Didn't get to watch the game tonight


I'm curious as to how many players Fran played during the meaningful minutes? Also how did the defense look from a rotation/team defense standpoint? Can't get a lot from Chicago State I know but those were my question marks for this game
I'm curious as to how many players Fran played during the meaningful minutes? Also how did the defense look from a rotation/team defense standpoint? Can't get a lot from Chicago State I know but those were my question marks for this game

Dailey and Uhl basically did not play when it mattered. So it was a 9 man rotation. Assume once Connor is back it will go to 10
Going off memory, but I thought Dailey was one of the first guards off the bench in the 1st half. He got a lot of meaningful time on the floor today. Scored in double digits. I thought he played pretty good. Bad turnovers but that will come with more experience.
Going off memory, but I thought Dailey was one of the first guards off the bench in the 1st half. He got a lot of meaningful time on the floor today. Scored in double digits. I thought he played pretty good. Bad turnovers but that will come with more experience.

Ok I could be wrong then. I don't remember seeing much of Dailey until most of the other subs had played.
Dailey had 10 points 2 rebounds and 1 assist in 18 min

Uhl only played 8 minutes got 3 rebs and scored 1 point. He has got te get more aggressive if he wants any chance of picking up minutes. Seemed like he had such an upside when he first got here.
I'm curious as to how many players Fran played during the meaningful minutes? Also how did the defense look from a rotation/team defense standpoint? Can't get a lot from Chicago State I know but those were my question marks for this game

From what I recalled I think Fran had played 10 people by the 11 minute mark. Dom Uhl came in around the 5 minute mark and was the last guy to get in during meaningful time.

Defense looked OK. They had a few good series where Chicago State used up the whole shot clock. The one thing I noticed in this game and the two exhibition game is Iowa doesn't get back on defense quickly after they make a good shot. There's been several times throughout the games where Iowa will make an awesome basket, something like a Cook dunk, and then the other team will inbound the ball right away and sprint to the other end for an easy lay up. That's something I think could be a problem.

Overall the defense was ok, not really great but they weren't horrible. I think if they can play this type of defense, that would be good enough considering how high scoring the offense can be.
#35 from CS was the best guard on the floor. He broke down JBo any time he wanted to and if his teammates could finish or make an outside shot, he would have had 20 assists. I would trade 2 of our bigs for him in a NY minute.
Which leads me to the fact that we can't guard on the perimeter. Even when we played zone, #35 got into the lane. Oh well. It can certainly get better.
Our interior passing was impressive. It's so nice when your bigs can pass the ball.
Moss and JBo can shoot from outside. Really well. It's going to be interesting come conference play, to see how opposing teams handle our inside/out game. We aren't going to beat anyone off the dribble to get to the rim, so it will have to be a traditional inside/out game. Moss is capable of attacking the basket but he didn't show the will to do it last night. In spite being guarded by the midget brigade.
Nunge at the 3 is not going g to work if he continues to dribble standing up. He'll be responsible for 6 turnovers a game if he's going to put the ball on the floor. He did hit an unusual growth spurt this last year, so he's probably adjusting to the difference in his length because his recruiting videos looked better when he put the ball on the floor. On the flip side, Nunge can play defense against smaller, quicker players. He had to guard players 8-10" shorter than him last night and he did at least as good a job as JBo or Moss. He's very long and he can move his feet. If we weren't so choked with bodies at the 4/5, I'd love to see him play the post. He'd be a force by his JR year.
#35 from CS was the best guard on the floor. He broke down JBo any time he wanted to and if his teammates could finish or make an outside shot, he would have had 20 assists. I would trade 2 of our bigs for him in a NY minute.
Which leads me to the fact that we can't guard on the perimeter. Even when we played zone, #35 got into the lane. Oh well. It can certainly get better.
Our interior passing was impressive. It's so nice when your bigs can pass the ball.
Moss and JBo can shoot from outside. Really well. It's going to be interesting come conference play, to see how opposing teams handle our inside/out game. We aren't going to beat anyone off the dribble to get to the rim, so it will have to be a traditional inside/out game. Moss is capable of attacking the basket but he didn't show the will to do it last night. In spite being guarded by the midget brigade.
Nunge at the 3 is not going g to work if he continues to dribble standing up. He'll be responsible for 6 turnovers a game if he's going to put the ball on the floor. He did hit an unusual growth spurt this last year, so he's probably adjusting to the difference in his length because his recruiting videos looked better when he put the ball on the floor. On the flip side, Nunge can play defense against smaller, quicker players. He had to guard players 8-10" shorter than him last night and he did at least as good a job as JBo or Moss. He's very long and he can move his feet. If we weren't so choked with bodies at the 4/5, I'd love to see him play the post. He'd be a force by his JR year.
This is basically it. What you see is what you get with this team. A lot of length and interchangeable parts but with lack of athleticism on the perimeter. Quick guards are going to give us fits all season. Bohannon stated that he worked on his lateral agility during the offseason, but it's not showing on the court.

What I would like to see is more sets utilizing the interior passing. Fran's motion offense can look a little hectic at times and may not be the best way to take advantage of all the length around the basket.
I was at the game and it got tougher and tougher to watch as the game went on. Chicago St is the worst collegiate team I have ever seen at any level. I thought for sure they would run out of players. The defensive gameplan for CS was basically, if Iowa gets past you or goes up for a shot, foul them. It got so bad that my son and I started wagering whether the clock could run 30 seconds without a whistle. It almost never did. Game took forever. 33 fouls whistled on CS over 40 minutes. That is pathetic.

Considering that Iowa shot 35 FT's one would expect a lot of points from the line. Nope. 21/35 from the line for 60%. That flat out sucks. Especially considering that the Hawks shot 54.5% from 3. That is a head scratcher and seems to be a lingering problem for FM teams. 60% FT shooting will lose close games. And all B1G games are close.

JBo's defense looks unchanged from last year. The team defense was lackluster as well. Lateral quickness is below average for a B1G team.

Ellingson was first off the bench at PG. He looked a bit lost. Maishe was definitely quicker and made decisions faster and was just more efficient.

Turnovers were also a concern. 17 vs CS is not acceptable. The lowest point in the game last night, for me anyway, was when CS had the ball out of bounds under their own basket. Kriener fell for the biggest "banana in the tailpipe" play of all time. Lined up on the block he turned his back on the inbounder and they threw it in off his back. I mean, holy shit, you learn in middle school not to that. I picked Kriener as the lead scorer and I've never seen him have a worse game on both ends of the floor.

Didn't anything good happen? Yes. Interior passing continues to be exceptional. Luka Garza is impressive. I think he will be special.

Isiah Moss' outside shot looks great.

Pemsl is so much quicker this year. He got the ball on the block once and put a move on the defender that left standing in the dust with shorts around is ankles (figuratively). You could hear an audible "whoa" from the crowd.

Of course, Cook is Cook. The game was so out of hand early, he seemed bored. He plays a lot better when he's a little angry.

Oh, and Nunge is super smooth. He can defend perimeter players and stay with them.

I posted a lot of negative stuff. But I'm still very high on this team. I think when FM gets the rotations figured out, this team will be a force. I expect a top 5 B1G finish.

So there it is, IMHO. Feel free to agree or disagree.
I was at the game and it got tougher and tougher to watch as the game went on. Chicago St is the worst collegiate team I have ever seen at any level. I thought for sure they would run out of players. The defensive gameplan for CS was basically, if Iowa gets past you or goes up for a shot, foul them. It got so bad that my son and I started wagering whether the clock could run 30 seconds without a whistle. It almost never did. Game took forever. 33 fouls whistled on CS over 40 minutes. That is pathetic.

Considering that Iowa shot 35 FT's one would expect a lot of points from the line. Nope. 21/35 from the line for 60%. That flat out sucks. Especially considering that the Hawks shot 54.5% from 3. That is a head scratcher and seems to be a lingering problem for FM teams. 60% FT shooting will lose close games. And all B1G games are close.

JBo's defense looks unchanged from last year. The team defense was lackluster as well. Lateral quickness is below average for a B1G team.

Ellingson was first off the bench at PG. He looked a bit lost. Maishe was definitely quicker and made decisions faster and was just more efficient.

Turnovers were also a concern. 17 vs CS is not acceptable. The lowest point in the game last night, for me anyway, was when CS had the ball out of bounds under their own basket. Kriener fell for the biggest "banana in the tailpipe" play of all time. Lined up on the block he turned his back on the inbounder and they threw it in off his back. I mean, holy shit, you learn in middle school not to that. I picked Kriener as the lead scorer and I've never seen him have a worse game on both ends of the floor.

Didn't anything good happen? Yes. Interior passing continues to be exceptional. Luka Garza is impressive. I think he will be special.

Isiah Moss' outside shot looks great.

Pemsl is so much quicker this year. He got the ball on the block once and put a move on the defender that left standing in the dust with shorts around is ankles (figuratively). You could hear an audible "whoa" from the crowd.

Of course, Cook is Cook. The game was so out of hand early, he seemed bored. He plays a lot better when he's a little angry.

Oh, and Nunge is super smooth. He can defend perimeter players and stay with them.

I posted a lot of negative stuff. But I'm still very high on this team. I think when FM gets the rotations figured out, this team will be a force. I expect a top 5 B1G finish.

So there it is, IMHO. Feel free to agree or disagree.

I wouldn't read alot into this game. Iowa knew this was a pretty garbage team and they played like they expected to roll them, which they did. Defense is always going to be a concern for a team that focuses so greatly on being a high flying offense. The difference this year will be Garza and Nunge's ability to alter shots at the rim. If they can have some success in this area they could help swing the game by 8 to 10 points a contest and if they do it early in a game it could be just enough for our offense to blow some teams out of the water. Both of these guys have the frame and the length to do this for our team, but they both need more time to put it together mentally. I think we will see a team that gets better defensively as the season goes on, but in the meantime will need good offensive outings to secure wins against any real competition. If Moss, Jbo and Ellingson can all get hot in the same game we are damn near unbeatable. Inside out this is the best offensive team I have ever seen in Iowa jerseys. There is likely to be a few wins and losses with scores into the high 80's early in the season though.
Dailey had 10 points 2 rebounds and 1 assist in 18 min

Uhl only played 8 minutes got 3 rebs and scored 1 point. He has got te get more aggressive if he wants any chance of picking up minutes. Seemed like he had such an upside when he first got here.
I think as of last year, he has checked out.
I'm wondering how many meaningful non-conference games we will play this year. Everyone else is playing in the Big East/Big 10 challenge and we get Grambling on Thursday night. What a joke. Iowa v. Creighton would've been a natural even more so then Creighton versus the Cornshuckers who always underperform.
I'm wondering how many meaningful non-conference games we will play this year. Everyone else is playing in the Big East/Big 10 challenge and we get Grambling on Thursday night. What a joke. Iowa v. Creighton would've been a natural even more so then Creighton versus the Cornshuckers who always underperform.

We actually play Colorado in place of a Big East team.
& we play Ames, who just lost by 20 at home to Milwaukee. Go Hawks!


I'm wondering how many meaningful non-conference games we will play this year. Everyone else is playing in the Big East/Big 10 challenge and we get Grambling on Thursday night. What a joke. Iowa v. Creighton would've been a natural even more so then Creighton versus the Cornshuckers who always underperform.

Michigan State isn't in the Gavitt games either. Course the main reason is because they got invited to play Duke in Chicago tomorrow...

Iowa plays Colorado on a neutral court. Right now they're Kenpom is 92 though.