Dillard reflects on recruiting (Guerrero, Washpun)

Sounds like the athletic wing Fran was talking about was a guy just like Hubbard!
"At times Dillard and Francis missed Iowa games to see prospects in Kansas or California."

I found that to be the most intriguing part of the story. Is that common in recruiting? It may be, but I always just assumed that game day meant all hands on deck.
"At times Dillard and Francis missed Iowa games to see prospects in Kansas or California."

I found that to be the most intriguing part of the story. Is that common in recruiting? It may be, but I always just assumed that game day meant all hands on deck.

Yes, it is common. Does anyone know which coaches have signed who? It would be interesting to see who has been getting the players so far.
there is a reason Iowa recruited Hubbard...

Sounds like the athletic wing Fran was talking about was a guy just like Hubbard!
we need speed and athleticism on the perimeter. Hubbard would have played and helped this year, no doubt about it.
i like that we've essentially taken care of our needs and from this point the staff can "swing for the fences" for a big time recruit.
I dont remember specific games but I do remember it being brought up last year
Thats pretty ballsy missing your own game to recruit someone, wonder how a recruit reacts to that.
1.) They must really want me
2.) Will he do that if I go there?
Thats pretty ballsy missing your own game to recruit someone, wonder how a recruit reacts to that.
1.) They must really want me
2.) Will he do that if I go there?

This happens in every program across the nation, so the recruit would be asking that to everyone who visited. We are talking assistants here, not head coaches.

Coaches only have a certain amount of time to recruit, can't just wait around until dead period.