Dillon Doyle Commits to Hawkeyes

Some people are really bothered by what they perceive as nepotism. I have no problem with what Ferentz has done with his kids. The 2 on scholarship (Brian and James) were good enough to make NFL rosters. The 1 not on scholarship won't. The kids that got the scholarships deserved them.

Those that are concerned about nepotism don't see the value in what these coaches/fathers see in their kids. By living in the same house, they can actually see the work ethic and integrity in a person. There is tremendous value in this when looking for a football player, just as it's important when considering a person for a job. Does the person fit the desired culture of work ethic and integrity?

I trust that KF and Chris Doyle are offering scholarships to the right kids. My bet is that Dillon is going to be an asset to the Hawkeye football team.
Some people are really bothered by what they perceive as nepotism. I have no problem with what Ferentz has done with his kids. The 2 on scholarship (Brian and James) were good enough to make NFL rosters. The 1 not on scholarship won't. The kids that got the scholarships deserved them.

Those that are concerned about nepotism don't see the value in what these coaches/fathers see in their kids. By living in the same house, they can actually see the work ethic and integrity in a person. There is tremendous value in this when looking for a football player, just as it's important when considering a person for a job. Does the person fit the desired culture of work ethic and integrity?

I trust that KF and Chris Doyle are offering scholarships to the right kids. My bet is that Dillon is going to be an asset to the Hawkeye football team.
To me the biggest things KF has been guilty of nepotism wise were when his kid was living in government housing while on scholarship no less. Just a terrible look regardless of if any rule/laws were broken. But since then he’s climbed the coaching ladder and it’s not beyond crazy for him to be the OC now. There’s more head scratching hires out there than that. (Wisky hired Leanord with next to no experience for DC)

The other big nepotism thing KF did was hire Tyler Barnes his son in law back when he and his daughter were dating/engaged. The timeline of that is important in that KF was to disclose to Barta when that happened and didn’t…. He’d since left to Vandy and came back. Now he’s got a Masters degree and is by no means a bumbling idiot foreign to the college football world either. But he got that all important foot in the door… And in the ‘real world’ that happens a ton due to who you know and or who your related to. It is what it is. The biggest question to me isn’t is it a big deal to hire them? To me it’s would he fire them?

I know that’s a tad off the rails in regards to Dhillon here. I love everything I’ve read about him. He’s the youngest brother of the Doyle family. You think that kid isn’t tough?? He’s 6’3 215 going into his senior year. He has a bigger frame then Greenway, Hitchens, Kirksey all had when they first came to Iowa and Dhillon has a year to grow yet. This isn’t a scholly I’m the least bit worried about having given out. He’ll be a key contributor at some point I have little doubt of that.
The nepotism thing is just another excuse to bash the coaches. People forget that coaches kids have literally grown up around the game their entire life. That kind of exposure plus the natural talent most of them receive from their parents very often ends up in a good athlete. It's the same with Kirk's kids as it is the McCaffery's, maybe even more so with the latter considering they're both 4-star recruits.
The nepotism thing is just another excuse to bash the coaches. People forget that coaches kids have literally grown up around the game their entire life. That kind of exposure plus the natural talent most of them receive from their parents very often ends up in a good athlete. It's the same with Kirk's kids as it is the McCaffery's, maybe even more so with the latter considering they're both 4-star recruits.
I think you touched on something really big there. The kids of coaches and even former players (Fran and his wife played ball) get that day to day experience of what all it takes mentally to succeed. It’s not just the physical side. That’s a given but they get a leg up on learning the ins and outs of the game. How to train. How to take care of themselves. Some would say some of that takes away from their childhood to an extent but there are results of it to be seen.

When talking about Brian when it was first talked about him getting the OC job I’d said he’d been training for this a lot longer than the handful of years he’s been on payrolls. He saw the day to day of his Dads job and other coaches growing up. He spent most of his growing up in Iowa City. He got to see it as a teenager in HS. As a player at Iowa himself. And he’s gotten his feet wet with the Patriots and now back. There isn’t a more invested person then Brian Ferentz for Iowa football out there
To me the biggest things KF has been guilty of nepotism wise were when his kid was living in government housing while on scholarship no less. Just a terrible look regardless of if any rule/laws were broken. But since then he’s climbed the coaching ladder and it’s not beyond crazy for him to be the OC now. There’s more head scratching hires out there than that. (Wisky hired Leanord with next to no experience for DC

I don't know much about the specifics of this, but see it referenced a lot. Clearly the Ferentz clan was not just trying to save a buck, they would not be so stupid. Was it a situation where Brian's friends on the team arranged this housing, and he wanted to live with his buddies without considering the optics of the situation?

On a semi-related note, does the notion of impermissible benefits go out the window if an athlete is a coach's kid?
I don't know much about the specifics of this, but see it referenced a lot. Clearly the Ferentz clan was not just trying to save a buck, they would not be so stupid. Was it a situation where Brian's friends on the team arranged this housing, and he wanted to live with his buddies without considering the optics of the situation?

On a semi-related note, does the notion of impermissible benefits go out the window if an athlete is a coach's kid?
If my memory of this is correct yes it would have been Brian just wanting to do what the others were doing. It wasn’t some malicious penny pinching scheme by him or KF. That wasn’t really ever being accused of them. It was just literally the optics of it all. What we don’t know is to what extent KF knew what about it. He very well may have not known when he moved there that it was subsidized government housing. I doubt KF would be that hands on with that stuff and Brian being a 18 or 19 yr old kid wouldn’t have thought anything of it. I don’t think there was any rules or laws being broken even though it looked terrible. But then again I’m no NCAA rule guy either.
If my memory of this is correct yes it would have been Brian just wanting to do what the others were doing. It wasn’t some malicious penny pinching scheme by him or KF. That wasn’t really ever being accused of them. It was just literally the optics of it all. What we don’t know is to what extent KF knew what about it. He very well may have not known when he moved there that it was subsidized government housing. I doubt KF would be that hands on with that stuff and Brian being a 18 or 19 yr old kid wouldn’t have thought anything of it. I don’t think there was any rules or laws being broken even though it looked terrible. But then again I’m no NCAA rule guy either.

Thanks, I appreciate the insight.
Just saying that he appears to not have much more than a 2 star body to be playing LB....and he does look like Judge Reinhold circa Stripes.....maybe that is why I can't take him all that seriously. Oh, and the 54 tackles.

yeah, Juniors in high school rarely get bigger or faster.

"can't take him all that seriously"....oh, the irony.