DJK's attitude yesterday really bothered me.

Why is it that DJK seems to be the target of ridicule by someone every week?

I think he has shown to be not only an excellent receiver and down field blocker but also a team player that hasn't complained about his role this year. Give the kid a break and quit nit picking his every move.

Exactly. He's a great weapon for this team, and he's super competitive. He wants to win. The guy's a winner.
SHon Blatt, I noticed that too. That was probably the most disappointing thing for me.

I like DJK and think he is a good wr. Probably one of our best. I know the guy just wants to win and gets frustrated. I'd prefer he goes all out to stop the defensive guy and sulk or discuss the int on the sidelines afterwards.

I also believe DJK has gotten a bad wrap since the beginning of the season b/c fans speculated that he wasn't starting b/c of his attitude, skipping meetings/workouts, late for practices and whatever else was rumored (ps- he had an injured hamstring). With that said, his body english as of late hasn't improved people's impressions.
I was at the game, and what a rollercoaster! Felt so great to be apart of a game like that.

However, DJK's attitude bothered me. On 3 of those interceptions by Stanzi, DJK had a chance to break up the pass and he didn't. For instance, he rayn a deep in slant, and the defender picked it, DJK had GREAT position to knock it away or attempt to grab it, and he didn't. After it was picked he started walking and didn't pursue the defender. He then just continued to walk off the field. He did that during 2 other picks, and it really bothered me. We kept talking about it the entire time, it came accross as a Me-Me-Me player, and isn't going to go out of his way to help the team.

That being said, he had a great TD.

What bothers me is your attitude. He couldn't have knocked those down. How is he suppose to see the defenders coming when he has his guy beat and is concentrating on the football. He isn't looking at himself on the jumbotron like you are! Why do so many people want to rag on him? He isn't perfect but he is a great hawk in my book. Last I checked is our leading reciever for the last three years. That is even with getting very little playing time early this season.
give it a rest. he's a hawkeye. KF sees him everyday of every week and has no problem with him and has confidence in him. I wish i had enough time to critique every player and break them down in a 9-0 season. pathetic.
DJK is our best receiver. I think he could have made a better effort on those INT's too, but he has probably won us a game or two with his "efforts" this year alone. I'll take his big plays and wins over a poor effort playing interception defense any day.
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On McNutt's long TD catch, DJK was trailing the play, right along the Iowa sideline.

The whole sideline was going nuts, jumping up and down, cheering Marvin on as he raced for the TD.

What did DJK do? Jogged behind the play with no reaction at all. No celebration, no raised arms, nothing.

Then the camera angle switched to a "from the end zone" view, and DJK is not even in the picture - like he just left the field once the play was past him.

That was a major turning point in the game, and I found DJK's reaction to it kind of odd.

I'm not necessarily accusing DJK of doing anything improper, but if I was trailing that play, I can tell you for sure I'd have run down to the endzone and given McNutt a big hug and celebrated.

Anyone else notice that?
Hug? Celebrate? Let's not forget that McNutt blew around that corner to the house. Let us also remember Iowa was still trailing 24-21 after that Touchdown as well. Plenty of business left to do...

IMO all these post nitpicking on DJK are pathetic and if you really wanted to disect every game I could find other players doing the same at some point or another.. So you all need to get over it.
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Maybe Pharty needs to right him another " pep talk " :) ..... like Okeef4prez said, it's a good teaching lesson and it won't happen again.
I dont think he could have broken up the interception on teh deep slant, but he definetly should have hustled back to make the tackle. I bet he got chewed out by the coaches and wont do it again i suspect.
Seriously fellas.....DJK goes 3 for 114 and 1TD - and your complaining.........unless you were making plays out-there and wearing a jock or a head-set - shut your mouth!

If he was doggin it..........the Capt. will right DJK's ship -
but according to KF after the MSU game, "these past 3 games is the best stretch he (DJK) has had since he stepped foot on campus. He's really progressing into the player we thought he could be."

And after yesterday.......that stretch is only continuing! :)

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It seems that DJK was in the so-called doghouse late last season and the first games this year. Could it be that Kirk saw the same things in practice that the fans saw in the game ? I saw the play when he threw his hands down and didn't try to run down the Indiana db. Mabey he needs to learn to play 100% all the time and just not when the ball is in his hands.
It seems that DJK was in the so-called doghouse late last season and the first games this year. Could it be that Kirk saw the same things in practice that the fans saw in the game ? I saw the play when he threw his hands down and didn't try to run down the Indiana db. Mabey he needs to learn to play 100% all the time and just not when the ball is in his hands.

I'd say he plays 99% of the time. That includes when the ball isn't in his hands.

But if he doesn't learn to play 100% of the time my guess is he'll still play....

His 99% of the time playing is too valuable and much more valuable then countless others' 100% efforts.
Looked like a little less than than 99% to me. Too busy giving hand signals to react to the play. I hope Kirk saw it on the game tape. He should be under the doghouse instead of just in it. None of our other receivers had to showboat after a play.

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