Dienhart - Top 10 B1G Offensive Lineman

Some of those have to be more than 45 lbs. That would only be 405, which isn't a record at Iowa. The three plates on the inside are prolly 100 pounders with 45's on the ends.
scherff was an all-around athlete in high school. we've all heard of his QB stint, but he was also a pitcher on denison's baseball team that went to state (they never go to state, or rarely), a state track and field champion, center on the basketball team....

and now, at his relatively young age at iowa, is poised to be the starter at LT and already has two weightlifting records....

nice to see the iowa boys have success at the next level.

This...I think this kind of gives you some comfort that this kid can handle the LT position. Not too many people get reps as a redshirt freshman in Iowa's offensive line. I remember Reiff getting those reps when Bulaga went down with his illness. In Reiff's RS sophomore year he made a huge leap...I expect Scherff will do the same thing. He will most likely struggle a little with speed rushers at first, but he's a good enough athlete to be dominant by the end of the year. Will be fun to watch. I like this o-line if Scherff excels at LT. We are going to be good for quite awhile when you look at the young talent in the trenches on offense. Great recruiting efforts.
Pretty sure those are 45lb weights, and if so 365 is not that heavy of a deadlift.
The smallest one on the outside looks like a 55 to me, and the other ones are bigger yet. I'm guessing that is at least 550 there, but I could be wrong.
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it's not a world record? what the hell is there to get excited about then? Doyle's not doign his job and I'm sure he is responsible in some way for Canzeri's injury...and Jewel's and McCall's.

In all seriousness...gotta love our stength program. Doyle is amazing.