DJK to the Eagles?

Re: DJK to the Eagles

How old are your kids Jon? I'm guessing they aren't that old yet or else you wouldn't be spouting off like you are. I got an uncle who use to talk like you. Always pointed out when others weren't parenting the way he thought was right. Always talked about how he parents. Well his oldest got into drugs, dropped out of school and just now is turning it around.

So my point is, be careful what you say. Hopefully your kids turn out to be great young adults, but there are also other ways to skin a cat

I don't know if I've ever given KUDOS to a clowny poster - so if not this is my first run at it - given I don't have experience excuse me for not being able to let go of some bias.

NICELY DONE Clowny17 - But Miller can't help himself - he comes across this way on many topics.

And, you don't have to be a football coach to be gone 2/3 of the time - think of over-the-road truckers, for example - hey just trying to make a living - is that all of a sudden exclusionary of being a parent??

what's the old saying about living in glass houses??
With Sons on Rebound, Eagles Coach Andy Reid Full of Thanks

You can imagine what the villagers without empathy said. They sat in judgment of the parents, because that's what happens when children of public people of privilege go wild, because it was two boys, not one, disproving in their minds the bad apple theory, and because this is a pro football town, making Andy Reid's work week common knowledge. They know full well that he slept in his office two, three nights a week during the season and that the rigors of NFL coaching can turn even the best family men into absentee landlords.

"My wife and I talked when this whole thing was going on. You say that ten years down the road if those boys are okay and the family is doing well, that's all that matters. Somehow if this helped in some way, more power to it."
-- Andy Reid You don't think Andy Reid himself wrestled with that notion? That he was besieged by guilt? That while the boys worked through their problems, Andy and Tammy endured sleepless nights wondering if those villagers were right? That they didn't retrace their every step? What could they have done differently? How did it turn out like this?

Along the way, like every other earnest parent with problem children, they felt like they were making the right choices, back to when they were a young couple just starting out and Andy was an assistant at San Francisco State and they lived in a small apartment and they mapped out a plan over an ice cream cone by the Wharf.

They thought they were blessed because she could stay home with the kids and the job offered great perks to secure the kids' future. There was an offseason in which the hours did shrink to somewhat normalcy. They were able to spend real quality time together then, and maybe do those memorable family vacations. And besides, he had to work, right? What's the difference between the man who works two jobs so the kids can have a full-time mother and the man who works one with the hours of two?
That dad with two jobs was mine. I sometimes went several days without seeing him, and then frequently I only caught a glimpse of him sleeping in his room.
I have to agree with Jon on this one, with all the drug paraphernalia found inside his house how did he not know!! You are a parent first and a coach second.

Yeah, it's a touchy topic. There will be a wide array of opinions...and just because a parent is home and involved doesn't mean that all things will be hunky dory. But it gives a kid the best chance, there is no doubt about long as the parents aren't whack jobs themselves.
Re: DJK to the Eagles

i sort of see your point but by this logic no NFL coach or professional athlete should be a parent.

Or really anyone that has a job requiring long hours or travel.

That would include doctors, lawyers, apparently even KF let his family down.

Pretty dumb post, Jon.
Re: DJK to the Eagles

Or really anyone that has a job requiring long hours or travel.

That would include doctors, lawyers, apparently even KF let his family down.

Pretty dumb post, Jon.

Everyone makes choices. Everyone has a say in what they will do for a living, and everyone has a say in how much time they will spend with their family, based upon those choices.

Some people put themselves in a situation where they have fewer choices than others.

But to sit here and think that those choices don't have an effect on our kids, which can have down the road ramifications? I guess people can stick their head in the sand in they want.

I cannot imagine the time demands of being an NFL or college football coach...and my guess is each and every one of them, when its all said and done, will have family related regrets due to the amount of time they were at the office...same as some folks in other professions.

But we all make the choice.
If we're going to scold/judge Andy Reid, we should downgrade KF as a parent/father for James own shortcomings with alcohol and the law.

KF and Andy Reid both appear to be very standup guys, who have sons that have made poor choices.
Re: DJK to the Eagles

A stay at home mom and millionaire NFL head football coach father would not be the worst choice of careers when raising a family. Spending more time at home isn't the only factor in producing a good child.

There are a significant number of factors that influence a child's development - genetics, environment, parents, parenting style, siblings, birth order, temperament, social influences, peers, perspective, who they are exposed to (teachers, family members), what they are exposed to (movies, tv, video games, books) - that all influence a child and eventually a person's behavior. Some people can just choose to be bad.

Fortunately, a parent has a considerable amount of control over most of those factors and by being a good parent - reading books about it, listening to their children, exerting the energy needed to raise a child - they can increase the chances their child will be well behaved.
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Everyone has made a good point here, and while there are numerous studies that support higher 'misbehavior' rates among single parent and ultra working parent homes, there is no magic bullet and there is no perfect...we all have to make our own choices. So my initial post related to Andy Reid, I will admit it was unfair.
Re: DJK to the Eagles

Sometimes bad things happen to parents who put career before family...and sometimes bad things happen to parents who don't.

But when dad is barely around for two thirds of the year? The odds are greatly increased. If you are going to make the choice to be a parent, be one.
Yep. Most Americans equate having a child with buying a pet (and most people are lousy pet-owners). And if you don't believe me, go ask a local teacher how she likes raising your kids (without any of the tools to do so) for you. We spend more time training our off-spring on how to ride a bicycle than being a parent.
Re: DJK to the Eagles

Yep. Most Americans equate having a child with buying a pet (and most people are lousy pet-owners). And if you don't believe me, go ask a local teacher how she likes raising your kids (without any of the tools to do so) for you. We spend more time training our off-spring on how to ride a bicycle than being a parent.

Well my dad just named me Sue.....I turned out okay.
Everyone has made a good point here, and while there are numerous studies that support higher 'misbehavior' rates among single parent and ultra working parent homes, there is no magic bullet and there is no perfect...we all have to make our own choices. So my initial post related to Andy Reid, I will admit it was unfair.
Why is the truth considered unfair? Because we're weak and unwilling to hold ourselves even to minimal standards of responsibility. Lying to make ourselves feel better is the accepted norm of all communication anymore. See last night's Presidential obfuscation festival for a recent example of this.
Why is the truth considered unfair? Because we're weak and unwilling to hold ourselves even to minimal standards of responsibility. Lying to make ourselves feel better is the accepted norm of all communication anymore. See last night's Presidential obfuscation festival for a recent example of this.

I think it was unfair more so in that it painted with a broad brush..not perhaps germane to Reid, but rather regular joes and janes that have to make do and do what they can.
If we're going to scold/judge Andy Reid, we should downgrade KF as a parent/father for James own shortcomings with alcohol and the law.

KF and Andy Reid both appear to be very standup guys, who have sons that have made poor choices.

drinking underage is not the equivalent of selling of heroin dealing and addiction

that being said, Jons thoughts are whack. i cant imagine that having dad at home really determines any kids chances one way or another.

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