Did ya ever notice...?

I'm sure Jack Trice must have been pretty courageous to play as a black guy with and against all white teams in and era where racism was still strong and in which he was victimized by continuous racism, leading to his death on the field as a victim of racism. Kinda more to the story than that he just "Died playing the Minnesota Gophers".

There always needs to be a 'well actually' guy in the group.
Thought I'd give this it's own thread, rather than contaminate the one on the free throw record.

Did ya ever notice...that the big magical, feel good and moving stories seem to come out of Iowa City. The ones that transcend Ws and Ls. Nile Kinnick, Chris Street, The 2004 season with all it's ups and downs ending with Tate-to-Holloway, The Wave, the JBo/Street free throw story... Not a lot of that kinda thing emanates from Story county.

Before some of you chime in with "what about the rhabdo incident and Pierce..." those kind of things do happen over there and other places. But the bigger than life feel good ones that end up in the National spotlight... seem to come out of Iowa City.

It's great to be a Hawkeye!
I rather see some Beer Thread, GAWD it's been long since I see one especially Stormin Spanks.! That's the only thing that kept me alive is the new hearing of Stormin Spanks beer cellars exploding and I get to taste all the free-flowing beer.
I plan to acquire a set of high-quality acoustics (tip + stereo acoustics system) https://freebears.com/polk-monitor-series-2 for a room of 22 m2. It is clear that you need to listen with your ears, but you first need to navigate the sea of options. Recommend where better to read on this topic and / or recommend options. Rock / Jazz / Classical / and everything else you like. Maximum quality requirements for vocals, but also the drive of rock music should transmit.
Iowa had a famous African-American running back (Ozzie Simmons) who received a bunch of cheap shots from Gopher players. Iowa fans were incensed. Floyd of Rosedale was instituted to "diffuse" the situation.

Minnesota has a lot NOT to be proud of. Bunch of creeps, in my opinion.

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