Did you see Kirk snub urban

Maybe KF sees the double standard in the B-10? Half the starters for O$U could not play at Iowa. The U of I would frown on allowing young men who regularly beat women represent the university. For O$U it is par for the course. I could run down the list of young men who played at OSU and have no business in college, let alone free in a society, but would rather not waste my time. O$U is the SEC team of the B-10.
Maybe KF sees the double standard in the B-10? Half the starters for O$U could not play at Iowa. The U of I would frown on allowing young men who regularly beat women represent the university. For O$U it is par for the course. I could run down the list of young men who played at OSU and have no business in college, let alone free in a society, but would rather not waste my time. O$U is the SEC team of the B-10.

Ummmmmm, Pierre Pierce?
Ummmmmm, Pierre Pierce?

Wow, where has the last decade gone? And how did his career finish at Iowa? And how about the student-driven petitions to have him removed off the team? How many student-driven petitions are there against the OSU player?
Maybe KF sees the double standard in the B-10? Half the starters for O$U could not play at Iowa. The U of I would frown on allowing young men who regularly beat women represent the university. For O$U it is par for the course. I could run down the list of young men who played at OSU and have no business in college, let alone free in a society, but would rather not waste my time. O$U is the SEC team of the B-10.

OHHH no the foosball isnt fair for #1 A+ good guy coach.

Kirk such a good guy that he believes you if you say you are going to punt. Fake punts are for liars.
Maybe you shouldnt curse, maybe people are getting sick of just pointing out that Iowa coach is a good guy. Maybe kirk hasnt been acting like a good guy so there is no point.

I have been hating on OSU since 1975 and the famous eat **** woody shirt game. I hate them, their fans and most of all their coach. You should try hating on them instead of hating on your own team. It's what you are supposed to do.
OHHH no the foosball isnt fair for #1 A+ good guy coach.

Kirk such a good guy that he believes you if you say you are going to punt. Fake punts are for liars.

I have been critical of KF> he makes way too much for what we have seen on the field the last few seasons, but OSU is on another level of scum. OSU = feeder program for the NFL and prison.
urban meyer is an utter piece of trash... he did talk a little bit of trash about the defense Iowa was playing against miller.

But ya I've always hated Meyer - ego maniac, drama queen and attention whore.

however he knows how to recruit.

It is called - opening your wallet... Iowa is way beyond the times on that one... You hardly get any sanctions anymore, we might as well as pay big bucks & get the players, and win...
I clearly said I think Meyer is a good coach and great recruiter.

But I also think he is a puke - there are for sure other good coaches who fall in this category (see Jim Harbaugh, see Pete Carroll ect) but I have always thought Meyer was one of the worse - he has that Brett Favre attention seeking problem, but takes himself beyond serious to a point of extreme nausea.

Sure he is a great coach but I can't stand him.
I think the running handshake had to do with a lack of respect for the dishonesty meyer employs wherever he is coaching, and also the fact that we have had 3 straight opportunities to beat ohio state and have folded late in each one.
Wow, where has the last decade gone? And how did his career finish at Iowa? And how about the student-driven petitions to have him removed off the team? How many student-driven petitions are there against the OSU player?

Ummm Peter Gray?
Meyer thinks coaching is all about winning no matter the cost. That cost has manifested its self countless times in the kind of men that come out of his programs. To me that is not a coach. You go into someones living room and tell those parents you will do right by their kid. That would make urban a liar and i cant stand liars. They have some sort of brain damage that allows them to say and do things they know are wrong and then instead of admitting mistakes and manning up, they lie.
Ok...here's what I took from the comments. It was a condescending tone like, "if you are so stupid to play that way, you are going to lose"...who says on camera after the game, "we ran for 275 yards on a pretty good defense against the run"...then makes the comments about the way Iowa chose to play their LB's and secondary. You say, Iowa came to play and pushed us, and we were able to execute and our offensive line controlled the line of scrimmage in the second half. You don't go into X's and O's and I swear I felt there was a tone to the comments about how Iowa approached the game defensively. Maybe someone else can comment on this...but that's what I got. I felt he was being a tool.
I thought it showed Urby's enormous ego that he threw that rushing stat out in an interview moments after the game ended. He's got a lot of Pete Carroll character and I think that will catch up to him. I did enjoy his reaction to Kirk's snub - he kept looking at him as Kirk jogged away. Like he expected some sort of homage, didn't get it, and was pouting. I love KF!
If i was kf i would have said, in the big we dont teach head hunting, and we are respectful. Well........... at least we didnt and were. Picking up cuz i am laying it down. Nothing like a target on a coach and his team.
Urban Meyer is the best thing that has happened to the B10 in years. He's got teams stockpiling hate and jealously because they can't beat him. I hate the guy, but if you don't raise the level of play of your team and get them amped to play, he'll keep beating you and continue to be the royal dickface that he is. The shot he took at our defense on camera after the game was totally uncalled for, but that shows you why the other coaches hate him. He's takes shots in the media...and this one was directed at Phil Parker. You want to play your coverages over and under and take away their wide receivers, well, Braxton Miller is going to make you pay with his feet...and that's exactly what happened. Our only fault with playing the game that way is that we didn't make Miller pay by hitting him...no one got good licks on the dude. I liked the strategy because our secondary is the weak link, but you had to make Miller pay for running. We didn't. Alabama, LSU, or Oregon will.

You take care of Urban by beating him...he'll then think he's having a heartache and take time off. That's the only way. Then you rub his freaking face in it. That's what the SEC did to him...Saban in particular.

I think he's right though. It's a numbers game. Braxton Miller buys time until everyone's downfield by design and then it's Miller with 5 blockers against 4 DL. That's not a winnable situation for us. It was the same thing with Pryor although Miller is a better passer.
If i was kf i would have said, in the big we dont teach head hunting, and we are respectful. Well........... at least we didnt and were. Picking up cuz i am laying it down. Nothing like a target on a coach and his team.

I would have said.....in my day I boxed deer and your mother..........*snoring sounds*..............
listening to the radio rebroadcast - Podalak just called the OSU coaching staff 'bush league' for raising their arms trying to get more fan noise. 'can't get anymore bush league than that' was his quote.
That's as bad as when Head Coach Elmer Fudd circled a yellow towel over his head to further excite the OSU crowd against Iowa. (Didn't he get fired from Colorado State for hitting a player in an area of his body that he couldn't defend himself?)

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