DJK story

It would suck to be the type of player DJK is yet have a gag on you. I know it's not the Iowa way to be outspoken and flashy but DJK walks the walk. I think he's earned the right to be a spokesman for the team.

I don't think you can earn the right to be a spokesman for the team simply by showing up on the field. Plenty of wide receivers in the NFL have shown their talent on the field...but they certainly proved that when in the media spotlight their teams could not count on them projecting the appropriate image.

DJK seems to me to be an intelligent guy who might not have been very well thought out when he first got introduced to the media and just shot from the hip. Anybody can make a few wrong turns in that scenario.

Now...I'm sure he's been well prepared for how to handle the media yet he's able to give it a little DJK style and not entirely hold back. You can definitely tell though that these comments are those of a player who is extremely confident in his and his team's abilities but is having the reins pulled in on him by those above him.

As for the Hlas love...he's a great me though I will always remember the seemingly vindictive reporting that was done during the tenure of a certain Iowa basketball coach...who took a lot of heat for his comments about the CR Gazette. Granted much of that was well deserved...the final straw for me though was when the Gazette unnecessarily put a picture of that coaches house in the sports section...which was still on the market with a mention of how much the house was appraised for along with a note about the asking price which was well above the appraised value. It reeked of one final jab toward a coach that might not have been overly receptive toward the local media but didn't seem any less welcoming than the football squad has been during Ferentz's tenure.

Ferentz probably had a more classy way about his media control than that basketball coach...I still thought that the Gazette...and Hlas in particular...were a little over the top in their negativity toward that coach. But that's just the opinion of a guy who likes to post on message boards at 2:30 in the morning.

BTW...this was a pretty good article and the upcoming write up should be even better.
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Great read, he has matured over the years and I hope his career goes beyond College.Can't wait to get my hands on the magazine (If the stars align)being sold at Hy-Vee and Hy-Vee Drug stores.Has feature profiles of some of the football players it says they have Ricky,Adrian,Sash and DJK to start with.Don't know when they'll have it.

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