honors us by recognizing that.
OK my bad here... Guess everyone likes to keep the black man down...

That was a joke, everyone take a deep breath before saying I'm droping the race card...

I don't have a problem with the point KF is trying to get across my problem is that he's not being consistant and he has created this KF vs. DJK persona. Jovon Johnson use to dress flashy after games and KF allowed him to talk to the media...

Since when do we hold what people say on there FB as something to put a mark against them... They are still YOUNG ADULTS, the only thing I would blame DJK for is letting people who aren't really his "friends" on his FB that would then turn around and post it on some message board.

Just Sayin'
POINT #1 I think KF comes off looking very badly with the way he has handled this situation, DJK isn't out breaking the laws like some athletes KF has no problem letting talk to the media. So DJK may be a little colorful or flashy just because he doesn't conform to the way KF wants his athletes to dress or talk doesn't make KF right.

POINT #2 I think it will be an absolute shame when DJK breaks the records that he won't be able to say something or be asked questions by the media and just reflect back on his accomplishments while here at the University.

POINT #3Wouldn't it be better to have DJK as a positive recruiter for us after his time here at Iowa?? Do you really think DJK will be saying a lot of great things about KF once he leaves here, after being gagged by the good captain since he has worn the uniform we all love???

RE: POINT #1 - It is good that DJK has kept his nose clean. However, as an educator, it's still irritating and NEGATIVE when one of your top students isn't necessarily setting a good example for the rest of the class. Ferentz has been around the block A LONG TIME on multiple levels of the football spectrum and KNOWS that such guys can be a poison to the team if they're not handled correctly.

RE: POINT #2 - Football is a team sport. How much of the accomplishments are due to the QB getting him the ball? How much is due to the OL for giving the qB the time to throw the ball? How much is due to the OL and running game for allowing the play action to work perfectly?

Furthermore, it's not about how you start your career ... it's also about how you FINISH it. If DJK wants to talk, let him talk AFTER his SR campaign is over.

Besides, I anticipate that with Soup at the helm of the WRs, Iowa will now field 1000 yard WRs with greater frequency. Such WRs will not need 4 years starting in order to break the new record that DJK will set this year.

RE: POINT #3 - DJK will just make himself look bad if he does not speak well of the Hawkeyes. It's true that DJK could help the program out more if he were to gush about the Hawks and the opportunities that they gave him. However, that is up to him. Besides, I'd be surprised if DJK doesn't speak highly of Soup. And Soup will be one of the bigger selling points to future WR recruits anyhow.

Frankly, if DJK does well in the NFL, then whether he likes it or not, he'll be helping Iowa's recruiting cause at WR.
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OK my bad here... Guess everyone likes to keep the black man down...

That was a joke, everyone take a deep breath before saying I'm droping the race card...

I don't have a problem with the point KF is trying to get across my problem is that he's not being consistant and he has created this KF vs. DJK persona. Jovon Johnson use to dress flashy after games and KF allowed him to talk to the media...

Since when do we hold what people say on there FB as something to put a mark against them... They are still YOUNG ADULTS, the only thing I would blame DJK for is letting people who aren't really his "friends" on his FB that would then turn around and post it on some message board.

Just Sayin'

Ask employers about that one.
RE: POINT #1 - It is good that DJK has kept his nose clean. However, as an educator, it's still irritating and NEGATIVE when one of your top students is necessarily setting a good example for the rest of the class. Ferentz has been around the block A LONG TIME on multiple levels of the football spectrum and KNOWS that such guys can be a poison to the team if they're not handled correctly.

RE: POINT #2 - Football is a team sport. How much of the accomplishments are due to the QB getting him the ball? How much is due to the OL for giving the qB the time to throw the ball? How much is due to the OL and running game for allowing the play action to work perfectly?

Furthermore, it's not about how you start your career ... it's also about how you FINISH it. If DJK wants to talk, let him talk AFTER his SR campaign is over.

Besides, I anticipate that with Soup at the helm of the WRs, Iowa will now field 1000 yard WRs with greater frequency. Such WRs will not need 4 years starting in order to break the new record that DJK will set this year.

RE: POINT #3 - DJK will just make himself look bad if he does not speak well of the Hawkeyes. It's true that DJK could help the program out more if he were to gush about the Hawks and the opportunities that they gave him. However, that is up to him. Besides, I'd be surprised if DJK doesn't speak highly of Soup. And Soup will be one of the bigger selling points to future WR recruits anyhow.

Frankly, if DJK does well in the NFL, then whether he likes it or not, he'll be helping Iowa's recruiting cause at WR.

I don't disagree with a lot of what you said Homer... Good post
OK my bad here... Guess everyone likes to keep the black man down...

That was a joke, everyone take a deep breath before saying I'm droping the race card...

I don't have a problem with the point KF is trying to get across my problem is that he's not being consistant and he has created this KF vs. DJK persona. Jovon Johnson use to dress flashy after games and KF allowed him to talk to the media...

Since when do we hold what people say on there FB as something to put a mark against them... They are still YOUNG ADULTS, the only thing I would blame DJK for is letting people who aren't really his "friends" on his FB that would then turn around and post it on some message board.

Just Sayin'

I hate to break this news to you.....but since it appears that you are a young kid who hasn't been out in the real world yet, let me tell you how it works......

People in the real world get FIRED from their job for things they post on Facebook. When you are part of an organization, whether it be a college football team or a corporation, you are not just representing yourself, you are representing that organization as well. And what you put out into the public domain has repercussions. That's the way it works.

So when you ask, "Since when do we hold what people say on there FB as something to put a mark against them...", my answer is EVERY DAY.
As for KF needing to deal with 5 star attitudes to take the next step is idiotic. KF and his teams are where they are because of players hard work, buying into the program and working their butts off to do what it takes to win on the field. I have no problem with that and if a 2 star or 5 star guy doesn't want to come here because of it so be.

Actually, after the '06 season, I think that Ferentz and Co needed to learn lessons about how to deal with/manage 5-star attitudes. And, in many respects, since then I think that the Iowa coaches have changed their approach to things to a point to address those very issues.

In fact, just as CoachM has stated ... Jovon was allowed to dress in a more flashy manner. However, that was also BEFORE Ferentz clamped down more on the team. Since 2006, Ferentz and Co have done a better job of keeping the highly touted guys motivated ... by giving them more opportunities to see early playing time and more chances to move up the depth chart. However, at the same time, Ferentz and Co have been judicious to make sure that they do not let discipline lapse like they had before. Just as you stated in your post ... the TRUE SUCCESS of the Iowa program has relied upon the work ethic of the team and the fact that the guys buy completely into what the coaches are preaching. Thus, Ferentz's more strict adherence to maintaining discipline helps to enforce the culture that he wants to have in the program. That will also go a ways to ensuring that we don't have another lapse like we saw in '06 (and the resulting aftermath).
Edr -

I see your point... I just think that it's so obvious to me and to others that there is a personalilty conflict with these two and KF isn't being consistant and is treating DJK differently then other players...

Do you see him doing this with other players??? Heck even players who have been in trouble with the law are allowed to talk to the media, Clayborn, Hampton, Binns just to name a few...

True, but DJK's situation isn't like the others. The other guys have had problems with drinking (and in one case, punching out a supposedly racist cabbie). Those are dealt with differently.

DJK's situation deals less with problems with the law, and more with issues he had with the media. He's a fun loving, energetic and talkative guy. I remember reading this article about him, and it was a real eye opener for me.

Q: How did life change for you once you moved in with the Koulianos family?
DJK: My mom always asked me what I wanted and I’d tell her I wanted to be an NFL player, be Jerry Rice, be Terrell Owens. She told me you’ve got to go to school and get your grades.
They discovered that I had ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). They discovered that I had narcolepsy.
My mom started going to my parent-teacher conferences when she wasn’t my mom, asking ‘How’s Derrell doing?’ Teachers would tell her he’s a sweet guy, comes to class, great spirit, but he’s late, and when he is here he’s sleeping.
She would stress to me ‘You can’t sleep in class.’ OK, Mom, I won’t. I’d still sleep in class. Always. She thought ‘Let’s get him a sleep test.’ Sure enough, I went to this facility where they had me sleep with all these wires for three days. It’s a miserable experience. You’d stay up, go to sleep for 20 minutes, on and off for three days.
Sure enough, the test result came back and I had mid-level narcolepsy. I was put on medication, cured that.
I was a wired-for-sound kid. I had a hard time concentrating on anything. Homework was impossible. Completing any task was impossible. I was diagnosed with ADD. Some of my best friends don’t even know that. I take medication every morning. I’m thankful. My whole life, I could have still been suffering from that, not ever knowing.
At the right time, I caught a blessing, before it went sour. I see some of my best friends from my youth now — it’s sad. Those guys are just going nowhere real fast. I don’t understand why God chose me out of everybody to meet my family. I wouldn’t be here without them.
I stay on the grind every day. I try to stop and think as often as I can about how fortunate I am, and where I’d be today if I hadn’t met my mom and dad.
Q: Has school been difficult for you over the years?
DJK: It’s been a bit of a struggle.
I was behind in school. Those early school years set me back from an educational standpoint.
My parents opened my eyes in so many ways. I had to get up to speed with school.
To be a college student was something I never dreamed of. College? I didn’t even hear the word ‘college’ until I met my parents.
It’s been a challenge to keep everything in perspective when you’re here (in college). It’s real easy to think you should start to get a sense of entitlement. I play on the football team, I don’t have to do my homework. Or, I don’t have to be nice to people because I’m on the football team.
But when you get more blessings, the more you should become a better person and the more you should expect more of yourself.
DJK: His personal story is genuinely rags-to-riches | TheGazette

He's not a bad kid. Just needs to be kept going in the right direction.