DJK and the current President of the USA....


Well-Known Member
For those of you judging, they really are no different....

Both have admitted to smoking pot and doing a little blow. DJK just wasn't dumb enough to put it in his book.... Yet.....
Wow. If you want to get technical on the cocaine use, he has that in common with the current AND former President.
Yeah, they are different because the POTUS wasn't the BMOC who people knew was a hookup for dro. And the POTUS wasn't dumb enough to bring enough attention to himself to get busted.
never understood why people always try to link politics to ever single event of life, get over it. both parties will never agree and politics of all kinds are just dirty devils.

or are you simply implying you intend on voting DJK for president one day?
And that guy has something in common with Wegher;), as does a guy from the ticket he was running against, and then the president before that smoked pot.

Wow! Bet we could play the SIN degrees of separation pretty easily between American presidents and Hawkeye players.
Can this be moved to the Politics forum? I don't come to HN to read mindless political banter.

Well, I do not have permission to post on to the Political forum for some reason (I have never posted on it so I haven't been banned). And with the title of the Thread, what did you think that it was about?

It amazes me that some people feel the need to open and read every Thread, and then ***** about it being mindless...

With the headline, I think you probably could tell that I wasn't talking about game strategy agains the tigers....
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At this point thats grossly understating what DJK is accused (admitted portions) of doing.. As far as I know neither pres lived in a "Drug House" with a dealer who sold mass quantities of weed. A little recreational use and living in that sort of environment day in day out are vastly different things.
Well, I do not have permission to post on to the Political forum for some reason (I have never posted on it so I haven't been banned). And with the title of the Thread, what did you think that it was about?

It amazes me that some people feel the need to open and read every Thread, and then ***** about it being mindless...

With the headline, I think you probably could tell that I wasn't talking about game strategy agains the tigers....

Why don't you suck my **** buddy? It's not my fault your not smart enough to figure out how to give yourself permission to read/post in the politics forum.
So you prefer a liar?

Don't remember him lying about it.... If you don't admit to something is that considered lying? I don't remember him even being asked about it, just speculation. I don't go out and freely tell my nieces and nephews I had pre-martial sex... does that mean I am lying to them?
So you prefer a liar?

One of the reasons Obama's book was written and published during his run-up to the election was so that he could get the cocaine use out and make it 'old news'. He wasn't "dumb enough to put it in writing" he was smart enough to do so.
Why don't you suck my **** buddy? It's not my fault your not smart enough to figure out how to give yourself permission to read/post in the politics forum.

I AM A INTERNET TOUGH GUY.... Loser.... Get a life... 2500 posts in a little over a year.... Really....

And after you read the post, post how you don't like it , you come back to it.... What a loser........ LMAO....
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One of the reasons Obama's book was written and published during his run-up to the election was so that he could get the cocaine use out and make it 'old news'. He wasn't "dumb enough to put it in writing" he was smart enough to do so.

Yep, and then he went from being a guy who would have likely been unable to get a top secret security clearance to POTUS. I wonder if Dubya's old "it was more than 25 years ago and the statute of limitations expired" defense would have gotten him a top secret security clearance.
Don't remember him lying about it.... If you don't admit to something is that considered lying? I don't remember him even being asked about it, just speculation. I don't go out and freely tell my nieces and nephews I had pre-martial sex... does that mean I am lying to them?

Actually he did deny it and he was dumb enough to get recorded discussing it with a "friend." That confidant then of course made the recordings public. I give Bush credit, he was explaining himself as denying his coke use because he did not want the youth of the country to have the excuse that, "Well the President did it." Sound reasoning, I don't fault him for that or even for his use for that matter. I only fault people who bring politics up to bash a POTUS on the different side of the aisle when the previous POTUS on their side didn't just experiemtn with it in his college days but was using reguarlary well into his 30's.
And you're the one not bright enough to know where to post on a message board. So in this scene I'll take the part of the tough guy and you can take the part as the village idiot.

and you are dumb enough to keep coming back to a post that you think is mindless.... Come on, maybe you can hit 3000 post mark by the end of the week.... Loser...
Don't remember him lying about it.... If you don't admit to something is that considered lying? I don't remember him even being asked about it, just speculation. I don't go out and freely tell my nieces and nephews I had pre-martial sex... does that mean I am lying to them?

He said he would not talk about it. Let me spin your analogy a little more, if you had premarital sex with someone other than your partner, while you were with your partner, and did not tell them, does that mean your lying?
and you are dumb enough to keep coming back to a post that you think is mindless.... Come on, maybe you can hit 3000 post mark by the end of the week.... Loser...

This is actually becoming quite fun. I haven't even read any other posts on here except for your ignorant blathering. Isn't first period over with by now? Shouldn't you have moved on to gym class?

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